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You are on a Flat Earth disc with the exit hole at the center and the Garden of Eden with the Black Sun in the Land of Perpetual Twilight. We will be having a mass exodus to this land at the center but you have to show proof of life because the outside world is the land of the dead. No dead zombies are allowed in the Garden of Eden by the book.

Write out on a piece of paper "I intend to bring forth Heaven on Earth" and put at least a drop of your blood on it and upload a video of yourself doing this. You will be out of the book of death and you will be allowed to exit to the Garden of Eden. Your creator is the Goddess and she is watching

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coronavirus planned event and criminal acts rolling out

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Goddess worship and the sacred mead

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The US and the citizenship deception


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

42 videos

Category None

You are on a Flat Earth disc with the exit hole at the center and the Garden of Eden with the Black Sun in the Land of Perpetual Twilight. We will be having a mass exodus to this land at the center but you have to show proof of life because the outside world is the land of the dead. No dead zombies are allowed in the Garden of Eden by the book.

Write out on a piece of paper "I intend to bring forth Heaven on Earth" and put at least a drop of your blood on it and upload a video of yourself doing this on YouTube. You will be out of the book of death and you will be allowed to exit to the Garden of Eden. Your creator is the Goddess and she is watching.

Check out Mark Satan Braun here for more information.