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Gofraudme link:

An evil healthcare worker by the name of Heather Owens called you stupid, she called you selfish for being unvaccinated. She suddenly passes more than 2 years after taking the death shot. We are at the 3 year mark since the vax rollout from early 2021. What are healthcare workers up to now, their 5th or 6th shot? Despicable. Their deaths will only happen more often. And look at that, eh? Her greedy family was quick to setting up a gofraudme fundraiser already. They're just gonna keep raising the money goal because all they care about is money. Worthless parasites.

Gofraudme link:

Milan Sime Martinic thought that you were spreading "misinformation" for talking badly about "covid" or the "safety" of the vaccines which has killed countless amounts of lives worldwide. Some time afterwards, he dies in a foreign country from a vaccine-induced heart attack. Now a gofraudme fundraiser has been set up by his family to get back his corpse from America to his home country, Brazil. What they call "misinformation" is just censorship. They don't want you to realize that vaccines are the leading cause of death in the entire world. They are scared of people finding out, for their empire will crumble if most people rose up in rebellion and destroyed them without mercy. The elites are not invulnerable. They are called the 'Iluminati' because they are 'illuminated' with the knowledge of God. However, if people also had the same knowledge as them, then there's no way they'd win or be able to oppress us anymore. They push psyops to dumb down the masses because they don't want them to be intelligent enough to ever realize that they are being tricked into their deaths for the great reset and new world order. If they were invulnerable, then they wouldn't feel the need to lie to create their empire of evil. As much as they hate you, they fear your potential of overthrowing them even more, but what happens when people don't even know that the vaccines are life-threatening? Then they'll die before they could ever reach that potential. They need to keep the population low in order for their evil empire to thrive in this satanic world. They will continue to succeed because most people are too retarded to comprehend that poison in a needle is life-ending to your body's health.

Remember when they shamed you? How they said you were a threat? How you were a jerk or in this clown's own words, an "asshole" for refusing to get vaccinated? Delight in their deaths. Do not feel sorry for them. They didn't feel sorry shaming you.

Mention of having pacemaker added to Arnold after multiple open heart surgeries:

Mention of Arnold's heart feeling "fantastic" after surgery from CNN:

It's a massive relief that this maggot is dying from the covid-19 vaccine. He was paid and scripted by the zionist elites to convince you that you're "evil" for being unvaccinated. The elites made assholes such as arnold famous enough on purpose so that he can influence others successfully to take the mark of the beast, which is what the vaccine is. Of course, once the puppets outlive their usefulness, the elites will get them to sacrifice their own lives for the mark as well. He even made a stupid fake apology to convince you that he's somehow genuinely sorry that he wrongfully shamed the unvaccinated. What a load of bullcrap. I guarantee you, he'd still be shaming the unvaccinated non-stop if he didn't get major backlash for that. It just goes on to show how much of a fragile ego he has. Eventually, the evil perverted elites will push a big enough psyop to convince most of the masses to shame the unvaccinated yet again. This time, they'll do it through their psyop of climate change. They will unleash modified weather disasters such as floods and earthquakes that will scare the masses into thinking that the unvaccinated and motorists are to blame due to the government's propaganda through mainstream media. They will initiate climate lockdowns, a series of policies based on 'climate change' that will limit how far you will be allowed to travel from a place they completely control. They, at first, will limit car travel by only allowing motorists to drive on only certain days of the week, and then eventually, they will not allow you to drive at all. Of course, a lot of those who don't comply will be wrongfully brutalized by the cops for not wanting to give up their cars to the satanic government. They will even say that you'll need a vaccine to "fight" climate change. Do not fail this IQ test. The poisonous injections are not worth taking for any reason.

More compilations coming soon. In the meantime, enjoy watching this one. It's funny how FEMA is seriously just bribing morons to falsify their loved ones' deaths as having died from "covid" when they actually died from the vaccines. If you take money for this reason, then you are the scum of the earth and you deserve to be shot in the face for doing this. FEMA is only doing this to keep the psyop of "covid" going to keep the masses brainwashed when the truth is, the virus doesn't exist. Covering up vaccine injuries and deaths by mislabeling their deaths as "covid" and then accepting money for that is pure evil and does nothing but contribute to the one world government's depopulation agenda. When society collapses, there will undoubtedly be FEMA camps stationed everywhere around the world. They will have the military guarding them at all times to make sure no one can loot from them. When the government deliberately causes cyber attacks which will lead to famines, the idiotic masses will feel stupid enough to show up to these camps. Guess what? The only way to obtain food and water from there would be by getting vaccinated directly inside the camp. The idiots going there will think that accepting the vaccinations out of despair will save them from starvation. Little do they know that it'll be their last meal there before they inevitably die from the killshot.

The series that will never stop righteously judging the vaccinated. Well, until I'm taken off the internet anyways due to being deemed "too offensive" by the government. Believe it or not, there will eventually come a time when even access to the internet will require the vaccine. If you're still allowed to use the internet after the digital vaccine passport becomes mandatory on the internet, then it means you're either a vaccinated retard or controlled opposition. There is no in between. There won't be an exception for even a single regular unvaccinated person to ever use the internet through out the entire world ever again after this happens. Those who still use the internet after that point will believe any stupid propaganda that the government tells them to believe in, such as climate change being the cause of heart attacks. That's such stupid nonsense to affirm a belief for. Only the truly awakened will stop using the internet when the vaccines become mandatory for it.

The die-off from the vaccinated is only going to increase drastically this year, more than it has already. I can make up to 500 compilation videos of these morons and it still wouldn't even be able to cover a fraction of all the people who took the clotshot that are now suffering or dead from it.

Gofraudme link:

An obedient slave by the name of Tony DeLisio, in his own delusion, thought that he distrusted the government despite getting vaccinated. Some time after getting vaccinated, he is now suffering from lung failure and has months to live at most before his lungs completely give up on him. Let me make something perfectly clear: You do trust the government by DEFAULT if you get vaccinated, whether you realize it or not. You are contributing to their depopulation agenda if you got the clotshot. This is orwellian doublethink right here. They want to give you the false perception that you are "rebellious" despite getting vaccinated and therefore, shortening your life span drastically as a result so that you don't rebel against the government for real. They do this on purpose to prevent real rebellions from happening against them. It's to warp your perception of everything in life so that you will not even conceive a single idea in your mind of going against the government's official narrative for the new world order. The worst kind of slavery is mental slavery. It is by far the worst kind because it is the easiest way to keep slaves seemingly forever. They do this by preventing the slaves from escaping their slavery by convincing them to think that they are "free" so that they'll never even try to rebel against their slave masters. How can you stop being a slave if you don't even realize that's what you are to these parasites in this satanic world? This is how they will get away with their vaccine genocide: By preventing the vaccinated masses from realizing that they are being killed by the vaccines. Due to this, the vaccinated will not get angry at the government on time before they die. They are too stupid to see that the government helped them end their own lives. The elites will get away with all of this because the people have no idea what's happening to them, even when their lives depend on it.

More compilations of the vaccinated clown world headed your way. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy watching this one. The last post shown in this video is a complete joke. Remember how they treated the fake virus of convid as a threat? Now the government has admitted that the "virus" is not a threat at all. Remember, it's not a threat because the poisonous vaccines neutralized it: It isn't a threat because it never existed to begin with. The real threat is the clotshot, no doubt in my mind.

Yet another compilation of what is now my favorite series to do on mocking the vaccinated. The last post shown in this video makes me wish that the worthless maggot would just die from the blood clots already, brought to you by pfizer.

Yet another compilation of more vaccinated idiots coming your way. The last post in this video is certainly, by far, the most infuriating to even think about. The government wants to threaten to fine and even arrest you for saying anything truthful about how dangerous the vaccines are publicly to the people. I wouldn't be surprised if the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) eventually declares the death penalty against anyone who says anything objectively bad about the vaccines. You're risking your life by speaking the truth in satan's world.

The clotshot that keeps on giving. There are so many morons to continue mocking. This train of mockery will never stop from how many vaccinated retards there are.

Yet another video of more vaccinated imbeciles that thought it was a good idea to take the covid-19 vaccine. They sure do love bragging about their deaths on full display, don't they? I pity them so much.

Yet another compilation of idiots who supported the very same poison that will kill them, if it hasn't already. The last post I showed in this video made me laugh my ass off, I had never seen so much retardation on a facebook post before. Stay tuned for more.

A compilation of vaccinated idiots who died or suffered greatly from the clotshot. I fully intend to make a whole series out of this from now on. I'll still make full videos on certain individuals by themselves, but it's also nice to make videos of groups of idiots at a time. I hope you can stomach all this retardation as you're watching the video, I find that especially the last post I showed in this video to be the most nauseating.

Emly Bugham Unkle thought she was getting the sweetest deal of her life by getting the vaccine. Even in her own admission, she said she was grateful for getting the vaccine and that she is hopeful for her future due to getting it. Little did she know that there is no future for her after she received a brain tumor from the very same clotshot that she gave her gratitude to. The only reason why the elites of the one world government get away with so much destruction against humanity is because of idiots like the moron in the video that keep falling for their deceitful tricks all the time. I saw this video recently where grown young adults from college don't even know what 15 times 4 is. Wow, such retardation I recently viewed. People can't even do basic math or tell apart the differences of a man and woman. They can't even discern what poison is when it's being injected right into their bodies. They can't even fathom that "covid" is really just a seasonal cold and not this contagious virus that they think it is. Stupidity is, without a doubt, humanity's biggest downfall. The only worse enemy than the parasites that control the world we live in is the people themselves. Their choices will continue to ruin or end their own lives, courtesy of their own retardation. Their stupidity is what makes them their own worst enemies.

These idiots are never short in supply these days. One notable one by the name of Dave Mumby shamed the unvaccinated by saying in his own words that people shouldn't "bitch" about the lockdowns and that they should get the vaccine. Ah, just more stupidity. They will only continue to drop dead more often throughout this year. It's only a matter of time.

Obituary Info:

An absolute asshat by the name of Tyler Willden shamed the unvaccinated by comparing us to flat earthers. He then questioned and thought that the unvaccinated would possibly be more accepting of getting vaccinated but through a pill rather than a needle. He then dies some time after in late January 2024. First of all, asshole, it's not the needle that the unvaccinated are afraid of: It's the poison in it that you should've concerned yourself with. A pill would not have changed our minds. Secondly, acting like the earth isn't flat when it really is just retarded of you to assume. I will eventually make a video of how fake NASA is. This is relevant because it pertains to how NASA was, in fact, a hoax organization founded and funded by the illuminati freemasons to prevent people from realizing what the real world looks like. The earth was, in fact, a stationary flat dome created by God. It is not a rotating globe. I remember this retarded clown on my Manchelle Obama video that said I should be locked up in a mental asylum for believing in God. From now on, I will automatically assume anyone who calls me crazy for believing in God, not believing in viruses, and calling the earth flat to be a government agent who wants to "discredit" everything I say so that my followers will never believe the truth I'm speaking. There are far more than 7 continents on earth and this is why they created NASA: It's to keep the secretly hidden ones away from humanity so they don't try to move there and have their own resources for themselves. They forced us humans into the continents we know of now so that we never know where we come from and also be deprived of our most natural resources. In that way, they put us and forcibly so into a controlled environment so that people will listen to the government out of despair for the new world order. These secret continents are so majestic that food can naturally grow there without even having to plant anything. They deprive us of our lands so that they can steal our free energy and food and force countless amounts of people into homelessness and poverty because they genuinely think we don't deserve to own anything. Screw these parasites.

Yes, the vaccine mandates are pure evil. The government is purely satanic. People were manipulated into killing themselves with the clotshot but at least for most of them, they were by no means "forced" to take it. Unless police knocked down your door with a battering ram, physically held you down and forcibly vaccinated you against your will, you were otherwise not "forced" to take the vaccine. Complying with the vaccine mandate doesn't count. After all, this doctor complied. What does compliance mean? It means to obey, and clearly, this guy exercised his freewill to obey and trust the government when he shouldn't have. You have every right to blame the government for the vaccine mandates, but you should also blame yourself if you took the vaccine, for it was still YOU who took it if you complied. People are just complete clowns these days. They are sacrificing their lives to pay bills for houses and cars that they don't even own. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important than human life in this world. Do not sacrifice your life for materialistic possessions. You're going to lose everything anyway due to medical bills and then die eventually from the killshot if you take it. Society will go through a controlled collapse and when that happens, they will reset it to where vaccines will be mandatory for life. They will also mandate microchips for you to be allowed to buy or sell anything in society, and the only way to verify any purchases through a biometric surveillance system on the microchip is by proving through the system that you are vaccinated. This is nothing short of pure evil. This is why you have to find a new way to live after the collapse, or else dying from blood clots will be your inevitable fate if you cave into the beast system of the illuminati.

Edit: This is a reupload. Bitchute takes forever to upload my videos at certain times.

Gofraudme link:

A woman by the name of Tonja Johnson had more 7 million dollars supposedly spent on her to keep herself alive after receiving a single dose of the johnson and johnson covid-19 vaccine to keep her job in the state of Nevada. There were blood clots all over her body and these were so bad that she became crippled for life and also technically died 4 times as her heart failed and electrical paddles were used to restart her heart after the fact. Her family apparently loved her so much that they used medical insurance to spend MILLIONS of dollars to keep an already dying woman alive, but they didn't financially cover everything so the family still became bankrupt due to paying for her medical bills. She then finally passes away after some time in late 2023 after going through all that pain and suffering, courtesy of the clotshot. This is 100% a scam because they give you the false promise that patients such as this woman will be saved if they are just given more medical treatment that they'd expect you to pay for, but the doctors already know that these patients are going to die anyway. They just want to make money out of their deaths. Remember, she suffered from blood clots and it was even specifically mentioned that she took the J&J clotshot, so it was obviously the vaccine that did this. Keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that even a single dose of the vaccine is more than enough to kill you. Once you take it, you're screwed. Don't take it, even if your job requires you to. You're going to lose your job anyway from being vaccine-injured if you do take it. Society will collapse someday anyway, so stop depending on a masonic currency so heavily to live. Stock up on supplies and learn how to survive the great reset. You'll have to find a new way to live, or else you will end up like this woman if you don't.

Aren't you sick and tired of this stupid photo frame from facebook? This is the third video I've made mocking a vaccinated moron who used an official photo frame with the exact wording of the quote "I'm vaccinated, why aren't you, you stupid fucking fuck". I want to physically assault anybody who uses this stupid photo frame from any social media network. Screw anybody who does this. Thankfully, at least, the clotshot will take care of them, sooner or later. This moron named Star Roth is suffering from vaccine-induced kidney disease, brought to you by pfizer. I swear, if I see one more idiot use this photo frame and quote, I'll be making a whole commentary video about it and I will also make my own photo frame that says: "I'm unvaccinated, why aren't you, you stupid fucking fuck" and throw their insult right back at these retards.

Kimberly Geddie was so assured to herself, according to her twisted sense of morality, that you were, in her own words, doing the right thing by getting vaccinated. The fat land whale suddenly passes some time after. She was going to die from her obesity anyway. The vaccine was just the final nail in the coffin for her. I guess in a sense, she did do the right thing. Now there are fewer morons to worry about, thanks to her self-inflicted choice. Let this be a lesson to those who are still delusional about the fictional safety of the vaccines: You are not doing the right thing by promoting the clotshot. Quite the contrary, only someone evil would do that, whether they realize it or not. Wanna do the right thing? Then refuse to take it yourself.

Fuck the healthcare industry. They are full of worthless whores who sold their soul to the devil. They don't even have the decency to be honest about how dangerous the vaccines are. One such soulless creature by the name of Krisena Curry sacrificed her life for evil scum by not only getting vaccinated, but by also saying that she "felt good" for getting vaccinated on social media as if it's "safe and effective". What a load of bullcrap. Some time after, she had to be hospitalized for having chronic headaches so severe, they thought she was having a stroke. Brought to you by pfizer, and all the other poisonous injection companies. Screw them all, and screw all the doctors and nurses who promoted this poison. The world will be a better place without the satanic healthcare industry in it.

The director of the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) wants to kill off the masses with the food supply. First, he committed genocide with the vaccines, now he wants to murder many more people with the bugs, which will be modified by the government to be just as poisonous as the vaccines. If you eat the bugs, then you deserve to die for being that stupid. I'd suggest going to local farmer's markets and growing your own food if you aren't already, because eventually, all supermarkets will sell this and their digital currency will make it that you will be punished for refusing to have this poisonous diet. If I ever see this piece of trash in person, I'm undoubtedly killing this vermin.

The "virus" is a hoax. Sars-cov2, the virus doesn't exist and neither does covid-19, the disease caused by the alleged "virus". It was a psyop created by the one world government from the demonic race known as the nephilim, who have a direct bloodline to Satan himself. I'll eventually make another video talking about how the vaccines are not only poisonous, but also the government's ultimate weapon for their spiritual warfare against YOU. They wouldn't be pushing any vaccine this hard unless they had the most sinister intentions against you and the rest of humanity. But how will they pull off this psyop?: By using their propaganda on TV and internet to declare a false public health emergency. And how would they make you believe that there is a "public emergency"?: Of course, by trying to make you believe in this fake virus, and then also convincing you to shame those who refuse the "cure" for it. It's important to completely dismantle this lie, not just part of it, because the brainwashed sheep will always think that there's a necessary need for "covid" unless they realize for a fact that it doesn't exist. They are using fear to destroy the lives of countless. You must not falter to it, even if it means the cost of your life. You will die anyway, and fall right into the hands of the devil if you do.

Video of Kary Mullis admitting that his PCR tests cannot prove that any virus is real:

Document of CDC admitting that they could not isolate the virus to prove its existence:

Interview of scientist Poornima Wagh debunking the 'covid' myth:


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

163 videos

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Odysee Channel:'mBigBoss,NotSeanConnery:6

Rumble Channel:

Hello, I'm Big Boss, Not Sean Connery. I like uploading videos on bitchute, odysee and rumble. Though it's hard to be a fan of the alt-techs of the video sharing websites when even they're pro-censorship to some degree. In any cases, I'll continue to make videos and speak out against the one world government's agenda. From now on, automatically assume that I was banned from the internet forever if I don't upload any videos for longer than half a year. I'd say I've got a few years, at most, before they remove my videos off the internet entirely. I suspect in the late 2020's is when society will completely collapse for the reset. They will push climate lockdowns first so the police will steal your car and never give it back to you, as to make sure that you won't be able to escape from the 15 minute city agenda. Afterwards, they'll push the cyber attacks which will kill billions of people worldwide. Even though the government will have been completely responsible for this absolute devastation, they will of course not hold themselves accountable. They instead will wrongfully blame the people and tell them to agree to a digital ID to prove they weren't behind the cyber attacks that they caused. They will blame you as their scapegoat. This will be their excuse to make mandatory vaccines for the internet which will convince most of the population to cave into the mark of the beast system out of despair for the new world order. This evil plan of theirs is guaranteed to work, it was prophesized before in the bible. It's an inevitability. You mustn't falter to their plans. Never cave in. You must refuse to take their mark.