Orion's Belt

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Orion's Belt



How will the super rich keep adrenochrome flowing - foster kids - Planned Parenthood - and more...

Manmade viruses being blamed on animals - Historically, all pandemics and large epidemics were due to plague, cholera, typhus or smallpox. Bacteria cause the first three of these diseases and all these have been suppressed by better hygiene. Smallpox virus has become extinct thanks to worldwide vaccination. Then suddenly pandemics due to newly discovered HIV virus in 1981, Ebola virus in 2004 and coronaviruses appeared from the wild or at least that is what we were told.

A brief pause at 8:30 - Unbelievable amounts of chest pain and miscarriages - Severe chest pain, light headed and dizzy - felt like her cells were on fire from the inside -
Spoof66 - POSTED
"This is just beyond any comprehension. The medical staff themselves had no idea what the hell they were injecting, even into themselves. How can we ever trust another doctor again??"
NurseMeg24 - POSTED
I can absolutely relate to this lady except I didn't take any vaccines. This just brought back a lot of memories for me of the carnage I saw in the hospital I worked in for a few short months before I was sacked.

“Cancer is Australia’s leading cause of death and disability, with the number of new cancer cases each year projected to increase faster than the rate of population growth,” she said in a press conference on Monday.
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Britney Spears and several other big names were groomed to star in the Mickey Mouse Club during a time the company was rife with pedophiles. Dozens of Disney employees have been arrested for child sex crimes, including top executives and directors – and in some cases, re-hired by Disney to work with children after doing extremely short jail time for raping a child actor.

Former Disney Chairman and Democrat senator, George Mitchell was identified as a pedophile who visited Epstein Island and before that, Ghislaine Maxwell was doing photo-ops for Disney’s Save the Children. Several former child stars have claimed that the industry is crawling with pedophiles. We have already heard many of their stories.

Victims of these programs were sold into them by their abusive parents, a model we see today with parents pimping their children out to the entertainment industry. Britney’s parents had her audition for Disney when she was 8 years old. She was sent to New York City for training and brought on the show 3 years later at age eleven, where she was dressed and directed to perform like an adult.
The art of mind control was known as far back as Plato’s allegory of the cave, where people’s belief systems were being created by illusions force-fed into their minds.

U.S. Army Rangers on Wednesday arrested former Biden campaign manager and current Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon at a Washington, D.C. hotel, the result of a military investigation into whether she took part in a ballot harvesting ring in which Democrat-liberal sympathizers, known as “mules,” illegally collected and deposited ballots into drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election.


“Born naked, die naked,” Baldwin shouted, sweat dripping from his flabby jowl. “How do you like me now, Admiral Crandall? And F*** you, Donald Trump. I made you famous.”

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According to a JAG memorandum reviewed by RRN, Fauci genuinely believed that Obama had authority to phone GITMO and grant a stay of execution or supersede the Office of Military Commissions’ judgement against him. When told Obama wouldn’t be calling, Fauci, desperate and belligerent, began proclaiming his innocence, hollering into the air, his crackled voice echoing off the walls of his Camp Delta detention cell. “You can’t do this to me; I’m Dr. Fauci,” he screamed.
Upcoming Military Tribunals

"Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition," Thomas wrote in a message on November 5, 2020, two days after the presidential election.

Madison Cawthorn talks about the ‘DC elites’ having orgies & doing cocaine. Oops, don’t think he was supposed to tell anyone about that…

As Monday’s internet traffic was clogged with articles and memes about actor and illuminati member Will Smith slapping comedian Chris Rock at Sunday night’s pedophile summit known as the Academy Awards, a story of greater importance, the hanging of former Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, received nary a whisper.

Virginia Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, reportedly sent 29 text messages to former adviser Mark Meadows, urging him not to concede.
Ms Thomas called Joe Biden's victory "the greatest heist of our history". SUDDENLY - The Supreme Court announced Sunday that Justice Clarence Thomas has been hospitalized since Friday evening “after experiencing flu-like symptoms,” according to their press release. The longest-serving member of the high court “was diagnosed with an infection, and is being treated with intravenous antibiotics,” the statement said, providing minimal details other than that “his symptoms are abating, he is resting comfortably, and he expects to be released from the hospital in a day or two.” A spokesperson for the Supreme Court clarified to CNN that Thomas’s illness is “not COVID related” and “the Justice does not have COVID.

ole goes on to state that as a result of this vaccine-induced “killer T-cell” suppression, he is seeing an “uptick” of not only endometrial cancer, but also melanomas, as well as herpes, shingles, mono, and a “huge uptick” in HPV when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women.”
This is not the first time the COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to serious issues regarding women’s health.


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

14 videos

Category News & Politics

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