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The video explaining my legal challenge to the MHRA was taken down from here. Please find it on my twitter feed @beverleyturner. Thanks!

A legal challenge against the MHRA to stop them vaccinating children.
This was taken off YouTube within 30 minutes…
Click on this link to help and donate.

Empowering you to chat about the pros and cons of the V for kids.

A little bit about me.

The books that I mention are - ‘The Pits’ (https://amzn.to/3hV7Asg) ‘Touching Distance’ (https://amzn.to/3faEH9C) & ‘The Happy Birth Book’ (https://amzn.to/3k8lqtc)


Finally getting my arse in gear to post some of my own content, curated by me rather than Ofcom via Facebook.
This is where I can really say what I want, without fear of censorship. But YOU are a big part of this. Without YOU it would just be me talking into a camera in my messy house and that could get me sectioned.
So let me know what you would like me to discuss and who you would like me to interview.
Hold my beer.....x


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

5 videos

Category Entertainment