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... the word on this, for the past 55 years or so, is mum.... mum's the word... that is, if you know what's good for you, you see? So. Watch it. Then forget about it. And don't forward it to anyone. And you'll be alright. And me, posting this information? I don't know. The ringing in my ears did just get a little louder. If anything happens, well, it was good knowin' ya. If this is, the final curtain, my friends....I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which I'm certain... I've lived, a life that is full, I've traveled down each and every highway...and more, much more than this.... I did it... my way. Regrets? I've had a few. But woopty doo. I still did it, my way. Thank you. Thank you very much.

..... how exactly do you do this?... you get onboard a big jet airplane, like in Seoul, South Korea ...right about the time the sun goes down..... then you fly due west, at around 550 miles per hour, to Paris France, in this case. Then, simply act like a true scientist, and "observe" what you can see, and take some notes as you go. Don't have the cash for the airfare, or the time to take such a trip yourself? Well, luckily, there was a guy that could swing both those things and he brought a camera along with him, so you can effectively, see through his eyes. And he made a few notes, go figure. Ever hear of a "hot spot". It's a simple notion that makes NASA crap in it's pants... and I don't mean solid, whole, in-tact, turds, either, if you know what I mean, and I bet you know what I mean... a real mess.

.... The Nikon P900 was the first model that would enable incredible close ups of the moon and stars.... showing us all that NASA's images, (images, not pictures), are total lies can find in Amazon Warehouse, "used", for around $450., although it may take a few weeks for one to show up. A used P1000, in the Warehouse, can be got for around $950, from what I've seen. Using either one, and pointing it to the sky, in the dark of the night, is the last thing NASA wants people doing.... so mums the word, right, globe-heads?.. we know how loyal you are to the hive mind, on this subject, fighting their propaganda battles for them, and all. But hey, at least you know 911 was an inside job, right? And they faked the moon landings, right? And Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, right? Well, I'm sorry, but that's just not good enough. You've got to do better. Chop chop already, alright?

.... And it's an assumed fact because it is an actual fact. They must assume that it is, what it be... and it be, a fact.... hence, the assumption.

… other phrases to avoid include, “what are you going to do about it”?, and “oh yeah, you and what army”? And for you men out there, don’t ask, “where can I find the model of you, that has a vagina”?

… see previous post for more. Corsi can’t be this stupid. He’s claiming proof of 3 shooters, and not one of them was the chauffeur … just in your face an outright lie. He’s shilling for Mossad, AGAIN.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

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