The Rebellion

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The Rebellion

The Rebellion


What's going on with all the sport players and heart issues lately? Oh, you didn't hear about it? Check it out.

This woman spoke at the Grandville board meeting August 19 and has over 19 years experience in mitigation training and is a Senior Industrial Hygienist that works in Occupational and Environmental Toxicology. She teaches the “experts” on how to effectively use a mask.

Hal Turner just broke this on his show. A Russian hacker went on the dark web and found a database that shows vaccinated people’s info (vital signs, their exact GPS coordinates, whether they are sleeping or awake) being uploaded in real time. People who have received the jab are now being tracked in real time by the 5G system. They have become transmitters, transmitting all info about themselves back to the mothership aka the AI receiver. This is wild.... It also shows the exact info of the firmware, CPU info and processor that is inside the person.

A deleted Bill Gates documentary has been revived. Remember he made a statement saying he doesn’t understand why people don’t like him? Another fine display of Psychotic behavior! Please share

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Magnets attracted to the injection site of the so called "vaccine". WTF is in those things?

On the menu discussing the legal definitions of vaccines, and whether the products currently being marketed as such meet this definition.
Link to sources:​

Link to transcript:​

In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), the court held that the context for their opinion rested on the following principle:

“This court has more than once recognized it as a fundamental principle that 'persons and property are subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens in order to secure the general comfort, health, and prosperity of the state…”


The Moderna and Pfizer “alleged vaccine” trials have explicitly acknowledged that their gene therapy technology has no impact on viral infection or transmission whatsoever and merely conveys to the recipient the capacity to produce an S1 spike protein endogenously by the introduction of a synthetic mRNA sequence. Therefore, the basis for the Massachusetts statute and the Supreme Court’s determination is moot in this case.


From Iowa Code

Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen which, upon administration to a person, will result in immunity

“Vaccine” means a specially prepared antigen administered to a person for the purpose of providing immunity.

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code section 147.76, the Board of Pharmacy hereby gives Notice of Intended Action to amend Chapter 8, “Universal Practice Standards,” and to adopt new Chapter 39, “Expanded Practice Standards,” Iowa Administrative Code.


Section 5(a) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45(a), prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” Further, misrepresentations or deceptive omissions of material facts constitute deceptive acts or practices prohibited by this section of the Act. Notably, Section 12(a) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 52(a), prohibits the dissemination of any false advertisement in or affecting commerce for the purpose of inducing, or which is likely to induce, the purchase of food, drugs, devices, services, or cosmetics. Supple is a “drug” as “drug” is defined in Section 15(c) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 55(c).

Liberty Lockdown now streaming on demand:​

David's book, Lizards Eat Butterflies, is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble:​​

Tune in next Monday for the next episode, 5PM EDT.

Visit for more of David's content.

The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video

The Death Prick

NASA employee ([email protected]) admits that lithium is being sprayed in the atmosphere, and says that it is “harmless to the environment.”

NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals

NASA admits chemtrails VIDEO - 10 July 2013

Woke anesthesiologist tells her story. Boss says be prepared.

1976: Fear of a great plague - On the cold afternoon of February 5, 1976, an Army recruit told his drill instructor at Fort Dix that he felt tired and weak but not sick enough to see military medics or skip a big training hike.

Within 24 hours, 19-year-old Pvt. David Lewis of Ashley Falls, Mass., was dead, killed by an influenza not seen since the plague of 1918-19, which took 500,000 American lives and 20 million worldwide.

Two weeks after the recruit's death, health officials disclosed to America that something called "swine flu" had killed Lewis and hospitalized four of his fellow soldiers at the Army base in Burlington County.

The ominous name of the flu alone was enough to touch off civilian fear of an epidemic. And government doctors knew from tests hastily conducted at Dix after Lewis' death that 500 soldiers had caught swine flu without falling ill.

Any flu able to reach that many people so fast was capable of becoming another worldwide plague, the doctors warned, raising these questions:

Does America mobilize for mass inoculations in time to have everybody ready for the next flu season? Or should the country wait to see if the new virus would, as they often do, get stronger to hit harder in the second year?

Thus was born what would become known to some medical historians as a fiasco and to others as perhaps the finest hour of America's public health bureaucracy.

Only young Lewis died from the swine flu itself in 1976. But as the critics are quick to point out, hundreds of Americans were killed or seriously injured by the inoculation the government gave them to stave off the virus.

According to his sister-in-law, John Kent of President Avenue in Lawrence went to his grave in 1997 believing the shot from the government had killed his first wife, Mary, long before her time.

Among other critics are Arthur M. Silverstein, whose book, "Pure Politics and Impure Science," suggests President Gerald Ford's desire to win the office on his own, as well as the influence of America's big drug manufacturers, figured into the decision to immunize all 220 million Americans.

Still, even the partisan who first branded Ford's program a fiasco, says now that it happened because America's public health establishment identified what easily could have been a new plague and mobilized to beat it amazingly well.

To understand the fear of the time you have to know something about the plague American soldiers seemed to bring home with them after fighting in Europe during World War I.

It got its name because it was a brand of flu usually found in domestic pigs and wild swine. It was long thought to have come, like so many flus, out of the Chinese farm country, where people and domestic pigs live closely together.

Recent research has shown, however, that the post-WWI flu was brought to Europe by American troops who had been based in the South before they went to war. Medical detectives, still working on the case in the 1990s, determined that a small group of our soldiers took swine flu to Europe and that it spread to the world from there.

How the swine flu got to Fort Dix in 1976 still hasn't been tracked down. At the time, Dix military doctors knew only that a killer flu had made it to the base and that they were lucky more men hadn't died or been sickened seriously.
Weeks after Lewis died, doctors from the Centers for Disease Control and other federal public health officials were meeting in Washington, trying to decide if they should recommend the government start a costly program of mass inoculations.

One doc later told the authors of "The Epidemic that Never Was" that he and others in on the meetings realized there was "nothing in this for the CDC except trouble," especially because a decision had to be made fast to get the immunizations manufactured by the fall.

"...The obvious thing to do was immunize everybody," the doctor said. "But if we tried to do that ... we might have to interrupt a hell of a lot of work on other diseases."

The doctors knew they faced complaints if the epidemic broke out and vaccines weren't ready, as well as criticism if they spent millions inoculating people for a plague that didn't happen.

"As for 'another 1918,' 1 didn't expect that," the doctor continued in the book. "But who could be sure? It would wreck us. Yet, if there weren't a pandemic, we'd be charged with wasting public money, crying wolf and causing all the inconvenience for nothing ... It was a no-win situation."

By mid-March, CDC Director Dr. David J. Sencer had lined up most of the medical establishment behind his plan to call on Ford to support a $135 million program of mass inoculation.

CBS Caught Admitting "We Make it Up As We Go Along" - Gates and vaccines

Fauci has yo-yo'd the American public too many times. Many social media platforms restrict and censor previous statements because they know that "MAJOR MEDIA FOLLOWERS" forget.

President Donald Trump compares ‘Operation Warp Speed,’ the US government's initiative to develop a coronavirus vaccine to the Manhattan Project.
PUBLISHED: 20:38, Fri, May 15, 2020


Taken from the film series "How Should We The Live" by Francis Schaeffer. It was produced in 1977 and his prophetic view of the media is stunning. Watch this clip and decide for yourself if what you see on the news can always be trusted as what is actually happening.

You can't make this stuff up.
11-08-2020 Siri was asked "how old is the President"? Kamila Harris' birthday was given.
(video taken from a friend.)

Tony Bobulinski speaks out on Biden partnership

removed from youtube

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The Second Covid-19 Film by the World’s Most Censored Filmmaker

This is a condensed version of the three hour phone call between survivor Maria Farmer & investigative journalist Whitney Webb. I’ve included all of their discussion relating to Mossad, Mega Group, Les Wexner, and Israel. These are the key pieces of information that the mainstream media won’t touch and is in fact complicit in keeping this decades long blackmail operation continuing. Jeffery Epstein was not the head of the snake, he was only mid management and was assigned by Israeli Intelligence to work for Ghislaine Maxwell in the 80’s, who reported to billionaire Zionist Les Wexner. The operation continues without him.

If you aren’t too familiar with the Jeff Epstein story and would like to understand more, the new (gatekeeping) Netflix docuseries ‘Filthy Rich’ is a decent start to catch you up with the information that the MSM is allowed to discuss. Unfortunately it’s meant to control the narrative and gives voices to victim harassers like Alan Dershowitz, Vicki Ward, & James Patterson, along with making Wexner out to be a victim of Epstein which is both insulting and ridiculous. But it’s a good way to get the basics of the story, and it’s good that the story isn’t fading from people’s interests in light of all the distractions going on around us (COVID-19 & the American Intifada). Anyways, I hope those of you that understand the importance of exposing this international sex trafficking blackmail operation will help get Maria Farmers story out by sharing or downloading & re-uploading this video to your social medias. She’s been all over the mainstream media being the first victim to ever come forward to the FBI, however she says they cut out about 85% of what she has to say. Hopefully this will spark your interest to listen to the full unedited phone call between Farmer & Webb, because there’s a lot I didn’t include in this video. You can listen to it here:

Part 1:
Part 2:

You can also read Whitney Webb’s investigative series here:

Too Big to Fail: the Epstein Investigation :



Created 4 years ago.

35 videos

Category Education

Let the Rebellion begin.