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Song of the Bride


Many of Rick's supporters cannot believe that Rick would ever say that Klaus Schwab is "a principled man", or that he "does things the Christian way", or that he "makes the world a better place". But you will watch Rick Wiles make those very statements on this video starting right around 17:30. Most of his supporters would never believe that Rick would declare that the global elite are really good people and have no bad intentions at all, but you will watch him state that blatant lie as well.

Rick Wiles has said many shocking things over the years, statements his current audience probably doesn't know anything about. You will hear many of those shocking statements as well right from the beginning of this video.

Out of his own mouth Rick "wiles" (aptly named) exposes himself not only as a completely phony Christian, but as an undeniable supporter and DEFENDER of the wicked group we call the "Elite". He uses his gift of gab, mastery of religious vocal intonations, cursory familiarity with the Bible, and syrupy manipulative rhetoric to convince some (but thankfully NOT ALL) of his audience that he is on the same page that they are. Yet his gross self-exposure definitively proves otherwise for those who watch him carefully and continuously, and long enough to test him.

At the same time, Rick does his best to nudge his audience over to Catholicism, using the old frog in pot of water slowly rising to a boil technique.

The Anglican religion is nothing but a repackaged form of Catholicism - same doctrines, same heresies. In this video you will hear Rick state his belief in doctrines that are blatantly CATHOLIC, clearly demonstrating that he is a CATHOLIC man and he is trying his best to get YOU to become Catholic as well.

Additionally, in one of his introductions, Wiles urges his audience in a sweeping statement to come away from the "doctrine of their denomination", clearly but subtly telling them to come out of their "protestant" faith.

Out of the abundance of Rick Wiles' heart he speaks, but you have to catch him over time and take note before you eventually stop watching him like discerning people eventually do. That's why he would gladly accept the fact that his listeners are a REVOLVING DOOR AUDIENCE. The longer you watch him, the more you will see that he is completely fake and is simply one of the mouthpieces for the Beast itself.

This video reflects someone who has been watching him for about 15 years and chronicled those contradictions and self-exposures. The Lord finally said it was time to make those things public.

For more information regarding the observations and scriptural conclusions presented in this video, I'd recommend watching the entire video where scriptural foundation is clearly laid and pointed out

A true believer must not protect spiritual predators, and Jesus gave us specific guidelines to use in identifying them. A false prophet typically reports some truth, sometimes pr

Many people wrongly believe that Jesus always healed instantly, so if we expect Jesus to heal us we should expect instant results or "it just isn't working". This assumption is a lie and I prove from scripture that Jesus did NOT always heal instantly - not by a long shot!

Jesus offers Salvation - one complete package including healing, deliverance and forgiveness from sins. All are equally offered through the blood of Jesus, if we seek Jesus Himself first. Healing from disease requires no more faith than forgiveness from sin. We must receive each of these ASPECTS of the same package called "Salvation" through the blood of Jesus alone and NOT mixed with anything else.

This is a mirror of a video produced several years ago to illustrate that Frances Swaggart, Jimmy Swaggart, and Donnie Swaggart know about the Satanic hand signs being used on stage at their church, but they do not apologize for them. Instead, they lie about them and chastise those who care about wickedness or the appearance of evil. This video presents live evidence. The video also ends with the materials that Jimmy Swaggart was printing at his "ministry print shop" and ended up getting exposed in 2011. (See Part 1 of JIMMY SWAGGART'S SATANIC HAND SIGNS at this link.

I personally worked for Jimmy Swaggart from 2010-2011. Three other true believers and I ended up seeing things there that the Swaggarts didn't want people to see, and consequently the four of us were let go all in the same hour on June 21, 2011. After leaving, we noticed the use of Satanic hand signs on the "worship stage" of Jimmy Swaggart's church. Was it just the song leader Robin Herd who haphazardly made those signs? Were the Swaggart's ignorant of what those signs meant? In this video you will witness consistent deliberate use of Satanic hand signs and consistent deliberate defense of those hand signs provided by both Mr. Swaggart and Mrs. Swaggart, after people in their TV audience began to complain about it.

Jesus not only died for our sins, but He commissioned us based on new requirements in order to produce new fruits in those who follow and obey. His requirements make the old requirements look like Kindergarten, and Jesus Himself stated that He put an end to those old requirements.

Not only do we not need to add anything to the new requirements that Jesus gave us, but if we go back to any of the old law, then we forfeit the grace that through which we do have righteousness through faith.

When a person discovers what Jesus truly calls us to by His two commandments based on love, that person will discover that obeying the New Law of Jesus truly covers all bases that the old law covered and much more.

Heretics are busy at work today just as they were in Paul's day. Don't be fooled by them and don't forfeit your salvation by following their heresies.

So you think the King James Bible is "the Word of God"? His book CONTAINED Words of God (the God of the Bible) but also contained terms which were wrongly inserted at the order of King James, who was a documented homosexual and Freemason. The terms King James ordered to be used in his new translation were Roman Catholic words and concepts which William Tyndale and other Reformers had exposed and rightly discarded from a wonderful English Bible the people already had.

Kings back then used the Bible for power, and so King James wanted to bring back fallacious concepts in order to strengthen his power. Accuracy was the last thing King James wanted for his new "version". The King James Bible AND King James himself were the reason why Pilgrims escaped to North America. Pilgrims would roll over in their graves if they knew that Christians today practically worship the corrupted version that was forced upon the Pilgrims and which they refused for reasons of righteousness.

If the "god" behind King James and his corrupted version is your god, then you can call it the "word of god", but that god is NOT the true God of the Bible. You might want to take a closer look at what so many today wrongly call "The Word of God".

The video presents hidden but factual information concerning King James, those who assisted in his Bible project, and why it was rejected by discerning Christians at the time. It also provides possible clues concerning current Bible changes that are happening and who may have been at the root of them.

Also narrated on Youtube
The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy complete reading on Youtube

For contributing insight and research thank you Trevor Davis, Declaring the Kingdom.

Just as Hollywood film makers do when they make a "reboot" of a movie or TV show, so our King James Bibles and gradually ALL other Bibles are experiencing a "reboot". ALL the original elements are being created from scratch, looking nothing like they used to. That means our Bibles now contain information that the Lord said He would allow Satan to put there in the final hour. Our King James Bibles have no more in common with how they USED to read, than some "reboot" movies have with their originals.

It's time to get right with God. He said that He would allow Satan to do this at the very end. We are at the very end.

For a lot more content on this topic, check out

Upon examining the "five fold ministry verse" Ephesians 4:11, an honest and Truth seeking believer in Jesus Christ will discover that the "five-fold" ministries applies how the Holy Spirit can operate in any and all serious followers of Jesus. Prove scripture with scripture, and discover the Lord's perfect will and ministry for ALL who believe and follow Jesus.

This video, with the help of investigative researcher Trevor Davis, Declaring The Kingdom YouTube and,, exposes the suspicious origin of the excuse - the "Tetragrammaton Code" - by which fake names today are vehemently promoted in the "Christian" world. It details facts behind the fake names themselves and clearly presents a warning for all true Christians who use those names. Their origins are not holy and using those names may involve more than you bargained for.

Watch the detailed history on why King James wanted to make his own Bible

Today there are many false teachers who promote a different Jesus who offers a different grace. One of their favorite messages is "Once Saved Always Saved" and it totally contradicts everything Jesus taught us, which you will see in this video. Their Jesus is not the Jesus Who can save us.

The true Jesus offers unconditional love but NOT unconditional salvation. He spent the majority of His time on earth describing the Kingdom of Heaven and its strict requirements, a kingdom that exists on earth in the very few true followers of Jesus who actually live by the strict requirements that Jesus described over and over and over.

True Grace is the POWER that Jesus gives us freely to endure and live up to those standards. It is offered to all of us who want to truly enter the Kingdom of Heaven by following those standards that are humanly impossible without (the true) Grace.

Beware of the MANY false teachers who will tell you differently and describe a "pretty grace" that they themselves have defined but in no way matches what Jesus described or what anyone of the New Covenant described.

Jesus displayed absolute love and said that those who absolutely LOVE HIM will take everything He said seriously and obey Him, and not keep making excuses for failing to do so.

If you are following a Jesus who has no rules or requirements, then you are not following the Jesus of the Bible. Although you find countless others who follow that same "different Jesus", they are on the path that leads to destruction and not to an eternity spent with Jesus. It's time to follow the real Jesus while you still have time.

If you are a believer, no doubt you have encountered questions about Paul and apparently "new rules" for women: no preaching, no teaching of men, listen only at fellowship time, learn quietly, cover your heads, etc. This video delivers the proof that wicked men who literally hated women (called "MISOGYNISTS") deliberately falsely conveyed what Paul actually did say to make it appear that he was giving new rules. It turns out, nothing could be further from the truth.

I cover just a few of the many areas that today and describe a literal crime scene through which actual word substitutions and purposeful insertions conveyed lies rather than what Paul REALLY said and what Jesus REALLY wants women believers to do.

Time is short. It's time to get to the bottom of those false rules and follow what Jesus commissioned us all to do - male and female alike.

Idols are far more than things we admire too much or have too much desire for. Idols were and still are agencies of Satan that he provides instead of what the God of the Bible offers and commands His children to get from Him only. God always hated idols and He still hates idols. Idols caused Him to turn a deaf ear to His children long ago and idols cause Him to turn a deaf ear to His children today, even when they otherwise "pray fervently" for things like healing.
This video exposes the real reason why the majority of "divine healings" do not and cannot take place even when people pray. Remove the idols, however, and just like in centuries past, the Glory of God will return.

Was Debra Murphree really the prostitute that Jimmy Swaggart was caught with way back in the 80's? If not, who was he really caught with and why did that prostitute suddenly disappear just a couple of days after Marvin Gorman exposed Jimmy Swaggart to the Assemblies of God headquarters?
Old news you think? Not to the Lord. David confessed to his murder and if Jimmy Swaggart was a real man of God he would do the same.

(FOR BETTER AUDIO ) Was Debra Murphree really the prostitute that Jimmy Swaggart was caught with way back in the 80's? (ANSWER: No, he was NOT caught with the girl the official narrative claims) If not Debra Murphree, then who was Jimmy Swaggart really caught with and why did that prostitute suddenly disappear within just a couple of days after Marvin Gorman told Jimmy he was going to expose him?

Old news you think? Not to the Lord. David confessed to his murder and if Jimmy Swaggart was a real man of God he would do the same. Find out the truth behind why Jimmy Swaggart and others involved still need to confess their role in a 1988 crime.

In early 2020 many YouTubers questioned what mainstream media reported and presented valuable reports and video footage demonstrating that the world was being fed one big lie. However, it appeared that some people WERE in fact getting sick from "something", though not at the rate of numbers reported. This video presents valuable review and proof that Covid-19 disease is a complete hoax and that the 5G radiation poisoning agenda is behind the hoax. The other agenda is the poisoning and "culling" of the population through an injection that has nothing to do with a disease, preventing any disease, or making people well.

"YESHUA" is a RECENT name for Jesus, the Son of God, and it is NOT the name given Him by the Father. Hear the facts concerning where the name came from and what the hidden meanings, agendae, and persona associated with that name really are.

Ever heard the argument "there was no J back then"? J was called an "I" until the 1500's. But the capital I looked like a J, and an "i" when preceding a vowel sounds like "jay". King James also was sometimes spelled with an I instead of a J. You could kind of say that "I" was comparable to a maiden name for "J".

Beware that today's Judaisers dig deep to try to get you away from the name of Jesus and from Jesus Himself. But Tyndale knew how to properly translate Greek into English and was killed for doing so. The name of the Son of God is JESUS. There is no other name.

In the coming days, Christians will be asked to deny the name of Jesus, and many will do that because they believe the lie that "Jesus" isn't the real name anyway. What will you do?

For the past decade multitudes of professing Christians have joined a bandwagon to change the name of Jesus to Yeshua. It is based on a lie regarding original New Testament documents allegedly that were Hebrew. However history proves that ALL of the original documents were in fact Greek and thus the name that appeared on all 3,500 original manuscripts was "Iesous" or Jesus. Yeshua is a real person who they are finally introducing to you, hoping that you will agree is Jesus. Find out who that person is and evaluate for yourself: does that person look or sound like Jesus to you?

By calling out "Yeshua" you are literally verbalizing an old Yiddish curse used for centuries by the Jews. Those who hate Jesus already know this. Did you?

Mickey Mouse was chosen for the thumb nail because he represents the magic world by which the name Yeshua has been wrongly promoted and literally "enforced". The name of the Son of God, the Messiah Who has already come and will return to JUDGE, is JESUS - not Yeshua.

For more spontaneous worship at the piano, be blessed!

For further research:
Jews for Jesus? (promoting Kabbalah & Jesus as Metatron) yeshua etc

Theosophical Society/Blavatsky
Yahweh=Lucifer etc, Metatron..
theosophical society promotes jesus as metatron who was enoch; 3rd Enoch the gnostic,

Talmudic/Kabbalah Judaism
see many links by their promoters
See Deanne Loper expose on Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know (book)

To Gnosticism on Metatron
another article on metatron; jesus, false christ, gnostics, judaism, kabbalah, SDA on YHWH occult name General Search: Yeshua is Metatron

Discussion on the original New Testament manuscripts and how Aramaic and Hebrew languages did or did not appear

This video presents first-hand testimonials of not just the DANGER of 5G but its ability to cause the symptoms specifically associated with the world-wide "illness" which have wrongly been blamed on a "new virus". I present valuable testimonials from two individuals who were in the 5G industry itself and they are here to tell you that 5G is making people sick and NOT any virus.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

17 videos

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