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Getting kids out of indoctrination camps and actually educate them would be a good idea ...

How many police officers does it take to intimidate a man without a face mask?

Luminous thugs

Interview with Czech Subtitles

.....a uvidím vás všechny na barikádách

We are 99%!

People are waking up! 10s of thousands pouring through Oxford Street in London

People from all walks of life are beginning to rise up to the tyranny!

Song by Jiri (George) Kobersky. A Czech singer, song writer. Man of good level of understanding and courage. Definitely inspiration to other artists, professionals and other public figures

Dr Kaufman o nanočásticích v současných vakcínách

D. Icke nabádá k otevření srdcí

David Icke mluví o posunu/evoluci lidského vědom

D. Icke o nano technologii a připojení na umělou inteligenci

Nova teorie podporovana uznavanymi doktory a vedci kteri jsou cenzurovani na youtube a dalsich kontrolovanych kanalech jako Dr A. Kaufman a DR T. Cowan


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

14 videos

Category None