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Reports from the Spanish online TV show "Laquinta Columna" claim that the purpose of the global injection programme is to implant subjects with nano-tech "in vivo" (inside the body) networks which allow external monitoring and control of the population.

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One of the most iconic musicians of the century speaks about his experience during the past 18 months.

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Robin Monotti in coversation with Eric Clapton:

Premiered on 1 Jun 2021 On YouTube
In a hard-hitting interview, Peter Hitchens argues that through Covid we have surrendered our liberty to the state, perhaps irretrievably. As we approach the promised full unlocking of the UK on June 21st, he asks is it too late to reclaim our fundamental freedoms?

The Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert during a lecture in 1995 warned of a coming MANDATORY VACCINE containing liquid crystals that when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into "ZOMBIES"

Eric Dubay

Bart Sibrel, creator of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and "Astronauts Gone Wild" has just given me a copyright strike for using 7 seconds from his documentary in our LEVEL film. This incredibly short clip is of course well within YouTube's Fair-Use Guidelines, but as usual YouTube just sides with the complainant even against their own policy. For anyone confused as to why Bart Sibrel, a fellow Moon landing hoax exposer, would take such actions against me and our movie, let me add, this is not the first time Bart has striked my channel for using short clips from his films. He is an ardent anti-flat Earther and it has been clear to me since we spoke years ago that Bart Sibrel is controlled opposition in the same way The Flat Earth Society gate-keeps the FE by acting like a genuine moon hoax truther:

Vaccine Disaster Ahead!

The guy who co-invented the PCR test, and BRUTAL critic of Dr Fauci, dies 6 months BEFORE the pandemic is made public. Coincidence?
"Aug. 15, 2019
Kary B. Mullis, a biochemist who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering a way to analyze DNA easily and cheaply and thus pave the way for major advances in medical diagnostics, molecular biology and forensic science, died on Aug. 7 at his home in Newport Beach, Calif. He was 74.
The cause was heart and respiratory failure brought on by pneumonia, his wife, Nancy Cosgrove Mullis, said."

PCR Inventor Kary Mullis Talks About Anthony Fauci — “he doesn’t know anything really about anything”
Click the link below for more details.


Dr. Steve
Pieczenik returns to The Alex Jones Show after Trump left office to face the music of the bet he made with Alex after his last appearance.

Hot mic in the white house...

Published on youtube 5 Jan 2020

From the bowels of the underworld has London been remade. Its calls for help will most certainly go unheeded; while the replacement of its native Britons continues unabated...


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In this 1-hour plus video exclusive, Rosalind Peterson of California Sky-watch exposes how Chem-trails are being sprayed in our skies as part of a clandestine NASA-military program to Geo-engineer the environment, and how this project is poisoning not only our air but also our water and food supply.

People seem to forget the history behind "climate change" here's a reminder. Even from just the 70s to now earth goes in cycles. We do not understand these cycles and to say we do is foolish as it's driven by the sun.

However if you are going to make a documentary you can make one that makes things appear cold or hot to push an agenda.


Muslim Population Growth in the UK... WE ARE DOOMED!

Here is a link to the written transcript:
Biographical Info: And here at Wikipedia:
This recording was made in 1967. Mr. Fagan gives documentary evidence on how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild in their endeavour to achieve a "One World Government". He uncovers many plots of historical events. All this makes chilling listening! What he speaks of way back in the 60's is truly coming to fruition as we speak. It's time to spread the word and wake the sleepy and sleeping before it's too late! God bless us all. Amen.


All about the Memo release....


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

15 videos

Category News & Politics