Apollo Shorts

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Apollo Shorts



During interview with Bart Sibrel Joe Rogan ridicules fake apollo clip

This video shows discrepancies that add more indisputable evidence that the Apollo missions were only a film

#apollo #moonlandings #nasa #moonlandinghoax

Click for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron un engaño:

Evidence that the Apollo missions were just a film

For other old and new proofs watch: https://www.the-apollo-missions.com/
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQhUINgI4IsR75DgpLWqAxFUfQtXlQFiU

#apollohoax #moonlandings #moonlandingshoax #lunarlandingshoax #apollomissions #apo

Indisputable evidence that the Apollo missions were filmed on Earth

#apollo #moonlandings #nasa #moonlandinghoax

Click for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron un engaño:

Details of sloppy Apollo LM construction reveal NASA's photo manipulation

Evidence of the staging of the Apollo missions

#apollo #moonlandings #nasa #moonlandinghoax

Click for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron un engaño:

Video shows irrefutable evidence of the staging of the Apollo missions

#apollo #moonlandings #nasa #moonlandinghoax

Click for futher analysis of the dust effect and for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron un engaño:

Apollo Missions - More irrefutable proof of use of wires to simulate the slow movement of humans in low gravity to make believe that the astronauts were on the Moon

#apollo #nasa #moonlandingshoax #apollomissions #hoax

Click for video of a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron un engaño:

Apollo Missions - More irrefutable proof of use of wires to simulate the slow movement of humans in low gravity to make believe that the astronauts were on the Moon

#apollo #nasa #moonlandingshoax #apollo16

Click for video of a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kuc5khI0wlM&t=78s

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui0BRaBpxLg&t=28s

Apollo video reveals more indisputable evidence of use of wires to simulate the slow movement of humans in low gravity to make believe that the astronauts were on the Moon

#apollo #nasa #moonlandingshoax

Click for video of a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kuc5khI0wlM&t=78s

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui0BRaBpxLg&t=28s

Apollo video reveals further indisputable evidence of use of wires to simulate the slow movement of humans in low gravity to make believe that the astronauts were on the Moon
#apollo #nasa #moonlandingshoax
Click for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc
Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kuc5k...
Seguir este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui0BR...

Ridiculous Apollo video shows further indisputable evidence of the use of hidden wires to make believe the astronauts were in the low gravity of the Moon

Click for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos:

Video shows irrefutable evidence of the use of hidden cables in the footage of bogus Apollo missions to simulate the movement of humans in Moon's low gravity

Click for a collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos:

Video shows irrefutable evidence of the use of hidden cables in the footage of bogus Apollo missions to simulate the movement of humans in Moon's low gravity

#apollo #nasa #moonlandingshoax

Click for an exhaustive collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furono una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos:

Video shows irrefutable evidence of the use of hidden cables in the footage of bogus Apollo missions to simulate the movement of humans in Moon's low gravity

Click for a large collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc

Seguire questo link per una esaustiva compilation di prove che le missioni Apollo furo una menzogna:

Hacer click en este link para una colección de pruebas que los alunizajes de la NASA fueron falsos:

Video shows indisputable evidence of the use of hidden cables in the Apollo videos to simulate the movement of humans in Moon's low gravity

#apollo #nasa #moonlandingshoax

Click for an exhaustive collection of proofs that the Apollo missions were a lie: https://youtu.be/NBVdWCWfdBc



Fake Apollo astronaut's legs are magically lifted while he ls lying face down
on the ground

Hidden wires drag astronaut and keeps him from falling

For a thorough analysis of the Apollo missions lie see also:

Video clearly shows Apollo astronaut is supported and dragged by hidden wires used by NASA to help astronauts to fake slow walk on low gravity

Hidden wires keep alleged Apollo astronaut on his feet

Irrefutable evidence of fakery - The slithering astronaut

For a collection of different pieces of evidence of the Apollo missions fraud see also:

For this "astronaut" there is absolutely no gravity on the Moon

Cables supporting Apollo astronaut to allow him to simulate walk in low gravity help him rectify his posture when his head swings forward after he jumps

Video shows astronaut made to skid by the wires used in Apollo for astronauts to simulate their movement in moon's low gravity

Wires don't give enough slack, therefore astronaut's right heel can't touch the ground


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

42 videos

Category Science & Technology

Evidence that the Apollo missions Moon landings were only a film