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Horace Gerard


Romanian MEP Cristian Terheș blows the climate scam completely out of the water, in the EU parliament:

"CO2 is a gas that currently represents 0.041% of the whole atmosphere. Despite this small [percentage], for decades now, campaigns are ran to make people believe that man-made CO2 is the cause of climate change."

"The solutions proposed to fight climate change are higher taxes and more state control, as well as less rights and options for the people... Obviously, the declared objective is to change our behaviour, while fighting climate change is just a pretext to do it."

Cancer Surgeon: “Ivermectin Is SAFER Than a Sugar Pill”

“You’d have to take a lot to make yourself sick.”

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has also observed multiple late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin.

Ivermectin is also:

• A Nobel Prize-winning discovery (2015)
• Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, for having the greatest impact on human health
• Credited for bringing river blindness to the brink of elimination
• used globally in HUMANS, with over 3.7 billion doses administered.

BREAKING: US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invested in gene-encoded vaccines since 2012 to pursue a bioweapon and vaccine.

Maria Zeee: Nanobots Inside People Programming Humanity

"They're frightened at this point."

German MEP, Christine Anderson: The EU is in panic mode, as millions awaken to the "man-made climate change" scam.

"People no longer believe in [man-made climate change]... I think they're catching on to the fact that it's a gigantic lie."

THE HIDDEN CRIME: Expert Vaccine Virologist who worked for Bill Gates, GAVI and the WHO says if the world knew what these people did they would be stoned in the streets. Their only hope is that something will happen to distract the world from this crime, but that will not happen.

He confirms that those who took the Covid Vaccine have deregulated immune systems and will experience a great loss of life by the end of June due to not being able to fight off the next infection.

He goes on to say that when the new virus comes and it will come, there is no immune resistance whatsoever left in the vaccinated population, but there is immune defense left in the unvaccinated population because their innate immunity has been trained.

He says that this new virus that is coming that was created by previous mass vaccination will look very different from SARS-COV-2, it will still be a Coronavirus but it will look very differently and they will try and say that this is a new virus that we warned you about (Disease X), but it is not, it is the same virus that has mutated because of mass vaccination.

Will H5N1 Bird Flu be the coverup for the predicted mass loss of life in the vaccinated?

He predicts that the Government and Health Officials will mandate Ivermectin and other antiviral drugs to reduce the mass loss of life. Ivermectin and other antiviral drugs must be taken before the vaccinated get sick, because once the vaccinated start showing symptoms of illness, it will be too late, he says. He predicts once symptoms start appearing in the vaccinated they will pass away quickly within 24 hours.

He goes on to say that the truth will surface because this is too big of a crime to hide. He states that those who have committed these crimes have been lying to the people and have not been taking care of the people's health and safety will be severely punished.

He was asked, why does the CDC and others continue to lie about the vaccines? He says, because If the world knew what these people did they would be stoned in the streets. Their only hope is that something will happen to distract the world from this crime, but that will not happen. The world will know the truth.

He predicts that we will have to build a completely new world because the hospitals will collapse and chaos will follow around the world. He says "it will happen."

Regardless if this happens or not and let's hope it does not happen, the truth is, this has been a large scale experimental gain of function on the human population and they all must be brought to justice and severely punished.

NIH director Lawrence Tabak admitted that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China before the COVID-19 pandemic started.

Fauci Lied People Died

Jimmy Dore: "I took the Moderna vaccine, I got vaccine injured, people told me to shut up about it...I found out we were being lied to about everything. They lied to us about the where the virus came from and if you said it came from a lab you were a white supremacist. They lied about funding it, now the NIH admits they funded that. Dr. Fauci lied twice to congress about the funding that. They lied about masks, they lied about herd immunity, they lied about natural immunity, they lied about transmission, they lied about contraction. There wasn't a thing they didn't lie about. And the thing is that that's why they told you: "Please don't do your own research", because if you did you'd find out that this was a big scam and everybody was lying about it from start to finish..."
Source: GB News (YouTube)

The former director of the CDC admits Covid shots caused ‘significant side effects’ among young healthy people.

He also admitted that the vaccine wasn’t really “necessary” for people under 50.
Too bad Alice Stuart didn’t know what CNN

US Congressman @RonJohnsonWI
alleges that covid was “pre-planned by an elite group of people. Event 201”.

In reference to the John’s Hopkins Center tabletop exercise with the WEF and the Gates Foundation.

After finding her husband dead she reportedly told friends ‘they killed my husband Angelo Tragedy strikes Francesca Donato MEP who found her husband strangled in his car.

Only weeks after she had warned about the dangerous geopolitical situation following the attack on Slovakian PM Robert Fico.

She has been one of the few European politicians to take a stand against Big Pharma, the vaccines and the war in Ukraine.

The REAL Catholic Leader of our World is the very honourable @CarloMVigano
. Please listen to his wise words carefully, “An important collaborator of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was arrested…and we have learned more about Jeffrey Epstein…”
Video Credit @dom_lucre

Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this is probably bigger than the Holocaust, because we've lost...anywhere between 17 and 20 million people already [to the COVID injections]. And those are the people we know about, okay?"

Radiologist Dr. Phillip Triantos describes for The Blaze Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative
) how the COVID injections have likely been more deadly, on a global scale, than the Holocaust. The radiologist also highlights two personal instances of members of his family dying after receiving the injection.

Triantos notes that Andrew Bridgen, an Independent member of UK parliament, has said that "this is probably bigger than the Holocaust, because we've lost...anywhere between 17 and 20 million people already." The radiologist adds that "those are [just] the people we know about..."

Triantos also highlights injection-caused deaths he knows of in his own family, including his first cousin, who was a health instructor living in Greece.

"[S]he finally took it, she calls her husband driving home from work and says, 'I don't feel good.' She pulls over in her car and died of a heart attack," Triantos says.

The radiologist also says that he has a half-sister in England who died due to the injection.

"[J]ab, jab, booster, booster, [and they] found her dead on the kitchen floor of a heart attack," Triantos says.

#Artemisinin is too cheap to be used by the dark Ones, just like #ivermectin. The European scientists of the New Federal Republic of China said that if doctors from all over the world can openly talk about artemisinin and study artemisinin, artemisinin will definitely be the elixir of life in the world.
Cancer, AIDS, and all diseases are essentially to disrupt people's immunity and block all blood vessels, and artemisinin is to completely clean and dredge the blood vessels of the human body and fundamentally solve human diseases
If you were to find the best men on the planet。

he saved the world

Mr. Guo Wengui live broadcast on 2021/10/17
#Artemisinin is too cheap to be used by the dark Ones, just like #ivermectin. The European scientists of the New Federal Republic of China said that if doctors from all over the world can openly talk about artemisinin and study artemisinin, artemisinin will definitely be the elixir of life in the world.
Cancer, AIDS, and all diseases are essentially to disrupt people's immunity and block all blood vessels, and artemisinin is to completely clean and dredge the blood vessels of the human body and fundamentally solve human diseases
If you were to find the best men on the planet。

he saved the world

The Australian TGA’s own data base shows 139000 reported injuries from the Covid vaccine accounting for 20% of side effects from all medicines for the past 50 years.

Taking into account a conservative under reporting measure of ten this would total over a million injured.

Staggering! Where is the outrage? Where is the media?

"Parents will get...angry...if you bring it up. Because they've been told something's 'safe'...and [with] their child—that they themselves walked into a makeshift vaccine clinic...[to get] this experimental substance—they do not want to believe that they harmed their child..."

EMT Harry Fisher (@HopiNg66966500
) describes for retired pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas on his @ChildrensHD
series, Pediatric Perspectives, how parents of children who've taken a COVID injection don't want to acknowledge that it may be a problem. Fisher—who, in this clip, highlights one example of a child who had a stroke while playing kickball—notes that they will deny it's even possible for the injections to cause harm, and will also aim to "shoot the messenger." (Figuratively speaking.)

"[O]ne of the more difficult [cases] was a very young stroke, playing kickball, and [they] had a thunderclap headache, paralysis on one side, slurred speech...and the parents showed up to the school, [were] with me, and just denying that their kid was having stroke-like symptoms."

Fisher says he asked if their child "had any of these new shots for COVID," to which they responded, "Well, yeah, they just had their second Pfizer shot..." The EMT goes on to say that "they [the parents] don't even equate that as a new medication, because we're so brainwashed in the medical community and this parent just didn't want to believe that it was even possible to have a reaction, especially this type of severe reaction, to a vaccine."

"The denial, you can see it in their face," Fisher says. "And some patients' parents will get even angry with you if you bring it up. Because they've been told something's 'safe, safe, safe, safe, safe,' and whenever their child, that they themselves walked into a makeshift vaccine clinic—probably in a parking lot or a gymnasium somewhere, and got this experimental substance—they do not want to believe that they harmed their child, or assisted in harming their child."

The EMT adds that "they'll shoot the messenger. They'll come after you if you press the issue, but I would [still] ask, and then I would also read the room."

THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL YOU! Pfizer's own data on babies: Dr. James Thorp @jathorpmfm

"Game over. We are dealing with a fraud".

Geologist, Prof. Ian Plimer, demolishes the "human-induced global warming" narrative, in just two minutes.

"No one has ever shown that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming… And if it could be shown, then you would have to show that the 97% of emissions which are natural, do not drive global warming."

Credit: @adhtvaus

Only one world leader has raised the issue of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries, deaths & excess deaths.

Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Slovakia has 21,000 Excess deaths since COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine rollout.

He launched an investigation into entire COVID-19 Response in Jan.2024

PFunctional/Integrative Med
May 25
Canada's Theresa Tam's, H5N1launch

This is all you need to know about the "unexplained" surge in sudden deaths:

"If the sudden deaths we're seeing were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7. But it's not."

Here's what's truly alarming:

"The employed [people] of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population. I blame the vaccines. If it's not that, then what is it? And why are we talking about it?"


BREAKING: Gavin McInnes Exposes Justin Trudeau’s Pedophile Pig Farm

Key Steps:
1. Eliminate all sugar from your diet
2. Fasting 3-7 days
These are crucial before you add repurposed meds like Ivermectin & Fenbendazole

We are in the midst of a spiritual war of Good vs Evil.

Which side of history do you stand on?


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

903 videos

Category Health & Medical