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Thanks For Playing. I enjoyed monster hunter and world, such good games. I'd like to thank Bitchute for hosting our videos!

Watch my friend from noobhood come to boyhood (slightly decent player). I made my friend play dark souls, though uninterested at first, he liked it.

Due to my own stupidity I delete my Red dead glitches montage so instead to in an attempt to make myself feel better made this. Do I feel beeter ye. I hope you do too enjoy!

Working on a video atm. Just testing some things. Get In The Eva Shinji!!!

(Slightly higher quality) Side Note: God damn maxing out Dark Harvest elemental damage is 1000 dragon and since it has power ele phial ot has 1450 dragon ele dmg. (I love the guilty gear reference with May, nice cosplay)

If you even still play this game here's a glitch to get the Great Club early and reach The Pit earlier without the Cat Ring.

Here are the wraps I made on December

Howdy cowpokes! I hope you like me breaking some vidjas. I still got some more to show!

I was kinda wanting to make these short 5 to 10 minute vids but there's just so much I just had to make a long compilation. I don't get much feed back but I do hope you enjoy regardless. I don't like making long type vids so you the audience can chew and enjoy but the later vids will be long for the time being my apologies hehe.

War... war.... and more war never changes

Just dumping all my vids in my PS4, here for your enjoyment and my free space c:

Shits hard... tries approximately 50+

Bioware isn't very dead... it was very murdered

My friends burb dancing (to nib nob music)

An alien who needs help finding himself

Too fast To furiously (Might make a series of the glitches I've seen over the years)

The greatest gaming of all time...??games ok but its not great either.

Just me playing some Dank Souls beta test... now its a dead game, thanks Fromsoft.

Some trashy old test animation (moving everthing to Bitchute)


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

23 videos

Category Gaming

Welcome to the channel hope to put in some content