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As we explore different aspects of this multidimensional existence.

This time we go back a little further...

Today on the V-LAB: Will be Screening, one of the most spoken story of the moment, "The Fallen Angels". The who, the when and where are they now..?

Big hug! To the Flatout Truth and Dave Murphy for their fantastic research on this subject.

I like to remind that, what will be mentioned in this Doc. Is for educational pourpose only.
Thank you.
(Yes! u can share it.)

enjoy the show!

Stay Awake!!

Know Thy Self: Whats more to say…

The simple think that I am going to add is, how the “Allegory” of the first and second testament, has conned an entire Planet, for millennia.

And whited almost every biblical character out.

This video should give you an idea of how the Bibiclal scripture have been intentionally intrerpreted in wrong way, just because we are
not connected...!

The time to reactivate and establish a live connection with the Most High, has come.

And it's wanderful!

I want to remind you that; The intentions of this video are for educational purposes only.
(Share it!)

Stay Awake!!

How did we get to this...?

Usually in any western society everything looks Great! But In reality beyond the scenary, everything is Crooked! As we found out it is done on purpose, so the routine of fixing it again and again, will generate revenue for "The State/Nation" and will keep "The Slave" busy.

(I do not mean to offend anybody here)

Because unfortunately that’s all he knows.

And thats ok-for them.

But when you become aware of the
history of damage that the industrial age caused and still today is causing...

Is allarming!

My only duty is to let others know of the disturbing truth that was caused, to mother earth, animals and people, from the very beginning.

This Film-Doc. Will show a series of events that changed the course of humanity...

I like to remind you that this film-Doc. is for educational porpouse only. Thank you

If you like to ear more about this theme (evil food supply/utube American Expirience).

Stay Awake!!

HI everyone, Today on the V-LAB: I like to share that Astronomical Theories" are just "theories".

Nowadays we prefer to find wisdom in anything but the Holy Bible.
The concept of a globe for example, is a staging that would have been fabricated in the medieval era, turns out…
The Renaissance, for example, was not for the people, but to add an extra piece to their
"Christian Monotheistic System". Yes, the “Church”, for the purpose to complete yet another Magic spell.

The inquisition was in fact a revolt; of the people, torturing and burning… Everyone who opposed the new model
Of Heliocentrism“ of Capernicus… including the readings of Martin Luther.

(Even today's "World" maps are not the original ones).

In this little documentary that I created;
Including the story of how this all happened, and why?
Thanks to the passionate researchers from various nations…
That this film was able to manifest itself.

Most of this video is in English with Italian translations.

(Remember; what will be said and seen in this video is only the tip of the iceberg of what is known about the subject.)

I want to remind you that; The intentions of this video are for educational purposes only.

Enjoy the Vista!

Stay Awake!!

The simple reason of making this documentary film is, because is time to know of The “Legal-Trick” that the Vatican-Banksters. are playing on us, “the people”, Why Wars were invented, beside the fact of Divide & Conquer and take hold of the resources…

The Administrator must Kill the debtor before the debtor becomes aware that he was the creditor all along and that is why WAR was invented, to deceive the creditors into killing each other, so the Administrator never has to settle the debts of the creditor, beause the true creditors killed each other...
without a Will.

Almost every war is controlled opposition. In the end only the people ”Will” die.

I like to remind that this Documentary Film is dedicated to Harry Vox

And off course to the Greatest story never told, Know more news and all the rest that made this possible: Thank you guy’s for all of your great works.

Say no! To another Rothschild War.

(Warning, this film is made for educational porpuse only).

Enjoy the Show!

Stay Awake!!

After 3 years of world wide investigations, with highly credible evidence.
Is time to ask ourselves, do viruses really exist??

Stay Awake!!

Hi everybody, as we see the agricultural mess that is happening around the world right now, because of the shortages of fertilisers…? Who needs those anymore! Today on the V-LAB we are going to learn about this very important matter. If you learn this new way properly, you will never need to use that old method any longer.

Enjoy the show!

Stay Awake!!

If you like to find out more here are some site's that may interest you...

PRESENTATION : ElectroCulture MasterClass 22nd Jan 2024
Andrea Donnoli Electroculture,

Good vibes for Agriculture, Yannick van dorne https://www.electrocultureandmagnetoculture.com

You got to laugh...

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11 videos

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