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What causes this I have no idea, but it looks crazy.

It's like they don't even care anymore.

This version of Alex seems coked out of his gord.

Part human part robot

Released in early 2001. Thanks to the Smithsonian for providing a great film.

According to Alex the JRE isn't always a pleasant one as Joe Rogan and his family were threatened and that's why he changed his views on the moon landing as well as many other topics.

Old Joe was legit, new Joe talks about cheese and pasta an awful lot.

Never woulda guessed Joe was into "cheese".

Glenn Rhee is an alien, ik it.

The Shadow Biosphere which the Cryptoterrestrial species calls home, is theorized to be what Walter Kilner was seeing into with his experiments using Dicyanin, and what the Vietnam soldiers were seeing when using the first gen RED night vision goggles. Some even go as far as to say that's the realm one visits when trippin' deemsters.

Couldn't find it on YT, then I attempted to put it on YT and it was blocked, so here it is for all of BitChute to see.

Laser looking beam of energy lighting up the skies and ground like plasma technology of directed energy weapons.

More Unbelievable videos people are calling scary, strange, and unexplainable.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "head in the clouds".

What is the technology and function behind these plasma looking beams of pink energy? What's more is that no one knows what motive or reasoning may be behind their usage. From the Sun to an Unidentified Flying Object to the Moon, all three have involved this strange new phenomenon that we need to get to the bottom of.

Body doubles? Lookalikes? Stand-ins? No, no, and no. The obselete 7 Day Theory, The antiquated No Grapes Theory along with others involving Devon Clark being sick so he was paid by Pac to be his double, the tales of a lookalike being used in some of his movies, and all the sightings and footage of "Tupac" since his death were all done to distract people from formulating the realization that these were not body doubles or lookalikes or stand-ins. These were clones. Pac used to reference about coming back reincarnated which was an indirect reference to his cloning process.

As per Trevor's Book, 'The Cosmic Pulse of Life' -The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs by TREVOR JAMES CONSTABLE MERLIN PRESS-


Opposition arose in the major New York publishing houses to the publication of this book, despite the success of all three of the author's previous three major works in the aviation field. His flying books are all classics. The public has accorded similar status to his first UFO book They Live in the Sky, even though it created a furore when published in 1958. Resistance to the publication of this book-his master work-through the channels that would be normal for such an author as this seemed to stem from irrational fear. The real possibility arose that the major work of his life would be denied to the American public as a result. The author's criticism of official science for its failure in the UFO field was often cited as justification for not publishing the book.

When The Matrix Malfunctions In Real Life.

Could the movie be a cover for a planned EMP? I mean sure but let's all hope Project Zyphr was not legitimate.

What was this gigantic being or was it a projection or interdimensional glitch?

Thanks to Thomas Townsend Brown for inspiring minds to create these devices.

With scenes from the 1984 movie, set to Al Bielek's testimonial about his participation in the Philadelphia Experiment as well as the Montauk Project

So clones, aliens and even some apparently bio-organic ufo's are fairies or fairy drivers. Basically empty husks for spirits to inhabit from time to time

Was Elvis Presley the first successfully commercial human clone?

You have never seen mind-blowing glitches like these before.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

215 videos

Category Education

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Anyone interested in pdf files can check out some of the ones I found....

Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide In Cov19 Vaccines (Hydra Vulgaris)

The Divine Province (Banks, Bloodlnes, Politics, Agendas, etc)

CIA Project MKUltra (Detailed analysis of experiments)

The Book of Enoch (Removed from the Bible)

Magia Cryptographica (Runes, Letters, Symbols)

Operation Popeye Weather Modification (Weather Controlling Tech)

Personhood For Synthetic Beings (Legal Parameters For Pseudosapiens)

Walter Kilner - The Human Atmosphere (Dicyanin Dye and Human Aira)

Seeing The Charlie In The Dark (Vietnam Night Vision Hallucinations)


A big thanks to the audio engineer and one of my frequent content collaborator, Johnny Deputy (FreeLoHymns) over at reverbnation. Check out his work.


Another collaborator providing audio accompaniment is GWoods.

"Always In Search Of More Truth"
Before They Silence Me