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Mr. Smarty Pants


A documentary about 3 Holocaust scholars who have been persecuted for applying science to the Holocaust story. El Gran Tabu. Video shown at a film festival.

Leo Frank, Jew Pervert. Part 5 of 13 in the series. Please watch parts 1-4. This is a series about the criminal case that gave rise to the ADL Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.

Future United States Senator (1920) from the State of Georgia, Tom Watson, who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives in 1896, wrote this excellent expose of the Leo Frank case and the sex-murder trial of Mary Phagan. Leo Frank was a Jewish supremacist sex killer who ran a sweatshop in Atlanta between 1908 and 1913. He raped and strangled one of his child laborers at the National Pencil Company, named Mary Phagan. She was 13 years old.

Leo Frank admitted to his African American janitor that he had wanted to have sex with the girl, but that she refused him, so he struck her, and she fell and hit her head on "something". Later that "something" was determined to be the handle of a lathe, where blood-soaked hair was found the following morning by an employee named Robert Barrett.

The Path of Kosmotheism (2014)

One part of the three-part Cosmotheism Trilogy called 'The Path'. Original speech by William Luther in 1976. Rebooted in 2014.

Kosmotheism is a religion founded by WP whose aim is for the White race to take control of its own evolution toward higher states of consciousness and being for the purpose of colonizing the galaxy.

Our early U.S. presidents understood the need for revolution. The constitution has been corrupted by Jewish supremacists. It's time we fight back and restore the constitution, or create a new one with even more protections and freedoms.

What a special thing it is to be given life. We must embrace it and treasure it.

Leo Frank, Jew Pervert of Atlanta, Watson's Magazine, September 1915 by Congressman Tom Watson, read by John de Nugent 2015, for the centennial.

Special thank you to former Marine John de Nugent

This is Part 1 of 13 parts.

Leo Frank Jew Pervert, Watson's Magazine, September 1915 by Congressman Tom Watson, Read by John de Nugent, 2015, Centennial Edition.

Tom Watson was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia in 1896 and a U.S. Senator from Georgia in 1920.

Tom Watson wrote five major articles on the Leo Frank case in his Watson's Magazine in 1915 for the months of January, March, August, September and October.

The issue you are going to be listening to is from September 1915, the ADL and other Jewish supremacist organizations don't want you to listen to this audio file, so make sure you download it, and upload it to every video sharing website for the next 50 years.

Learn more about the Leo Frank case by reading the book:

The Murder of LIttle Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean and The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 3, The Leo Frank Case, the Lynching of a Guilty Man.

What you don't know about Martin Luther King aka Michael King is that he plagiarized his PHD dissertation.

Read this: Every 6 months you must upload the same video again and again, because bitchute is buggy, and after 6 months to 1 years videos on Bitchute stop loading.

A post-human religious philosophy for transhumans at www.Euvolution.com

Published in The Century Magazine February 1928 Issue. Rabbi Marcus Eli Ravage immigrated into the United States in the early 20th century. Rebooted into an audiobook in the 21st century.

Leo Frank the Toilet Strangler was a Jewish serial pedophile, and whoremonger, who was director of a sweatshop and used it to try and recruit his child laborers into prostitution. The former Governor of Georgia, Roy Barnes, and Anti-Defamation League attorney Dale Schwartz were the impetus for the creation of the Georgia Conviction Integrity Unit, which was founded on April 26, 2019, the 106th anniversary of Little Mary Phagan's sex murder by Leo Frank. Roy Barnes is perpetuating a viciously racist blood libel and anti-Gentile hate crime hoax, saying every day during the trial of Leo Frank, crowds of people were screaming anti-Semitic terrorist threats at the jury as they walked to court. Barnes is a disgusting man and bald face liar. There is not a single mention in any of Leo Frank's appeals, which are more than 2,000 pages of anyone screaming "hang the Jew or we'll hang you" to the trial jury at any time. He should be disbarred for promoting such extremely racist hate crime hoaxes against White Christian Southerners.

Before political correctness destroyed our civilization and murdered humor, Saturday Night Life produced a skit about an androgenous person named Pat. People didn't know if Pat was a he or she.

When people tried to expose this video on YouTube the anti-White and AntiGentile Jewish supremacists had it deleted.

For Christians who think Israel is our ally, keep in mind that comedy programs like this are very common where Jesus is mocked and dehumanized. This comes from Israeli public TV.

The anti-Gentile Jewish Supremacist monsters at Google had this video censored from YouTube when it was posted to show and explain the disgusting racism and hate that Jews relentlessly spew against non-Jews in their media.

Israeli Easter holiday TV: "The History Program of Toffee the Gorilla", mocks the Christian faith in hardcore ways.
Israel to Christians: Christ is a Monkey on a Cross
Tim King Salem-News.com
Show host to monkey depicting Jesus on the cross - "You are a Nazi, Yeshu (Jesus), you are a Nazi".

Israeli television for the Easter holiday:
Israeli Easter holiday TV: "The History Program of Toffee the Gorilla", mocks the Christian faith in hardcore ways.

(SALEM) - So, a slutty Israeli TV show features a chick in a skimpy bikini mocking Jesus Christ by showing him as a stupid looking monkey hanging on a cross. Then using the 'f' word, she proceeds to tell Jewish viewers that Christians, we 'goyam', are 'dangerous' toward Jews. From there, it gets much worse.

We aren't making this up; this is Israeli television being widely viewed today. The show is called, "The History Program of Toffee the Gorilla". Anyone who advocates for this should not write a comment, instead they should consider ripping their heart out and sticking it in a jar; (it would have equal purpose and someday doctors could study it and perhaps determine what the hell is wrong with you)

Host: "I came to talk about the highlights of the history of the Jewish people - from times past until today. Today we will learn about he crucifixion of Yeshu. Have you heard about Yeshu?"

Monkey: "I've heard he's an honorable person"

Host: "No, Yeshu was an enemy of the Jewish people. He attempted to convert us all into Christians. Although there are good Christians, to the Jew this is a terrible danger, a threat to the peace of the Jewish people".

Monkey: "I want to assimilate".

Host: Do you even know what it is to assimilate? It means to get fucked up with a goyah; this is something that neither me or you, obviously, want.

(Later in the show, the host tells the monkey that if he really wants to understand Jesus, he would have to act out the scene. Soon the mockery of Christ goes into third gear, as she gets out a hammer and literally nails the monkey to the cross.")

Monkey yells: "My God, Why have you forsaken me?"

He is screaming, further mocking the agony of Jesus as he was crucified. Then she tells the Jesus Monkey.

Host: "You are a Nazi, Yeshu (Jesus), you are a Nazi".

This video from a popular Israeli TV show is a great indicator of Israeli and was censored from YouTube, so people are not allowed to see the hatred the Jews promote for Christians in their media.
regard for the Christian faith.

So all of you who tell me how bad I am for the articles I write about Israel, let's hear your defense for this one. Come on, you guys who wrote all of that horrible shit last week about the murder of our friend Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza, and the week before about the murder of Juliano Mer-Khamis in Jenin.

Let's hear your thoughts on your comrade who decimates any hint of respect for my faith and the faith of many good people. Once again, most sadly, I am sorry for my Jewish friends who are indirectly represented by insanity like this. Just remember that it is extremely indirect.

Welcome to Israel, where American tax dollars support this kind of scummy broadcast. Honestly I think we are bigger sluts than Israel on many occasions, but this one takes the cake.

And by the way all you Israel fans, we have this pathetic clip of your whorish talk show host downloaded and trust me that if it goes down the Google hole, that it will spring back up all over the place, so you might as well leave it alone.

Source: Tim King http://salem-news.com/articles/april232011/jesus-israel-tk.php

If you watch the Jewsmedia or the largest video distribution site in the world Jewtube (YouTube) you would think Adolf Hitler was the evilest man who ever lived and everyone hates him, but in reality, people from everywhere in the world love him.

On Georgia Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, in downtown Atlanta, sweatshop operator Leo Frank cornered one of his teenage employees, Mary Phagan -- in an empty machine room, and demanded she "be" with him intimately. The thirteen-year-old child laborer refused, so Leo Frank pounded in her face with his fists, slammed her head against a lathe, sexually assaulted her and then strangled her to death. Then Leo Frank tried to frame his sex-murder on two different innocent Negroes.

Leo Frank was president of Atlanta's B'nai B'rith fraternal organization with it's 500 Jewish activist members, they collectively went into overdrive to make sure their leader would not be convicted, and after his conviction on August 25, 1913, they voted unanimously in September 1913, to make him their local B'nai B'rith president again. Shortly thereafter, in October 1913, B'nai B'rith created the Anti-Defamation League, galvanized in his honor. Since it's founding, ADL has been trying to get Leo Frank exonerated.

This 2009 ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) sponsored documentary is produced by Jewish-American director Ben Loeterman with Steve Oney as a chief consultant. This Jewish activist and fictionalized docudrama is about the Leo Frank case, which is completely biased and makes a significant number of false assertions.

Your homework is to meticulously transcribe the entire documentary and then study the original Atlanta newspaper articles and legal records of the case, please write a research paper on all the falsifications of history that Jews and their allies have written, spoken, or videographed about the Leo Frank case in the last 100+ years. This will require that you carefully examine the books written by Jews about this famous criminal crime.

Donnie Darko explores time travel with the location placed in suburban America of the 1980s

The 19-year-old Christian zealot involved with the Poway Chabad Synagogue affair on April 27, 2019 in Southern California.

Martin Luther King Expose, 4chan

One of the greatest open secrets about the so-called Russian revolution is that it wasn't really Russian at all, but a Jewish Atheistic Bolsehvik led overthrow of the royal government of Russia. 4chan.

This is a funny comedy video making fun of the ultra Jewy Saturday Night Live, called Shabbat Night Live or Sabbath Night Live. If you think SNL sucks, you definitely want to watch this funny video.

How do nations die? In Western countries, now in modern times, it's from JewisHIV the virus which causes AIDS.

Kai Murros is asking you right now to join the European Revolution worldwide. You sniveling coward, do something, don't just sit on your chair playing video games. Go to protests. Invest the time and money to convert every anti-Semitic book in the world to every language in the world. Invest more time to have them converted into audio books in every language on earth. Infiltrate the democratic party, run for office. If 1000 White people infiltrate the democratic party, we can dominate politics for the next 100 years. Infiltrate the ADL, and SPLC, convert to Judaism and infiltrate these organizations. Subvert them, destroy them, do everything you can to nuclear holocaust the Jew World Order. This is a declaration of war, even if a war of psychology and infiltration. Do whatever it takes to collapse the Jewish house of cards. We are in a civil war now, the time for war is not tomorrow, it's today. Death to the Jew World Order.

This is a song making a parody of Leonard Cohen's song about taking over the world through Jewish terrorism. At the end is a fun cartoon with David Duke.

According to the arrogant and infantile mythology they themselves created, Jews think they are God's chosen people, so they work to destroy every country they inhabit. Jews create psychological terrorist groups like ADL and SPLC to create fear in people so they won't expose the rats for what they are: rats. Jews are an ethnoreligion of deadly human-parasites. Thank goodness for alt-tech.


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

49 videos

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