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The fact that this has become our regular conversation shows the depraved mindset that America has descended to. The fact is, men do not belong in women’s prisons, sports, bathrooms, etc. This is what the ERA Amendment in NY will allow for. Don’t believe that it has anything to do with Abortion rights. My opponent along with the rest of the NY Democratic legislators are lying to their voters…. Period! It’s a smoke screen meant to gain the trust of the people while stripping away parental rights! Do your own research.

As we close out the week… take the time to think about what’s really important… we are all on borrowed time… what has happened to our country? Love has been taken over by selfishness, greed, and lust… if we could just get back to loving each other… things would begin to change overnight….🙏🏽✝️💪🏽🇺🇸

Connecticut's Democrat-controlled legislature, State Senator Martha Marx (D). She's arguing against the use of the term "pregnant mother" because it's not inclusive enough. Is it a coincidence that her last name is "Marx"? The fact that the amendment is to an Act regarding Mental Health says it all. Anyone who even considers this nonsense needs mental health services themselves. We are dumbing down the next generation and compromising our country so severely that it's scary.

“Out of the mouth of a baby…if you fall down.. just pick yourself up and keep going.. remember who you are and whose you are…shine like never before…and remember to exude love!❤️🙏🏽✝️🇺🇸”

Although you have some of the migrants who will take advantage of the situation, many are simply looking for a better way of life…plus, they could not be here if we didn’t allow and advocate for it…the Biden Administration is to blame along with local government…. I completely believe in immigration, but not like this… not to the detriment of our citizens… absolutely not! This is bad for all involved.🎯🙏😮‍💨

"Clarification: The ERA does not state "any age" but upon a reading of the amendment, especially alongside the Bills currently before the legislature, that is what the legislative intent points to."

What the #BidenAdministration is doing by SUING corporations for ENFORCING their unconstitutional mandates is beyond tyrannical!!!

SHARE this video widely and tell the attorneys in your network to join us in Vegas and learn how to successfully litigate in 2024!

Migrants accused of robbery spree across NYC
At least seven migrants have been arrested in connection to a spree of robberies that consists of 62 known incidents across New York City, where the robbers allegedly snuck up on unsuspecting victims, mostly women, on mopeds and scooters to steal phones and purses.
Source: FOX 5 New York

This is Disturbing..🤦🏾‍♀️🎯🙏

It is imperative that Parents take control of the school boards because many if not most have become tyrannical and are implementing policies and programs that are wholly destructive to the children, contrary to the familial structure and adverse to the values of parents. Trust no one with your child. 👊🏽💪🏼👍🏿✊🏻 🙏🏽🙌🏾💜🇺🇸


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

166 videos

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