The Truth About Lies

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The Truth About Lies

Rules For Retards


Rules 4 Retards says that DC is the Romper Room of Crybaby Criminals With a Full Diaper. How Dare A simple Pleb Retard Try and Trade Stocks on their very own, with real money. I forgot we are all supposed to be paper traders right? Tired of the BullSh*t? Me Too.

Well, it seems obvious that America has already been insurrected. It seems obvious that the politico's set up laws and other policies like No Bail, not arresting people stealing $1,000 to $2,000 worth of merchandise, releasing hard core criminals because of a stupid cold bug and on and on, the politico's made sure to do their part so that when the day came, they could use all the new laws to just lay down to the criminals, it seems clear... it was a takeover from the inside. Sir Donald Trump has had no response other than words. Now, he wants to work with the communist to tie our police hands further by doing police reform and we all know... You Don't Negotiate With Terrorist!

Everytime he tries to do a deal with these communist thugs, he and we always loose. What happened to tough guy Trump? What happened to returning America to the People? Why is he not bringing in the military to protect the property of the American People? The public property is also owned by us. How come it is the honest American Citizen that always looses?

So sick of all this crap, but further tying the hands of the police won't help, that is why the police had the choke holds to begin with, that is why they had the tasers, and the plastic ties and everything, it has watered down the real justice system and made America look like a nation of pussies. I don't see us recovering anytime soon from all that we are being hit with, and we have a president that just makes threats and then wants to negotiate... sorry, time for real equal justice, not social justice, its all a bunch of crap.

We know this is a well organized effort to reduce charges and other things like less probation, no ankle bracelts or home arrest, they will come up with any way they can to let people out jail. Its almost as if the police are taking orders from the gang now, and they were, the superiors that told all the police to stand down, alll the governors and others who said we can't bring in the military have showed us that is what they want, and the truth lies in the fact that it hasn't been cleaned up has it? If this issue was not big enough to bring in the military, then how come it is still going on? Well, because the political criminals in charge of letting it go on are also criminals, criminals protect criminals and we have a dirty inside political communist mob running our country. So has the federal government said anything else about ending this, or we will? Because I haven't heard it myself.

Another way we have seen our education fail us, obviously they haven't produced any societal value by the teachings they have been giving which is essentially brainwashing backed by big media and politico's. They have tried to teach unaccountability by calling it social justice but they have not taught anyone how to succeed outside the classroom which is and should be the only objective. The communist want to do away with human on human crimes and how they get to that place of acceptance they are going to say that people commit crimes out of nature, that stealing a loaf of bread is about your survival, your instinct to feed yourself, and since it is natural for you to do what it takes to survive whether it be here in the city or in the jungle it doesn't matter, they will say these are natural survival instincs, and how can a person be charged for something that comes natural to them, and by using the word natural they can then shift you over to nature, this is nature, just like all other animals, they live for survival, and then of course forget about the victims. Luckily, most students realize all the anti sentiment in the classroom is total BS. But even with a small percentage believing in this garbage the ones that do tend to be more militant in their activist production.

Lets be real, some of those rioters and protesters make pretty good money acting up, no skill needed except maybe a warped wreckless mind if you want to make the big bucks.
Then I ask myself is this part of Citizens United legislation?
I don't recall rioters and unruly protestors could actually make a living at this and travel around and see the country, when did all this start? So we have organizations which are nothing more than tax payer funded radical groups desguised as innocent little NGO's and the like that are covertly getting gov money to put out the propaganda and change policies and law.

Well, well, well, just like everything Big Stanky Gov does, it has LET everything that stands for anything of value be absolutely destoyed. All these major HELL HOLE cities that removed the right of its citizens to own and bear arms is now refusing to protect you, your families, your personal property and of course, the public property that is all owned by us... we the tax payers. I've been complaining for months that the American People have been paying $Trillions in taxes for layer after layer of police and other security protections for we the people, but yet they are not doing the job. And they haven't been doing the job for a long time before the riots. The problem is the state and other politico's have tied the hands of our law enforcement officers over the last few decades, the police are not allowed to really enforce anything anymore, and it the fualt of all the communist politico's that have made NOT enforcing the laws, the goal here. While we want looters and rioters jailed, they are figuring out how to let them go free. When we want illegal's deported, the gov is trying to figure out how NOt to deport them. While we want thieves jailed, the police just say that stealing anything under $1,000 is not a crime, so the question is.... WHY ARE WE PAYING TRILLIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT WHEN THEY DO NOT DO THE JOB?

The way I see it, we've been correctly told forever that the US Constitution is the Supreme document of the land. But now all these govco people are saying that the states can override the Supreme Law of the Land.... WRONG! The only way a State can override the US Constitution is to succeed from the United States. The US Constitution is the first and foremost layer of real rights and security of those rights for every man, woman and child in the USA. Every state has agreed to this concept when they joined the USA.
It wouldn't make much sense to have a Supreme Law of the land and then let states opt out of that just because it no longer suits them. The lockdowns, tracking, tracing, spying are all against the US Constitution, so we need the SCOTUS to re-confirm that as the Supreme Documant of the land. Once that is done we can get this country back to work without all the authoritarian unconstitutional laws, edics and policies that infringe on multiple area's of our rights as United States Citizens, that is how it should be.

This Woman Doctor exposes the CDC, WHO and Doctors who are running (ruining) our lives right now.

Ok, guys, this campaign season is going to filled by candidates of both ilks saying they saved thousands of lives by locking everyone down, something that cannot be proven, so here we go with the problem = solution = self praise + with unverified facts. People are going to be pulling their hair out from hearing all the propaganda how "they" did it right.
Total BS! Of course they will not mention how many Real people died because they could not get the treatment they needed due to the hospitals being closed to only c19 victims. See how it works, No evidence that thousands of people died soley because of c19, and zero evidence that the shut downs saved 1 life, but yet mounds of evidence and real bodies from people that died because everything was shut down, of course that evidence can never be talked about right? They can't and won't admitt they made a huge mistake by locking the society down, even though it was never their decision to make, and if the economy can be shut down because 10 or 12 major industries decided to shut down, then clearly we have the wrong kind of economy, not a real free market equally regulated economy.

I made this video a year ago.... So let's see who is paying the taxes around here.

Seems that every government and corporate entity around us now is immune from all mistakes and willfull wrong doing.
It seems that We The People are the only ones that are held accountable anymore. Yet it appears the gov edicts and policies are working against us on a daily basis.
Thime to get a better political system that holds those in higher places to a higher standard, not less standards.
I think the answer lies in getting rid of corporaate money out of our politics, removing Citizens United and I would dare say that we have enough data to conclude that it doesn't work for the people, all you have to do is look and the gap in income and wealth between the corporations and the citizens, the gap grows and grows.

When the financial pain finally gets here, many wil be very angry, eyes will open.


Created 4 years ago.

9 videos

Category News & Politics

Are you tired of the lying we get from the Politico's, MSM and Globalist Talking Heads?
If so, I try to put a unique perspective on the situation and catch the Truth by revealing their lies.
Mainly I want to get back to real Freedom that we once had in this country, I think a big part of us being a Free country in a global world is us pushing for Freedom around the world for all of mankind, we cannot compete with slaves, and it just isn't right to support slavery in any form. We cannot continue making slave drivers rich off the backs of slavery while we buy products made by them, there is a price to be paid so we need to wise up and take a stand for those that cannot.

I work a lot so I don't have time to make as many video's as I'd like but I want to do more and I also want to incorporate more graphic evidence into the video's. I have make a lot of YouTube videos like that but I need to pull them and upload them here. I will try and do that as the next few weeks roll in. Thanks for watching and if you have something to ad or just need to get it off your chest feel free to comment, I encourage it.