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Read em and weep. Many people are realizing just how bad this killer jab is. Even moar are seeing the jabbed dying and wonder, are you the next that will fall victim to the population elimination agenda jab? So sad to see the massive amounts of dead being put into the graveyards of America and Europe. Have you noticed?

On a happier note, one of Hell's best died yesterday(2-26-24). Lord rottenchild has re-joined the likes of bush, brezinski, and kissassenger in that special place down in hell from whence they all came. They are now screaming in withering pain and horracious suffering and so wishing they had walked a different path then the evil one they pursued all their life. They would tell all their underling stooge puppets: the temporary glory and riches of the material life are not worth trading for the hellish torture and suffering they are enduring after the death of the body. Those eternal souls are slated to suffer for the next thousand earth years in the afterlife.

Long story short, to all those evil things who actually believe they can escape Universal Karmic Justice, guess again. You won't. Never will, never could. The fact is, you might enjoy some ego based glory and riches in this lifetime, but there is absolutely NO ESCAPE from the always on time Karmic Justice. All awakened and conscious souls should say to themselves: it's better to arrive at the judgement Scale of MA AT in Karmic Credit, rather then arrive in Karmic Debt. Choose well the path you take towards the end of physical life. All these evil things will tell you, it is just not worth it. Hell's suffering is far far far greater then all the money-god in this 3-D world.

Choose well your life path, said the Old Knight of Light.:


Here is some real and sobering truth from this former Russian US Army Captain speaking his truth to power. Will the lack-toast American People allow this to happen? Hummm...time tells all things.

Here is a very informative report from Mike Adams and a guy named Chris Busby. Read em and weep...sad if true that they are using this on the poor Gazan People.

Here is yet more evidence pointing to the long well planned invasion and destruction of America. These illegal aliens are coming here to serve the UN Blue for the globalist babylonians.

Here we learn again what is coming when these invaders get the order to go get armed and ready for the planned chaos. Everybody knows that the evil criminals going back decades are never going to let real law enforcement or real justice to ever happen again in America. The eventual false flag event is coming to cause more war, or chaos to as always blame on someone else.

NOW HEAR THIS.: There will be no election so the time line is set. Enjoy your life in purity and plan well. Circle the wagons with your neighbors, for we have from this time to that time, the election, to get ready for the attack, chaos, war, and every other nasty thing babylon will bring down the pike.

Pass this around.

Understand the Plan -


Here is more around the corroborating evidence of the ongoing invasion from the heart of Mike Adams, who gives you his well put rendition of what's to come. Everybody knows this, but chooses to ignore the coming chaos.

Take heed and well understand that this is the babylonian PLAN that WILL unfold in time IF the American People do not unite and drop all political walls and horsepiss run-a-rounds meant to confuse and confound and most of all, divide you ALL so you will ALL be easier to conquer. Same old Cesarean Divide and Conquer Methodology. Old as the hills. It is all as plain as day and anyone who refuses to see this coming to a theater near you soon is either stupid, ignorant, a communist hell bent on destroying America, or all of the above. Choose well the karma you wish to inherit. Your great grandparents gave their all for this country. What will you give to save it? What will you DO knowing you and your family are being invaded and set up to be KILLED?

Pass this around, review the preceding video and most of all, study the Cloward Piven plan to destroy ALL your futures. And for the little pointed heads, do you really believe you will have a golden ticket to the underground havens, otherwise known as, tombs of the dammed? Guess again, your bullet will come from behind after you have served your purpose and you won't know what happened as you think you are on the bus to get away from the mayhem, and chaos you are creating. It has always been all...or none.


(see the next video to put it all together)


It doesn't take much to be a Seer in modern times. All One has to do is, see! See what is obvious and in your face and in this case, every darn day. The invasion of America is in full force RIGHT NOW and not a dang thing is being done to stop it. It's a communist invasion. No one but the wise and awakened can SEE what is as plain as day.

Go to the part towards the end of this video and listen closely and well to what Mr M. Yon is saying directly and simply. The illegal aliens are coming here with nothing, given everything, and will be readied to go get armed and trained to kill every American in America. It's the babylonian plan, simple as that. They are being promised all the treasure, lands, homes, and plunder they can violently take after some kind of triggering event happens. It could be more war, an economic crash of the free money system, countrywide power outage, or even a nuk popping off somewhere to blame Russia for. It may even all come at once. They don't call it chaos for nothing.

Wake up and prepare your communities, as well as yerselves. Do all you can to alert as many people that you talk to. Share this video and the one following in which Mike Adams also puts the truth down on the road. Pick it up and gain, or run it over and eventually lose. Choose well, said the Old Knight.

Homework: THE PLAN->


Long long ago in this whacko world it was well shown how big pharma rockofeller and the military worked together to develop the Brucellosis biological weapon that causes flu like symptoms. Get the planes to spread it around in CHEMTRAILS and give the live virus to stupid people in the flu shots and then sit back and profit from the sick people, year after year, after year selling cures and snake oil. Right on fall/winters cue, the medical mafia sets up to profit from sick people. How about that flu every year? Oh, wait, there was none last years 21-22. Oy!

For the Good Dr's, do some homework below. Hard copy.







And as everybody knows, this has been researched and foretold is and has and does happen when the weather conditions are created to incubate and insure the spread of many of these babylonian created dis-eases.

So, how to start a scamdemic? Easy, spread out those CHEMTRAILS just before a foretold time of masks and lockdowns and the worst evil ever pushed, the jab. The worst evil so ever consumed by the blind sheeples. Will it all happen again, or does anyone care about the air they breath every minute of the day?

Good News is: Colloidal Silver Plus(Oregano Oil/Olive Leaf Extract) heals most respiratory sicknesses.

Always follow your heart and do yer darned best to stay present from moment to moment to day at a time.



They get what they voted for. A communist revolution and the killing off of billions of useless eaters. Can't wait for the draft. The kids of today, are the cannon fodder of tomorrow but will this be before, or after the depression?

Look here closely at this extremely well made movie, for this is what is coming to a theater near you soon. Long too long has the righteous Hand Of Man laid low and done nothing to stop the rise of evil in this world. Now, the time of reckoning is coming. The wicked nasty evil things are successfully pitting the two major Christian Nations(Russia&USA) against each other so when they kill each other off, the evil will easily take over the world and the rest left standing after a nuklear woar, if any, will be enslaved and tortured for the rest of their sorrow filled lives.

ONLY!... the unification of ALL Christians aboard the earth ship can stop the insane evil madness that is overtaking everyone worldwide. THIS is a war on evil, no less. ONLY the world uniting against this evil will stop it. The question is, will it be in time to save the planet and all of her inhabitants?

Hummmmm....time tells all things.

Share this for all to see what is coming to them.


Here is a clip from a Scott Ritter interview that must be recognized and most of all, investigated and prosecuted. Ask, is it right for American tax dollars to be spent on weapons that will turn up on the Black market?

Clip from this link:



This off the wall sci-fi movie just keeps getting stranger and stranger. See the next uploads.

Dane Wigington is one of America's brightest Lights. Give thanks and pay close attention to his good works. He often has other pieces of the grand puzzle that help to understand the population elimination agenda. Some of the info he shares here explains why the cold season is lingering on in many parts of the country. It is all about more influence to cause the coming famine. Prepare while you still can. When the pop goes the whezzel in Taiwan, all bets are off! Can you say, Duck And Cover?

Long for many years we have told people that the chineee surprise attack is coming. While people are focused on all things East, they are not seeing the real danger coming from the west. The chineee will attack from the west coast, the northern border and the southern border where they have been amassing and preparing for the invasion. Prolly what will kick it off is when the chinee biden clown puppet show gets involved with Taiwan. So sad to see this slow rolling train that will flatten America while everyone else struggles and fights over the last can of tunafish. Prepare, pray and let others know what is coming if they will listen . Nothing is going to stop the babylonian globalist plan. Well, of course the combined forces of the Spetnaz and American Special Forces could, but will they stop killing each other and go after the real evil that wants to kill us all?


Been slow with uploads because the garden calls louder than truth does. Blessings to you all.

This is a pretty informative video.

Another fine video from Alien.wars on Bitchute. Sadly, the attacks are slamming everyone on the planet. How many people are reporting Tinnitus? How many are feeling the effects of EMF poisoning? What people must realize is our own govts are attacking our own people. So sad. :( And to think the people are paying for it all in taxes.

This is an older video but it well describes what is actually happening today, especially the part about the evil FEMA babylonians wanting everyone sick so they will not resist tyranny or the chinee surprise attack that may come.

As previously said, getting weirder and stranger by the day. Oh look! Here comes the Monkeypox!! Ohhhh noooo Mr Bill!!!!!

This is a powerful video featuring the awesome Dr Carie Madej =)

So, why does this make perfect sense?

Things still to come?

This is strange stuff. Pass it on.

Here is the check with the Geiger counter of the wipe from the windshield Part 2.

The air all around is dirty brown and the feeling is yucky. We did a Geiger counter check today as the winds whipped and swished. Here is the result. It was 75 CPM(counts per minute) and that is three-quarters of the way to Alert Level, which is 100 CPM. If you are in an environment where it is 100 CPM, get away from there fast! Today was a good day to stay indoors with the air filter on. See what the rain brought down again next.

Here is this first part of gathering the dirt on a wipe from the very filthy windshield after a very small rain that lasted only a few minutes. Stay tuned for the result.

Here is another video of this Beanie that as anyone can see, fails the Tri-meter test also. Sad that this and other clothing lines say this stuff blocks EMF when clearly according to this test, fails. All a person can say is, buyer beware. If you buy something that is supposed to block EMF etc, be sure to test it. Don't take anyone's word that is pushing these over priced hats, or clothing.

We know that because more and more people are being made aware of the dangers around the new 5-Gee cell-tower/satellite/phone Skynet-system and the pulsating EMF, they are going about trying to get things like clothing to protect themselves. Sadly, as far as our testing with the Tri-meter is concerned, none have proven so far to stop, or even slow down the penetration of the dangerous pulsating EMF. Here, there is plenty of that from the high electric wires by our home. It pulsates between 3-4 milligauss with more in certain places around the house. Most especially around the smart meter. Studies suggest biological effects may begin to occur near 3 milligauss of AC magnetic field. See how this shirt failed the testing outside in the front yard that faces the electric high wires.

Herein lies more info that is no less more of the many pieces of the big crazy puzzle of confusion and psychotronic warfare on the innocent people of the world. Look for the important clues in this and the following video.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

34 videos

Category Education

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