quo pergitis, proditores!

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quo pergitis, proditores!



Nancy Pelosi has deleted the video from February 24th encouraging people to come to Chinatown.

Good thing the internet is forever.


Published circa 1964-1965, narrated by the late Los Angeles television newscaster George Putnam (1914-2008), who would later become friends with Jesse Lee Peterson and Jesse's nonprofit, BOND. This 31-minute film, Perversion for Profit, warns how abnormal sexual conduct portrayed as normal corrupts the mind and society.

Why did women get so triggered from this simple tweet?

Another reason why women wear lipstick:
As they age, women’s lips start fading and thinning out.
It’s a sign of declining fertility, which helps men who want children to look for younger women.
Brightening and glossing lips is an attempt to countersignal this reality.

The answer will surprise you!


Big media formed a digital lynch mob attacking students from Covington Catholic High School on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. That mob and the press that supported them threatened to destroy the young reputations, lives and futures of these students. The Free America Law Center will provide critical support for the attorneys and experts representing Covington.

Robert Barnes of Barnes Law received a groundswell of support for the Covington fight and for the broader fight against the three "D's" of deplatforming, defamation, and deep state whistleblowing.

"What happened to the Covington Boys should never happen again," said Barnes. "People across the country emailed me. They phoned my offices, asked me in person the same thing: "Is there an organization out there willing and ready to defend people against defamation & deplatforming?' In response to their requests, I co-founded just such an organization. Now it up to the people to help us by becoming members of Free America Law Center so we can all democratize & equalize the law for all the people."

FALC's current legal battles include Covington, a case for deep state whistleblower Robyn Gritz against the FBI, high profile libel cases for high profile media members, and class action cases against social media to come.



cancellato da youtube, quasi introvabile.

Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life.

Sounds Familiar?

From a real feminist point of view.


Oh Yes! They will enrich western civilization!


nonostante abbia piu' di 120 euro in contanti

0:50 and listen to what the police woman say.


Listen Carefully, it's coming, it's not anymore in a remote time of the future.



Created 4 years, 12 months ago.

39 videos

Category News & Politics