@Resurrection Radio Podcast

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@Resurrection Radio Podcast



Learn about history from greats such as Abraham Lincoln and Winston Spencer Churchill. Learn how history ties to the world we live in today. If you want to support my channel make sure to hit subscribe and like on the videos. I try to include history as well as language learning. If you have ideas on which languages you would like to learn, write a message and I will see what can be done concerning videos showing how to learn that language. Thanks!

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If you would like to donate or subscribe check the following link: https://www.subscribestar.com/ruminations-and-ramblings.

Learn history and reflections about said figures from Michelangelo and Leonardo. If you prefer to read along while listening here is a link: https://goodthoughtsandactions.wordpress.com/figures-of-history/ Keep improving!

Learn how to say family member names, hobbies, and directions in Spanish as an English speaker.

Learn about the importance of history in today's world. Includes important figures of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Anne Marie Frank, and Viktor E. Frankl.

Learn to say common words in Spanish like yes, no, beverages, and meal names.

Learn some of the basic greeting words and questions in Spanish. Learn a bit of grammar and phonetics through repetition and following through with examples. Make sure you also speak the words or else it won't do much good. We learn through being active and practicing consistently. Practice at least 5 minutes per day or 10 minutes every other day to become better at your target language. Have fun self-improving! If you would like to donate or subscribe check the following link: https://www.subscribestar.com/ruminations-and-ramblings.
Buy Merchandise: https://teespring.com/ruminations-and-ramblings#pid=46&cid=2752&sid=front

Pictures provided by Pexels.

Join me as we count the numbers in Spanish. Learn to say the numbers in Spanish as a general introduction to a new language. Let me know if you would like more information on learning Spanish. If you would like to support, visit https://www.subscribestar.com/ruminations-and-ramblings

Join me as we go forward with learning Romance languages like Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese. This video shows how to say the letters of the Spanish alphabet. My approach is to teach the foundation of the Spanish language through spaced repetition and then going forward into learning the grammar rules and other components. If you would like to support, visit https://www.subscribestar.com/ruminations-and-ramblings to donate or subscribe. Buy Merchandise: https://teespring.com/ruminations-and-ramblings#pid=46&cid=2752&sid=front Thank you!


Created 5 years, 3 months ago.

8 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This channel is created in order to preach the Scriptures.