Superpower Broadcasting

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Superpower Broadcasting



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Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

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Category News & Politics

Superpower (noun): 1. Excessive or utmost power. 2. A nation able to exert influence over an array of other nations (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Hosted by Kevin Castley, Superpower Broadcasting is an online network covering news and analysis, which breaks past the biases displayed by the predominant news channels on Youtube and deliver the ultimate in commentary and analysis. Issues covered include current events and range from geopolitics to economics to culture and social issues.

Kevin has a degree in economics and political science. Though there are many caveats, Kevin's general world view is social moderation, capitalism, and liberal hawk/neoconservatism in foreign affairs. At Superpower Broadcasting, the objective is to reduce cognitive dissonance in society and foster moral consistency in politics.

