Silverton ~ San Juan Porcupine

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Silverton ~ San Juan Porcupine

Silverton ~ San Juan Porcupine


While all of Silverton fawns over Becky Joyce and Jim Donovan, here's some real news on the origin of the Covid. And, don't forget that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation owns and controls the WHO.

Source: One America News Newtork -

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The COVID-19 lockdowns must continue and the pandemic fear-porn factory must remain active. The globalists need a cover event for the world economic and political Reset and to keep the citizenry under control. The pandemic can be blamed for just about anything.

We believe this is why we are already seeing the media hyping the existence of “COVID mutations.” Do not be surprised if the Biden Administration tries to implement a national lockdown sometime this year in the name of stopping the spread of a “more deadly” COVID-19 variant.

For anyone truly interested in escaping the local matrix of fake news used to try to keep the We The People in line, here's the difference between the news programming in other countries and that which we are being fed here in the so called 'free' United States. You don't want to miss this.

Mirrored from: The Crowhouse:

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While many at the community forum appeared to have bought in to its promoters' plan to 'participate' in 'managing' the OHV issue, many more expressed clearly articulated messages: We will not put up with OHV's in our town. Several expressed they were going to move out of Silverton, some said they decided not to move here after the 'intolerable' OHV issue of the last couple of years, while others said they and friends and family would not return unless and until OHV's were no longer allowed in town.

One woman's comment was brief but clear: Put it to a vote. It's a ballot issue.

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In the first part, the Porcupine briefly reviews the Town's Quality of Life Survey along with this summer's OHV strategy. In the second half, the Porcupine presents its bigger picture commentary on the nation's economic condition as it relates to Silverton and San Juan County. It's a not-to-be-missed presentation.

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Town Administrator, Judge Anthony Edwards, remains in the hot seat as his 'interim' town administrator contract is discussed. Trustee Barela is asking, as she has in the past, whether there should be a 40 hour work week stated in the contract, while others on the Board are okay with the termination clauses for both parties as being sufficient. However, since Judge Edwards has at least three other apparently full time positions, no one but Trustee Barela, at least initially, seems to care much whether he performs 'full time' or not. Worse yet, you'll see just how hard Judge Edwards tries to wiggle out from under having the '40 hours' strictly stated in the contract.

Stay tuned for Part 4.

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In the first part, Judge Anthony Edwards, Town Administrator, appears to be an actor in a play, along with others, to line up Town Clerk Fries in their sights as they quickly roll over the very important subject of the Budget and Sales Tax for the Town. All does not appear to be as they would have you believe, as you will soon see. In the last part, Todd Bove presents his 'Parklet' strategy for this year, and once again, there are plenty of holes in the discussion.

Link to Budget Fairy discussion:

Stay tuned for Part 3.

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This meeting starts off as usual, but the newly added Pledge of Allegiance takes an interesting turn. Judge Edwards leads the Pledge and promptly stands to face his gold fringed flag, confirming that the Town of Silverton is under British Admiralty Law.

Later, watch as Judge Edwards goes into complete meltdown as he clearly is unable to follow the meeting and talks as if he is dazed and confused.

Stay tuned for part 2.

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In the first half, Board Trustees consider what to do about filling Committee vacancies. This is a great opportunity for viewers to observe the Silverton musical chairs game in full swing. After much buffoonery, Tyler George now appears to be on a whole host committees.

In the second half, the appointment the interim Town Administrator is discussed by the Board. This incredible farce is either just another example of rural idiocy or raw corruption taking place right out in the open. Listen, watch and decide for yourself.

Be sure and stay tuned for Part 5.

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In the first part of this video, watch as Mayor Pro Tem Sally Barney, in a fit of self-righteous indignation chastises the Durango Herald for a recent article referring to Silverton as dysfunctional. Ms. Barney will eat her words in just a moment when it becomes clear the Herald hit the nail squarely on the head to say the very least. There’s going to be an explosion before this meeting concludes.

In the second portion, you'll see it’s amazing how just a few words from the peanut gallery can lay low even the most high and mighty public officials. Watch as Sally Barney, Mayor Fuhrman and Town Trustees go down in flames when citizen Breed comments. Pay close attention to Town attorney Kosnick’s words too because this won’t be the end of the story.

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Things begin to heat up with yet another lengthy discussion about whether the Town should approve giving taxpayer money dedicated to Skijoring to self acclaimed, sometimes video producer John Oakes.

Since Becky Joyce and Jim Donovan didn’t approve the actual Skijoring event, purportedly because of the ongoing Covid Emergency that has taken so many lives in our small community, the discussion has now shifted to spending this dedicated taxpayer money to produce a documentary showing the world what it would have been like had the actual event taken place.

Despite having a Town Administrator, Mayor, Trustees, Public Works Director, all kinds of committees and commissions and a whole host of other highly paid parasites, no one had any idea what was going on, or even what had gone on at previous meetings regarding this issue.

There was however plenty of talk about positive directions, excitement, energy, new beginnings and the joy of partnering to spend other people’s money.

Be sure and stay tuned for Part 4.

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In this Part 1, the Porcupine’s commentary covers the opening of the meeting starting with the Pledge of Allegiance. For some reason, the Board and Mayor have been struck with the sudden urge to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The question is, to what flag are they pledging their allegiance?

Next is the Porcupine’s commentary on the public comment of, Erick Loyer of Rock Pirates, who states his expectation for super busy summer, even busier than last summer, despite Trustee Molli Barella’s later comment regarding how her business is faring, in spite of the excellent location of her business.

Be sure and stay tuned for Part 2.

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Moving on with the Town’s expression of condolences to the Eagle victims, the Porcupine also expresses its sincere condolences to the family and friends of those who lost their lives. However, this tragic event begs important questions. The Porcupine weighs in with answers.

Next on the agenda was a presentation by Heather Otter regarding the Colorado’s Region 5 CEDS plans for the area.

Be sure and stay tuned for Part 3.

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Affordable Housing is not the miracle the promoters would have you believe. It is yet another mechanism by which the elites continue to steal what's yours to make it theirs.

[Mirrored from: Cyber Mixologist -]

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In this Pt. 2 of Ep. 2, we continue our analysis of the February 1, 2021 Silverton Trustees Special Meeting where no disclosure nor representation of the citizens are anywhere to be found.

Where the money came from to approve payment of the $200,000 contractor overage bill and the truth behind the resignation of Town Administrator Reiter remain mysteries.

Trustee Wegert’s apparent dissatisfaction with lack of disclosure regarding reasons surrounding Reiter’s departure, and Trustee Barela’s anger with Mayor Fuhrman regarding his lack of interest in keeping her updated following the loss of her audio and visual continuity on Zoom, and what all this means to the Town, are discussed.

The Porcupine concludes by recommending several methods the Town can employ to cut down on waste of taxpayer money, improve government transparency and actually begin to perform their duties and truly serve the citizens of the Town of Silverton.

You can view our Pt. 1 of this Episode at:

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Music intro provided by

Link to Town of Silverton full meeting:

Newly appointed Trustee, Tyler George’s absence from the February 1, 2021, Trustee’s meeting raises yet more concerns. Something isn’t right here and this latest move, just like before, doesn’t pass the smell test.

The Porcupine calls for complete disclosure by Town Trustees and Tyler George.

Referenced in this video is our article 'Will We See a Re-Do of the Fall of Saigon?', link:

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This video is an analysis of the January 25, 2021 Silverton CO Board of Trustees Regular Meeting. This program is a production of the Silverton – San Juan Porcupine.

It is worth recalling the old saying: ‘There are two things you don’t want to watch being made: one is sausage and the other, politics.’

Referenced in this video is our article 'What Are Sallie Barney & Becky Joyce Up To?', link:

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We introduce two individuals we’ve followed for years, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and prodigious writer/author/publisher Dr. Joseph Farrell. Let’s watch as these two incredible human beings help bring us up to date on The Rise of Emergency Powers.

[Mirrored from: Dark Journalist -]

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Brian from High Impact Flix has done a great job of making sense of the Covid-19 scam from its origin to the present in this short, tight video. Watch how this entire hoax was built on a data set and methodology that were knowingly faked from day one.

[Mirrored from: High Impact Flix -]

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Baseball great Hank Aaron, like Tiffany Dover, has died after receiving the Moderna Covid-19 Jab. Aaron was proud to be featured on televised news receiving the Jab because he felt African Americans were especially reluctant to receive the Shot due to reports they were disproportionately at risk of experiencing serious side effects, including death. Aaron believed his celebrity status would help promote the Jab within the African American community.

[Mirrored from: Holocaust Lies Exposed -]

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This is what happens when you overstay your welcome. It’s time for Covid-19 government apparatchiks to start heading for exits.

[Mirrored from: AmericanExperiencePBS -]

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Dr. Katherine Horton is a world renowned ‘quantum particle physicist’. She may not be as smart as you, but she’s no slouch. Here is her incredible, easy to follow explanation regarding this threat to you and your family.

[Mirrored from: Alfred Lambremont Webre -]

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We live at an unprecedented time in history, where mankind stands upon the precipice. Do we remain asleep, following the other lemmings over the cliff, or do we turn and stand with truth, along with many others who have chosen to speak out and oppose what the dark forces are attempting to foist upon us. How much time remains for us to ponder that question? We all must decide for ourselves.

[Mirrored from: Truthhunter789-]

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Tiffany Dover is the nurse we all saw suddenly collapse on TV minutes after proudly receiving the Covid-19 shot. What we don’t know is what happened to her after that. It’s a sure bet that had she enjoyed a full and speedy recovery from what was described as a ‘fainting spell’, it would have been plastered all over mainstream media outlets.

It appears however that she didn’t recover, never regained consciousness and died. While this video purports to show her actual death certificate, we were skeptical and decided to see for ourselves. We went to the US based public records based resource, Search Quarry website and sure enough, there was the information as described in the video; however, a short time later when we decided to go back and ‘screen shot’ this evidence, it had been removed. Watch the video, do your own research and decide for yourself.

Lauren is one of our favourites. We’ve been following her for years and watched her phenomenal personal development and growth. She’s able to focus on important issues, not getting caught like so many others in superfluous details. This video speaks for itself. Enjoy!

[Mirrored from: Lauren Southern - https://]

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Catherine Austin-Fitts is considered one of the most intelligent, experienced and best informed economic/political analysts on planet earth. She has a large subscriber base at 'The Solrari Report' and it isn’t cheap. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear what she has to say for free.

The Solari Report

[Mirrored from: ELTV Reel -]

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Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

28 videos

Category News & Politics

Cutting edge news by professional conspiracy theorists.