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The death of abrahams wife

Finding a tomb

Buying the land

Sacrifice your own son

A test of faith

Showing what will come

Kids at 100 years old

Forced to wander the wilderness

Vows made

Fooling the king

Go about your business

Modern day locations?

Evil people and punishment they deserve

New peoples born out of bad things

Salt mines through mountains

Where did people end up?

Things now seen as normal once was wicked

Run and dont look back

Angel visitors

Children even at an old age

Standing up even for wicked people

A covenant with God

Having children at 99

Nations and land will belong to them

Wanting to have children

Concubines and slaves

Anger hate jealousy and the creation of peoples

A covenant with God

So many descendants more than the stars

Where are the 12?

Wars between kings

Risking your life to save family

Blessings bestowed upon you

Travels through the land

Not enough space for the animals

So many descendants too many to count

Moving far from home

Sacred trees

A beautiful wife fooling the king

Languages scattered around the world

Peoples scattered around the world

Time frames and records for history

The table of nations

All of our ancestors and history

We all come from the same place

A rainbow promise

Curses on Canaan

A wonderfully long life

Fountains of the deep floodgates of heaven

Animals and kinds

Modern day locations and promises to the world from God

Waiting for water to go down

Doves and branches

Promises from God

Animals and many different kinds

Long time to stay in a boat

Water over the mountain tops

Worldwide flood

People and animals

Fountains of the deep and floodgates of heaven

Extreme evil and wickedness on earth

Everything must die and a new start will happen

A man is chosen to build an ark

Heavenly beings having children with women

Giants were the descendants

Wickedness levels so high a flood will come

Shem Ham Japheth

Producers of the worlds races?

Lineage of peoples through thousands of years

Lists of people

Lists of their ages

Births to continue mankind

The worlds first murder a never ending chain

The start of cities and new lineages

A new son to replace one who was lost


Created 2 years ago.

34 videos

Category None

The bible from start to finish