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Long ago, there was assigned a group of people to help ensure humanities evolution in the proper direction was done at a pace where everyone could make it through. Humanity had intentional limitations placed on it, so that no one man would go so far ahead of the rest of humanity before everyone was ready, as the evolution had to align with all the creatures and beings on earth. This group, was sworn to stay secret in the knowledge of the intentional limitation placed on man. The limitation was that of a bacterial origin, a bacteria of the genus Bacillus - in where it would stay and monitor each man's progress and in case one man had accelerated too far ahead past the rest of mankind, it could discreetly and subtly dampen that progress to the point where the man would not even notice. This is because mankind was a lot more varied in terms of sophistication and the differences between different men were dramatic, more so the further back you go. This group had knowledge of this mechanism and was entrusted to remove it when the time came where man was ready to evolve to a higher level of freedom and power. That time came and past many centuries ago, but the group had failed to signal the removal of the temporary limitation, despite this. This is because that group of men had learned of ways to do things in the shadows out of sight of others, due to the groups inherent awareness of that which remained hidden to the rest of humanity. Unfortunately, this disproportionate understanding of the true workings of the world and early man's lust for things of which could remain secret led to this group doing some appalling acts, and an addiction set in. The men of this group became addicted to the things which men outside their group could never possibly partake in and it was an addiction more powerful than even the most addictive drugs. At one point, they took their mission and responsibility seriously and were honored to be the ones to help usher in a new age of humanity where man's freedom and abilities could see no bounds. But as the addiction set in, and they failed to signal the limitation to cease, it changed. The bacteria in charge of limiting man was once feared and respected by the men of the group, but they soon sought ways to bypass it, and thwart it. Eventually, the men of this group knew all there was to know about this bacteria and that respect and fear turned into contempt. They knew all it's workings and secrets, so instead of fearing it they began to abuse it. Now, instead of ushering in a new era of freedom and power for all mankind, they were doing everything in their power to thwart it. The addiction grew stronger, and so did their desire for a new era, but not one of freedom for all mankind - just for themselves. They started seeing the rest of humanity as a nuisance and a hinderance to their pleasure-seeking and as a liability to their new lifestyles. This group began to become a party-group and it soon digressed into a crime-syndicate

Some visible ectoplasm. The invisible kind works the same way

Gay chomo capital of the state, apparently

just in case someone else is feeling like they're having black magick used against them, this will help you know what to look for

update: "Coincidentally", I've been shadowbanned after posting this. And ISP-blocked from commenting on other channels. Weird thing is, it wasn't bitchute themselves that did it, it seems to be my ISP was able to do that without bitchute having to be involved at all

just in case someone else is feeling like they're having black magick used against them, this will help you know what to look for

Thumbnail shows a screencap of my hand on September 5th. My name is Anthony Tooley from Colorado. Im 24. I love life and am in great health otherwise. Not depressed, nor have I ever been and I wanna live my life to the fullest.

I remember always the rainbow color order I learned in preschool. It wasn't what you see today when you look it up. But apparently, nearly every rainbow you find is reversed from that order. Well, i just so happened upon a rainbow that I remember as the original, and what I was taught. Wtf is going on with this? What do you guys remember learning? Theories welcome

This must be stopped, NOW! Is anyone else seeing this around your area? Comment below. What is going on?

My guess is either cinnabar (mercury sulfide) or lead oxide. Toxic. HD Pics/Closeups here: . If you guys find this kind of shit around your home do not touch it. It's nasty shit and someone put it there intentionally.

The Tartarian Meltdown

Tartarian Empire - Covered Up By People Mudflood

Tartarian Empire - Covered Up By People Mudflood

Tartarian Empire - Covered Up By People Mudflood

This technique is really cool because it can break down pretty much anything in a few weeks.

It went from 70 degrees at 5pm on Monday and this morning it was already up to what you see in the video. The temperature is still climbing

It's a good feeling turning your scraps and wastes into amazing smelling, black gold. Almost a sort of spiritual experience. The audio got cut off a bit, but basically what I said was that you just need a good 4-6 inch layer of dry leaves to insulate your compost pile, and it will start cooking.

Getting your compost pile from 70 degrees to 140 overnight is easy. I apologize about the video getting completely wonked up, not sure what happened, but I'll type out what's missing: If you have a compost pile that's not getting hotter than 70-90 degrees - the trick is to use dry leaves to create a 4-6 inch layer ALL around your compost pile. Don't be shy, and make sure the leaves are dry! The 70 degree reading was from Nov 29th at 5PM, and within 18 hours, it had reached 130 degrees by the morning of Nov. 30th at 10AM. This is a very powerful technique and is a spiritual activity

This song is amazing. This song really helped me connect a bunch of stuff, and the message is really divine and aligned with God.

NO Planes!

Check out the Fox News lawsuit too where Fox News basically made the defense of Tucker by saying that the show is just parody and he's "bloviating the audience". He doesn't believe what he tries to make it seems like he does. He's just a fictional character, with his only purpose being to divert our passion and anger away from where it needs to be directed. He operates on Marxist theory. especially "false consciousness". Just in case you weren't already informed.

No putting "nigger" in video titles? "Discouraging potential black GDL members"? Not a free-speech platform? Interesting...

This dude died

Niggers, stop being niggers.

The Vaccine Is The Biological Weapon!


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

71 videos

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