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Dear EV owners, Strata Councils and Ebike sellers:

The writing is on the wall. Some strata's have completely banned ebikes and escooters already, probably due to the pressure from insurance companies. Furthermore, one or more home insurance companies have already pulled the plug (no pun intended) on solar-powered homes with lithium battery banks. Also, even if your insurance company merely raises its rates for an escooter fire, your insurer may also ultimately deny fire claims, merely on a suspicion, which is known as "Bad Faith Denial" in plaintiff litigation circles. The most famous case is Whiten versus Pilot Insurance Company et al. Coincidentally, I once worked with the Whitens' successful lawyer, on class action proceedings. The Whitens eventually obtained their final, winning, Supreme Court judgment, approximately 10 years after their house burned down.

Where there's a problem, there is also a solution.

Is there a solution that makes existing ebikes and escooters safer? Yes. By foiling impending lithium battery fires. This is technically difficult, but has already been done. Contact Rob's Repairs for details.

About Rob's Repairs: Rob co-invented the Revived Battery Electric Pickup Truck shown on CBC Newsworld. Rob was part of the group that created the Tap Water Scooter shown on CTV's evening news. Rob has saved at least two disabled people from plasma fires, as shown on Rob's stairlift repair diaries on video. North Vancouver City Council awarded Rob for his battery inventions. Winner of green inventions, from Canadian Business and Vancouver magazines. Cited as a "modern-day Thomas Edison" by Sun Peaks news. Was in front pages of Ming Pao and Burnaby Now, with the Revived Battery Electric Pickup Truck, which got 450 e-MPG mileage according to engineers. Rob's electric rides' technical details are listed in's visual database.

Rob was nominated for a City of Richmond award. He rode his solar-charged ebike -- that charges even in the shade -- to city hall. There is a video of Richmond city hall's Chief Of Security praising this fun invention on two wheels.

Rob's Repairs

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Created 4 years ago.

62 videos

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Happily solving puzzling problems and staying in my vortex. Phone me, emails are unreliable at my end.