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I could make you WANT to read the TOS policies. A different way to look at TOS construction

In 2009, a team of Japanese researchers led by Masaki Kobayashi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology discovered that the human body emits visible light in small quantities that vary during the day.0 The amount of light emitted follows a 24-hour cycle, at its highest in late afternoon and lowest late at night, and the brightest light is emitted from the cheeks, forehead, and neck.3 The diurnal changes in photon emission might be linked to changes in energy metabolism.2 The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes.4 The human body emits infrared radiation, with a peak wavelength of about 9.35 micrometers.1

Over the years of corporatism there has been a loss in the sense of value for proximal trade relationships, value exchange, or whatever you want to call business. The devaluing of service and community in exchange for a speedy personal experience creates cavernous social and economic gaps in the immediate proximity.
Can the way we look at things have an exponentially negative effect due to a narrative we project coupled with the cost of convenience? Is there an anti-consciousness dynamo happening there?

Today I am having fun with the words “veil” as in the rending of the veil, and what veils symbolize in both religion and science. Also, the word “Apocalypse”. I bet you might know the real meaning of the word apocalypse. If you do, then you know why the words veil and apocalypse kind of belong together… or apart, in this day and age.

I’m not a lawyer and I don’t give advice, I’m simply correct in my position. Knowing what we don’t want is more important than knowing what we do want. If you don’t agree I’m going to make you write up a list.

Stories about crazy satanic hillbillies are popular in American lore. There are a lot of reasons for this. Mostly it’s just fascination. That’s my guess. Then there’s the thing of how so many people believe everything that vibrates in the atmosphere. I’m Commercial Herschel, and I’m here to help. You can find me all over every realm of the internet except for Blew-itTube and panic-trauma social media. I’m building my media presence only with free-speech outlets. I am not profane or unsafe for families and animals. I do not lie to you about medicines and illnesses, and I’m 100% opposed to ethnic cleansing.

There's a thing like "being afraid to know too much" about a subject before exploring it first-hand. --

I revisit some thinking about content creating and art and what the differences are. I had a breakthrough during this podcast where I think I have defined/ identified my target audience.

What do we see when we see what we see? 5eeing is connected to objects. 0ne thing is connected to another thing. The visage we engage en6a9es us.

When awful people hate you, that's when you know you're on to something. See it for what it is. You're on a good team. Do you really need the people who go along to get along? Find better company

It seems like the people in our government are taking orders from Geneva and not The People of the US. There are two different discussions happening and who is in the wrong one.

Some problems are hard to solve, even when you know what the problem is.

A review redux of last week and preview of this week. All my videos are late because of scheduling, but my podcasts are ON TIME. So subscribe for free to be ALL THE WAY CAUGHT UP:

Objective Vantage Astronomical Laboratory Systems. There's only one timeline, but it's a LAAAAHHHHTT loooooooonger than you think.

Memory is weird. This is a story of faeries and forests. Foraging and forgetfulness. Who wears the boots? What? When? Who? Huh?

Time is an avenger, it can be a waste and it can be efficient. It gets weird out in space, but we use it like a tool on Earth. Anybody doesn't really know what time it is.

We actually do have an example in nature, or at least an illustrative resource regarding the 4th dimension. It's hard to explain a place we've never been. We can describe it as best we can. This is a fun one, if I do say so myself. OK.

There are people who need to follow, and there are people who need followers. There is a reason Hyenas stay the f* away from Lions but are always there to clean up the leftover scraps… oh, and the buzzards. Don’t forget the buzzards.

Consciousness, nature, and organization are all inherent traits of the others. As humans, we compartmentalize. What is the effect of that? Does it seem like we organize against our own conscious nature? What's that about?

I'm Commercial Herschel and I'm here to help. You can find me in all podcast realms. Subscribe to my Substack, or you can buy me a coffee to comment. You can watch the video versions at Bitchute, and Rumble.

Some cool things happened. I got my first comment, that’s exciting. I can’t wait to read it. I guess I figured out that my Friday Feedback shows will be on Monday’s. That really makes more sense. It gives me the weekend to process all these dozens of comments that are coming in. Ha. It does make more sense though. I had momentum and wanted to get that last thing in for Friday and it seemed natural. Easing into the week with a feedback show will be good. Another thing is I’m now broadcasting on KUAP-Digital Broadcasting with Troubled Minds Radio. That is cool for only being at this for two weeks. Those people are great. They really inspired me to do this podcast in the first place. Check my new Landing page too

This week will cover, probably but these things change,. If you listened to last weeks show about doors, you know that it’s not about the vehicle, it’s about the goal.

Monday Friday Feedback Show
Creative Writing and Dreams
Gossip as a Litmus for Your Effectiveness
Knowing what we don’t want
The Rending of the Veil (Narrative v. Reality)

This is in honor of Jimmy Dore and Alex Jones having a brilliant conversation on Dore's show. When The People realize their division has been engineered by the same forces, that's some good news for a change.

The Momentous Episode Ten! LARPing and gaming are officially a bigger distraction than sports. There's a tenuous balance between healthy discovery and escapism. But why? What is the force that drives intelligent, creative people out of the world and into their rooms? How can we get them out here, where they're needed?

Kind of like a Part 2 to Episode 2. How to find a new open door when a door closes by watching closely and NOTICING the UNNOTICED. Please subscribe at

If an advanced species coincides with us in a different frequency, on this plane, Are they really aliens? Why do they avoid us? To start the second week of this podcast, I have fun with a very whatificatious subject. Why do aliens avoid us? I get into the light spectrum, auras, monism, philosophical materialism, and even a little superposition. Here are some reference links from the podcast: EM spectrum.html

Listen now | Controversial Herschel Makes Earth Shattering Revelation. You couldn't have known. No one is judging you. You're a victim of poor schooling.


Created 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

30 videos

Category Entertainment

I'm Commercial Herschel Sterling. I'm a traveler, a tradesman, and the GUARDIAN OF MY SKULL!. My Podcast is a short, morning-oriented podcast designed to not be panicky and political in these unsafe times. Ease into the difficult day, there is no need to get all worked up first thing in the morning. Think of this as a mission of encouragement. First I introduce and expound on a subject, then I leave you with a question to think about. Then you can interact with others at your leisure.