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"Rabbi Reichhorn's 19 Protocols for World Domination" can be found on bitchute (5:16 - video) and also on odysee... here is a link on odysee from "DEMON HUNTER - SKYDOME ATLANTIS" channel:

however, nº 16 is actually nº 17, and the real nº 16 is missing... there are also a few spelling errors... this is because the e-book and other information in english available online, on which the video was based, is not orthographically correct... even the original french article contains some minor errors...

"Le discours du Rabbin REICHHORN": 🇫🇷 https://numidia-liberum.blogspot.com/2018/10/le-discours-du-rabbin-reichhorn.html
e-book: 🇬🇧 https://ia904602.us.archive.org/4/items/rabbi-reichhorns-protocols/Rabbi%20Reichhorn%27s%20Protocols.pdf

i decided to make a new revised version from scratch, corrected grammar, spelling, punctuation and orthography in general, and translated it into a more modernized english, preserving its original french context... the complete document, including all 19 protocols, were rectified... this video is the result of it... - share!...

source & credit: "Middle East Media Research Institute" (MEMRI) https://www.memri.org
original title: "Iranian Website Displays Antisemitic Cartoons about the Holocaust"
an incomplete version of the same video with spanish subtitels: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hMw5cCTGFF8S/

source & credit: [youtube] @gravityuz "On this channel you can see interesting information in the form of beautiful animations" (video was speeded up 146%) // music: Velvetine - "The Great Divide" (Seven Lions Remix)

source & credit: [youtube] @gravityuz "On this channel you can see interesting information in the form of beautiful animations" (video was speeded up 150%) // music: Sex Whales & Fraxo - "Eternal Way"

thanks to @canst for bringing this to my attention: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ETXdE59vikRY/
"The Spongebob episode "Kwarantined Krab" is in deep trouble after some awful timing with the pandemic. A recent listing for the complete 12th season DVD has revealed that the episode will NOT be available on it. Does this mean it's about to become lost media? Will it ever air?"

the video is available on bitchute, [https://www.bitchute.com/video/7Z1y71tRxKhl/] but it wont play... not even using the "bookmark-trick"...

"The movie shows a massacre against the Jews in Middle Age Lisbon that has been largely forgotten. On 19th April 1506 began the three-day massacre in which catholics assassinated about three thousand Jews in Lisbon and absolved for their sins. This 20 minutes docudrama explains the leading causes and events of the massacre." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt31893917/ ➕ ℹ️ 📌 💬

source & credit: [youtube]/@WorldData_3D "LGBT Population by COUNTRY 🏳️‍🌈" (video was slowed down 48% & original song was removed) // [facebook]/Uncovered.C4News "Pinkwashing in Israel LGBT rights or Government spin?"

Jewish Pirates - Fleeing the Inquisition - European History - Part 1 - Extra History
After the Alhambra Decree was put into place by Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain, the Spanish Inquisition kicked off in full. It was no longer legal to live in Spain as a Jewish person. One had to convert, or leave to never return. And many Jewish communities chose the latter. And of the Jewish people who were forced from their homes, some took to the sea and figured out a way to reclaim what had been stolen from them... and get a little revenge on top. Oh yeah, we're talking Jewish pirates! Great figures like Sinan Reis and Samuel Pallache will become known on the high seas but first, a look at where it all started.

Jewish Pirates - Barbarossa’s Sidekick - European History - Part 2 - Extra History
After being forced from Spain, many Sephardic Jews were left with few places to go. Many other countries in Europe had similar anti-Semitic bans. However, across the sea, North Africa and the Ottoman Empire's relatively lax laws that were religiously inclusive allowed people to set up shop in many port towns. And as tensions rose between Suliman the Magnificant and Charles V, the sultan was looking to raise an armada. Enter Barbarossa and his right hand man, Sinan Reis or as the Europeans called him, Sinan the Jew.

Jewish Pirates - The Pirate Rabbi - European History - Part 3 - Extra History
A man sits in London, accused of piracy against Spain by the Spanish ambassador. If he is found guilty he will hang. But the Dutch Prince requests for his swift release. How is all of this possible? Well Samuel Pallache lived an extremely colorful life. A Sephardic Jewish man born in Morroco, founder of the Jewish community in Amsterdam, and a triple agent, Samuel made many friends wherever he went along with many enemies. Don't worry, Zoey will keep track for us.

Jewish Pirates - Treasure for Days! & The New World - European History - Part 4 - Extra History
We've seen how the diaspora affected the naval warfare of the Mediterranean, but there is another part of this event that can't be ignored: Columbus' journey to the Americas. The colonizing of the "New World" gave Jewish people expelled from Spain a whole new place to escape to, one hopefully out of reach from the Inquisition. And we see all of these ideas coalesce in one particular pirate, Moses Cohen Henriques, a man who used his connections to understand the workings of the Spanish colonies and pulled off one of the biggest treasure grabs on the high seas. Dude had his citizenship papers signed by Henry Morgan it really doesn't get more pirate-y than this.

source & credit: [youtube]/@extrahistory

source: [youtube]/@TBNIsrael
"Mati Shoshani delves into the secretive world of Israel's top-notch intelligence agency, the Mossad. Learn how the agency uses information it collects to thwart terrorism, protect the country and its allies, and fulfill its calling to reestablish Israel as the home of the Jewish people."

source: [youtube]/@France24_en // http://www.france24.com
"Israel''s secret service victims have included Palestinians, Iran''s nuclear scientists and Syrian officials. Since World War II Israel has killed more people than any other country in the Western world. Their methods range from poisoned toothpaste to exploding Qurans."

"The Mandate is a 3 part documentary that will shed new and surprising light on one of most forgotten period in Israel's history - The British Mandate. The 30 years of British rule in Palestine, where in fact, the most decisive in forming the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the modern Middle-East. The series encounter Jewish, Arab and British scholars, who try, for the first time, understanding and agreeing on the answer to the question - How and why started the 100 years old conflict between Jews and Arabs? The historical narrative is brought through secret documents that were only recently revealed. Rare archive footage from the early 20th century and by using a treasure found, in the shape of hundreds of hours of footage from the 1980's series "Pillar of Fire" that include personal interviews with the people who were personally involved in the historical events of the Mandate."
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28321877/ ➕ ℹ️ 📌 💬

source & credit: [youtube] /@Koncerthuset

source & credit: [youtube] /@CrisCaldas2
video: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4320030/

source: youtube

source & credit: [youtube] /@facto9158 (Factology)
"Welcome to a journey into the supernatural realms of Jewish folklore! In this video, we'll unearth the top 10 terrifying creatures that lurk in the shadows of ancient tales. From cursed entities to monsters among us, these folklore horrors will send shivers down your spine."

"There are many groups posting videos about the Red Cow sacrifice & the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, saying that a Jewish organization sacrificed a Red Heifer to bring the MaShiach and build the Third Temple, but 99% have no clue what they're talking about. Rabbi Yaron Reuven brings the Torah proof that will clarify this issue once and for all." [jewtubes] source: @rabbiyaronreuvenshorttorah2956

source & credit: [youtube]/@LoveAllah328
speakers: Ustadh Wahaj Tarin & Abdullah Hakim Quick

"Two Black youths on a south London community program do everything to avoid swimming which is part of the criteria. Will they overcome their battle with society and will we ever find out why they refuse to swim in the first place?" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13907802/

"The film documentary addresses issues of inequality within the education system, aquatic career pathways and many more. There is clear evidence that REWIND has already inspired many people to overcome the myths and stereotypes by getting into the water for the very first time, as well as sign-posting opportunities many young people never knew existed whiles being an inspiration and steering them away from crime." https://blackscantswim.com

this video completely vanished from the internet... so here it is again!... it was created by "high priest hooded cobra" aka "cobra commander"... i didn't ask for permission to upload it, so i do hope he is ok with it... he put a lot of effort into editing this video... the quality is not the best and you may not agree with everything, but it does contain some interesting information...

other similar videos by "high priest hooded cobra" aka "cobra commander":

"Exit the Jewtrix" 1:06:57

"Exit the Jewtrix" 1:43:49 (expanded version)

"The Jewtrix 2 Reloaded (2018) Full Documentary" 1:20:09 (non working link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vv8cwjSlMk)
[youtube channel] "Warriors Of Lucifer" account & videos were closed/removed... also not available/archived on wayback machine...

credit: https://joyofsatan.org/ // https://odysee.com/@Commander.Cobra.666:5

Prawn, or shrimp if you're American, was once a luxury and now it's an everyday pleasure. Cheap for us to buy, the human cost of their production is unbelievable. This is the story of globalized slavery and how giant international supermarkets like Walmart, Tesco, Carrefour, Morrisons and Iceland are selling shrimps fed by slave labor.

Thai fishing industry is rife with abuse, torture and summary executions. Thailand is the world's largest supplier of shrimps. The six-month Guardian investigation has traced the complex food chain from the boat to the supermarket shelf, proving for the first time that the low price of the shrimps on your plate depends on slave labor.

Late at night a cargo boat slips into one of Thailand's busiest ports. On board is a man who hasn't seen land in over 18 months. Like many Thai ports this is a hub for human trafficking where international network of slave traders often buy and sell migrants onto Thailand's illegal fishing boats... and he isn't safe.

The last time he was back on land he was tricked and sold onto another boat. This time his freedom has been bought by a local charity for just £450. Terrified and confused and unaware that he is free he fears that he's about to be trafficked again. Even free he's still afraid to show his face on camera.

A former monk from Cambodia was also a part of the invisible migrant workforce that props up Thailand's multi-billion-dollar shrimp industry. Each year thousands of migrants pay brokers large sums of money to smuggle them into Thailand in search of a better life. With his parents struggling to feed six children he left Burma to help provide for his siblings. After his mother died he was abandoned by his father. He lived as a pagoda boy until he left rural Burma as a teenager.

source & credit:
video: "Data World - Most GOLD Reserves Countries" [youtube]/@dataworld86 "Data World TV channel of incredible comparisons videos for all countries in 3D" (video was speeded up 198%) // music: Ennja "Away" [youtube] @Ennja

source & credit: @HojenaSegundaGuerraMundial [youtube]
"Adolf Hitler realmente descendia de judeus?"
(english subtitles were added...)

"When Bryan sets out to uncover the truth about doping in sports, a chance meeting with a Russian scientist transforms his story from a personal experiment into a geopolitical thriller." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6333060/ // https://www.icarus.film

The Grammy-winning lead singer of System of a Down, Serj Tankian helps to awaken a political revolution on the other side of the world, inspiring Armenia's struggle for democracy through his music and message. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11905998/


Created 1 year, 8 months ago.

131 videos

Category None

“art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” (Cesar Cruz // Banksy)

“if i could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.” (Edward Hopper)