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Notice that disconnecting the Pearson probe still results in a reading of the longitudinal wave at 02:12

Adam demonstrates experiments through practical application of longitudinal waves, which can be duplicated in university settings. The projected path forward involves $13 million in an existing 2-year plan to make a pole kit, whereas power companies know which poles on the grid are down.

This system uses only one wire OR no wires, when shown coupled to Meyl's kit. Lastly, LxMA, (Longitudinal Time Division/Frequency Division Multiple Access) a copyrighted acronym, will be owned by the power companies, allowing them to direct-bill their subscribers at any point of delivery.

Thank you to Eric Dollard, for sharing a comment about grounding rods alongside creosote roots.
Originally published on 13JUL2019
The Tesla One-Wire Starter kit is available on

Demonstration of a Platform to Send and Receive Electrical Energy as Longitudinal Waves. The benefit is exceptional efficiency and lower weight at a minimum cost.
Originally published on 18AUG2018

The Tesla One-Wire Starter kit is available on

Adam's Scalar Wave Starter Kit, receiving in cooperation with Meyl's Experimental Kit.
Originally published on 10FEB2019
The Tesla One-Wire Starter kit is available on

Lightning bolts appear as vortices; it's as if the Left hand reaches down to pick up a discharge from Earth, then a giant vortex illuminates the sky as the discharge continues up into that hand. Next the Right hand zooms in and surpasses the continuing ground discharge only to fork over it thereby pinch it and dump more charge to the Right. Wow in just a blink of the eye these plasma formations, or strikes of maybe a couple hundred kA(?) have begun and ended; maybe a duration of a few hundred microseconds or a millisecond depending on the Silly Phone frame rate (credit to Eric Dollard for this term and all his contributions in Electronics R&D). Adam Griffin, 21AUG19


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

5 videos

Category Science & Technology

Research related to scalar waves coined by Konstantin Meyl.
Describes hardware and experiments created by Adam Griffin ([email protected]).