Liberty Action Council

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Liberty Action Council



Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated - Phase I -Study of Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated – Which Group Is Healthier? Interview With the Author of the Study, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler –Part 1

The most compelling evidence about vaccine efficacy are studies that compare the health of those who have been vaccinated with those who have not. These studies are the only practical and scientific way to determine if vaccines prevent disease and whether or not they improve the health of those vaccinated.

Unfortunately, our government, beginning with DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) has not followed the law requiring that such monitoring of vaccines be undertaken. And our Congress has not done its duty in enforcing the law to ensure that these studies are done. This is because Big Pharma has bribed our government into compliance with mandating their vaccine product without proper oversight, while freeing vaccine manufacturers from any and all liability for injury incurred by their product. They can’t be sued for negligence!

The very regulatory agencies established to protect the public are now protecting the financial interests of Big Pharma against the public welfare. Therefore, we are dedicating this page to presenting you with studies being conducted on the health of the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated conducted by independent scientists and researchers with no conflict of interest in reporting their findings.

Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated - Phase I -Study of Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated – Which Group Is Healthier? Interview With the Author of the Study, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler –Part 2

The most compelling evidence about vaccine efficacy are studies that compare the health of those who have been vaccinated with those who have not. These studies are the only practical and scientific way to determine if vaccines prevent disease and whether or not they improve the health of those vaccinated.

Unfortunately, our government, beginning with DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) has not followed the law requiring that such monitoring of vaccines be undertaken. And our Congress has not done its duty in enforcing the law to ensure that these studies are done. This is because Big Pharma has bribed our government into compliance with mandating their vaccine product without proper oversight, while freeing vaccine manufacturers from any and all liability for injury incurred by their product. They can’t be sued for negligence!

The very regulatory agencies established to protect the public are now protecting the financial interests of Big Pharma against the public welfare. Therefore, we are dedicating this page to presenting you with studies being conducted on the health of the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated conducted by independent scientists and researchers with no conflict of interest in reporting their findings.

Is a virus the enemy?

Kedarji shares research data on curing and preventing SARS-COV2 Coronavirus without vaccination. And herd immunity without a vaccine.

What you need to know before you even consider getting tested.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

6 videos

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Love and Liberty, Not Fear – Protect Your God-Given, Constitutional Rights.
Through Direct and Sustained Contact With Legislators and Other Elected Officials

We are now living in an age where our own government, like that of other governments around the globe, has declared war on our God-given rights protected by the Constitution. This is part of a long-standing plan to strip us of our free speech, civil rights and liberties, in the name of protecting us – with big, centralized government that places its own ideology/dogma above God, Liberty and Science.

However, this is not about them. It’s about us. We have allowed the erosion of liberty to occur by our own complacency in governance. This has led to the present culture in which we have submitted to being ruled rather than served through governance. There is a difference between the two.

The Liberty Action Council is comprised of a group of concerned citizens in Mahoning County, Ohio who are engaged in educating and inspiring the public to increase direct and sustained contact with legislators and other elected officials. During the present Covid crisis we are also working at protecting;

Our right to health freedom and bodily autonomy – to have the final decision on what goes on and in our bodies.
Our right to fully informed consent.
Our right to refuse any health, medical and well-being treatment without reprisals or restrictions on our chosen lifestyles as a result of such refusal.
Our right to choose any of the many alternative, holistic, natural, well-being and health therapies for prevention and healing that do not rely on toxic pharmaceutical interventions to sustain health past any necessary, emergency medical interventions.