The Candy Store

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The Candy Store



WW1 and WW2 the real story of why Germany went to war.

Zionism, Communism, Bolschevism, they are all the same and despite the fact that they always end miserably, the jews won't give up, beating a dead dog. The NWO is just a new name for the same attempt at turning eveyone, but the jews, into slaves.

Oil is not made out of fossils ,that is just a ridiculous term for it, and it is not scarce, contrary to what you might have learned.

Dr. Jacob Nordangärd unmasks the people behind the WEF and the colusionists

This message is not just for Britain and Europe, but should be shared all around the world. We need to unite and fight for our freedom, before it slips away.

Why they hated Germany

A rare video produced by Bob Lazar who gives his official videotaped testimony of his involvement in the Revers Engineering of Alien Space Craft of Extraterrestrial Origin

This video autobiography Dr. Dann Burisch and his work with the J-Rod in Area 51 S4

Hitler speaks about the British occupation of Palestine and Roosevelt's demands
English subtitles

Hitler talks about why the enemy hates Germany so much. English subtitles

Funny sketch with English subtitles. Moderator can't stop laughing and gets fired.


Created 5 years ago.

15 videos

Category Education

Miscellaneous videos, funny stuff, some political shit and general interests