Robes Of Glory The Musical

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Robes Of Glory The Musical

Highlands Festivals


Top GODworlds Radio Trinity hit song : White/Pink Diamond Elohei Is a Girls Best Friend

Starring : white Diamond Elohei Families, Olympus & Julia Rose Opera Night Songs

Truth Is Happiness

End credits

Elvis and Marilyn Helps out Humanity with the Correct Gender eduction HG, and everbody lives happily ever after …
The End

The White & Pink Diamond Elohei/Elohim Stairways from Higher Heaven Family Show.

Coming Soon live on the GODworlds GSF Radio.

Top Hit Songs from The GODworlds live Now.
The Best Heavenly Music in the Ethers ;)
Starring Radio hosts Olympus & Julia
Bouquet Of Roses

Dedicated to all Krystal Star Family Trees and all eternal HG love Stories.

Dedicated To all Krystal Star families & Childeren

End credits

The GODworlds radio will continue…

The never give up Theme song and breaking free from the matrix forever theme song , All Angelic Humans all becomes the One :) A Whoop ass epic Action musical

The GODworlds Hotline music request goes wild!Super busy! Hot! Hot! hot! The Starry Music hits goes of the charts reaching back again on the Top of the best Heavenly Music of all times.. The Krystic Radio station is NR1 again going higher and higher.. all over the Cosmos and beyond and below and right to left all directions and places.. the People can’t get enough listening and singing and dancing till there feets shoots Light rays on the dancefloor! Now all the Best Music artists are coming together to perform on this Last Epic Dance starry GSF Freedom tour..
Don’t miss it folks and keep on dancing.
God bless you all.

Top Hit Songs like : No more Control/No more Mindcontrol,no more mimicking other people ,RRO songs, return to your own authentic creations and art, The Best Starry Night songs live on The GODworlds radio.
The Top Trinity Krystal Star families plays some funky Top Music for all your music lovers out there!

24H/7 in the higher heavens and lower heavens.
The Freedom GSF tour live concert can be heared on the GODworlds amazing Radio station from the 1e Godworld creation.
That makes you wanna be your own Authentic self again.
be ready for more top music dance songs from heaven.

The Last Dance with GODworlds Garden of Eden top hit Songs, Karaoke and
Starry & Sunny Super Dancers & Singers performing The Ultimate Rare Eternal Heavenly Music concerts in The ethers.

Like NR 1 songs In the Rose Gardens Of Eden just you and me HG songs.

Nr 2 Top Songs In The beginning of Creation, before the Woke agendas,Cancel Cultures, Gender Reversals,hijjacking ,tyranny,Organized Altered NAA religions and NAA infiltrations… There where The Champions of the United Krystal Star families,GSF Freedom for all and united Angelic Humans with eternal Love of God as one big family.

And lots of more top hit songs coming in this last amazing dance Star tour . You are All the Champions..
God bless you all and your families,friends and loved ones.

Dedicated to the Starry Night Garden of Eden United Krystal Star families Heavenly Music .

In the beginning, before the Divide and Conquer,Woke Invasions and NAA Possessions, there where the Family of Champions.

The Two Big Krystal Star families unites once more again to restore the families unit and dignity bringing back The Robes Of glory Champions Garment of God. To remove The NAA hijacking of our Brothers & Sisters. Once more we Honor our Holy Godparents with the return of the spirit of Christos. The Power is within you.

The Starry night and sunny days concert completely Sold out in the ethers. Prepare yourself for this epic GSF Freedom tour and unity for all.

The Purple Aurora Star concert has begone!

In the beginning , before the Woke agenda.. there was The Masters of The Universe & The Champions of the 80s 90s Top Cool epic movies hahah


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

130 videos

Category Entertainment

About: This is a GSF Musical bitchute channel dedicated to Angelic Humanity and all of its Tribes. The tribes of humanity has lots of historical events that took place. But first I start with a phrase:
“ Victors of War Re-wrote World History”

Lots of original records,stories,history has been sadly rewritten,modified,altered,reversed or even used to benefit the false tyrrant kings and Queens and those that only want power and control over others.
For starseeds,indigos etc. those that are on their awakening journey are having a very complex,difficult and confusing road to discern what is true or not true, or having difficulty to understand what is really happening inside yourself or in the outer realms.

The road to truths is here on earth a complex maze many times to figure out . It takes time,Patience and to be calm in like a observing mode, where you observe or witness without assuming anything directly what it means. You just observe and learn. Stories or events that has been forgotten is the main theme here, to understand what has happend to humanity and the situation we are in now as we look how unreal and strange things that are being revealed in the world we live.

I made this new bitchute channel to make Music,artwork and movies scenes that tells stories in a spiritual metaphorical way ,referring to for example historical figures and timelines.
It’s a healing purpose of past,present and future for all tribes of humanity and liberations and unity.
Remember that I use movies as a metaphor or that refers to something, please take in consider that we don’t know 100% the accuracy of truths or what really has happend in these historical movies based on past events as what we have learned in school or that has been tought by our parents or religious institutions or even by very famous spiritual teachers with many books. So sometimes it’s always good to go back to review everything once again and start at the beginning again to find out what is true or not or at least what resonates with you or not and discard the rest.

The Highlands Festivals theme is dedicated to starseeds and tribes that are looking for the truths, and so I share Info links of the Krystal Star families aswell here if that would help out provide you some answers that resonates on your path.

But I am not here to really explain, as I am not a leader or teacher. I just love making musical,video mixed with spiritual themes and topics and bring some healing joy and blessings and make music and videos in a metaphorical way.. and some videos are just music songs and for fun and some are documentary for witnessing.For All tribes all over the world.
And some videos are not musicals but documentaries added sometimes .
The Musical Vídeo opening of The Highland festivals is tribute to all of our Krystal Star families and dedicated also to all the sacred Hiero gamos weddings and their stories.
Some videos are just made for having a fun blast with no meanings.

Also dedicated to

Here you can look up for any info that might provide you some answers on lost records of angelic humanity.

Also short documentaries about the many unapproved topics are added here on this channel for study cases.