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This video is about the countless different types of Alien crafts be it Intergalactic, & or interdimensional.
The Watchers have always been watching!

Some claim they are benevolent, whilst other say malevolent. Some even claim secret Government back engineered alien technology recovered from crashed ships. The questions remains as to what is behind them. If Aliens, what is their actual reasons for visiting. Are they Intergalactic, interdimensional, or both? What do they want, or need? Why are they here, for what purpose? What type of beings are they, how many races visit Earth? So many questions, so many answers to yet be discovered. Truth shall be revealed in time to those who seek it. For now, enjoy the Mystery. Eyes open, ears listening, mind thinking!

Please check out the following website for in-depth information reguarding many of the current Aliens races visiting planet Earth: Sphere-Being Alliance - Also feel free to research: "Corey Goode".

To view more of my past videos on the topic of UFOs, & much more please visit my original Youtube channel which is still open the the public at: It now acts as an archive of past Andros videos.

This is the first video which has been published since the return of AndrosEnigmaX, after years of retirement. Hope you enjoy it!
The clips used in this video to the best of my knowledge, & research are some of the best authentic ufo footage on the net from around the world That said, always do your own research, & never just simply believe what you see read online, or view on online videos.Please consider subscribing to this channel, share, & thank you for your support friends. May peace be with you always...



Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

1 video

Category None

An introduction:
This Channel's main focus is on the Mysteries of the unknown, the seeking of knowledge, & of self enlightnement.
The first ever Andros video was published on Mar. 7th, 2007 to youtube. The youtube channel was indefinitely haulted on Feb. 10th, 2011. The closure was due to the then upcoming takeover by google, which consisted of data mining, & many violations of privacy. AndrosEnigmaX was retired, & left with a bad taste in mouth. However, Andros has now returned! This channel is the return of AndrosEnigmaX with new content, if you have interest in seeing older content, you can still view it on the original youtube channel which has remained opened to the public.

You may view it @


Who am I?

A seeker of truth in a world of lies.
An open minded skeptic in a realm of illusions.

Beneath this persona there is an idea, & ideas are bulletproof.
Remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail, but an idea can still change the world.

As a man, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed, but as a symbol…as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting. — Bruce Wayne

"We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of the dreams" — Willy Wonka


Andros's philosophy:
There are more things in heaven & earth, than are dreamt of in any philosophy. Question reality, & always seek that which is true. Seek, & yee shall find! Magic, is simply science yet to be understood. It should not simply be the destination one is focused upon, but the experience of the journey itself. Truth simply is.. For even if some deny it outright, that truth remains. Remember that 'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth". —Sherlock Homes' Arthur Conan Doyle


I'm not perfect, I'm a flawed being as anyone. I've made mistakes in the past, & I will own those mistakes. I do not ask, nor demand that anyone simply believe that which I put forth in my videos as facts, & or truths. Do your own research, make up your own mind. Reality is perception, viewed by the perspective of the individual observer. Use logic, reason, & critical thinking on a given topic. Never succumb to blind faith, but be open to new ideas.

Live by Empathy, & be the change you wish to see!

Always be Agnostic about the unknown.
Quote: “Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”
( Bruce Lee )


Peace be with you,
Good Journey
