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The boys and I commit to Deep Strikes with the Big Lobby Mod, suffering tremendous causalities each time.

Returning to a rather buggy West London we settle in behind the wire gate.

Returning to a rather buggy West London we settle in behind the wire gate.

The boys and I get turned around in an unfamiliar map.

Doing all I can to avoid going into the Manor we do our best to hold between the caves and the basement system.

Down to just his duel 9mm pistols Yuyu is able to take out the Patriarch to secure our first win.

Returning to Killing Floor after around a decade of absence I put my expert knowledge to use herding my friends around KF_Office.

The boys and I get our first experience with Titan and I get a good look at the spring headed creature that ended me the previous day.

The boys and I bring our triple contract to a close.

After the tactical purchase of Boomboxes the team is in high spirits to continue.

Battle Starts at 9:30

Attackers: Angmar, Mordor, Harad, Umbar
Defenders: Khazad Dum, Mirkwood

With Elves and Dwarves heavily out numbered on the defence of Osgiliath they commit to a risky strategy of holding the city streets and battling across the city to not let their enemies gather.

Music: and Adrian von Ziegler

The Dwarves put their sturdy stature to use and bring down the massive Mumakil charge before it can barrel through their lines.

The boys and I crack into a fresh session with minimal equipment, relying on the pulse scans to make our way through the darkness.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

235 videos

Category Gaming

I generally focus on Strategy games, mostly posting my own battles in order to dissect my play and improve, also hopefully provide some entertainment.