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Listen to the most inspiring sermon of all time!

Are you ready for the rapture?

It's inspiring to know that God still speaks to people today. But do you know how He does it? This video looks at 8 practical steps.

Do you know what needs to happen before the end of the world?

Will you be killed if you reject the Mark of the Beast? Watch this video, and find out!

America is good, and China bad. Right? Or wrong?

It is so easy for us to think in terms of one country vs another, one nationality vs another, one ideology vs another. But is that really how GOD sees it?

What is the WYTH myth? It stands for Working Your Way to Heaven, and according to most, it's one of the worst things you can do as a Christian. For years, the debate over salvation by works vs grace has been raging, but this video is going to put an end to the debate once and for all. If you want to know how to be saved and go to heaven, stop looking to the thief on the cross for the answer, and other false doctrines of Christianity, and listen to what the Bible REALLY says about "works salvation".

Artificial intelligence and quantum computing are driving the world to the Mark of the Beast (666) more quickly than we can keep up with. Imagine a system controlled by an artificially intelligent "being" who is capable of accessing all the information stored on the Internet in the blink of an eye. Introduce mandatory microchip implants for all humans so that this beast is able to keep tabs on us, and you've got nothing short of what is described in Revelation 13. There's only one way to prepare for what is coming...are you ready?

During this COVID-19 (corona virus) pandemic, we are seeing more religious hypocrisy than ever from the likes of Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, and Torben Sondergaard. Watch this video to see how they are taking advantage of people to promote themselves and get more cash in their pockets. More importantly, learn what you need to do to not be deceived by these false prophets and teachers during the COVID19 pandemic.


Videos are popping up all over YouTube, talking about COVID19 and the end of the world. Certainly there is a connection between the novel coronavirus and the last days, which we can learn by studying Bible prophecy. But it's not as obvious as most people assume. We know Jesus listed diseases as one of many "signs of the times", but YouTube prophets have taken that fact and falsely stated that the link between the coronavirus and the end times has to do with the rapture coming soon, or the destruction of all life on Earth as a result of the virus. This video exposes other false prophecies, and later explains what you REALLY need to know about the relationship between COVID19 and the end times.

There is step by step conditioning of the masses for the Mark of the Beast going on in many countries around the world through "nudging behaviour".

Mark of the beast conditioning introduces new technologies and systems through the concept of "Nudging" where the establishment implements a new system via the use of rewards, punishments and the elimnation of options.

In Argentina, the SUBE card, an RFID chipped card to be used for transport was introduced several years ago by first offering the card as a convenient alternative to paying cash. Later incentives were used to get more people on board. Incentives included discounts not only for transport but for purchasing items at supermarkets and toy departments just by presenting the SUBE card. Later, people who did not have the card were penalized by having to pay up to three times the cost of a regular ticket. And finally, all buses became cashless and only those with the card could board.

This video follows that implementation and shows how people will be conditioned to take the #MarkOfTheBeast and how we can resist that temptation by taking seriously the teachings of #Jesus.

Learn the connection between the Corona Virus, the Mark of the Beast, and what we see predicted in the Bible about the end times.

"Why People Leave Christianity" explores some good points made in an article by Andy Stanley for Fox News, about the confusion many people have towards modern Christianity compared to the Christianity of Jesus and the first Christians. Have you lost faith through having some bad church experiences or through questioning why there is so much suffering in the world? Check out this video to understand why Christianity is dying in places like America and what is necessary for the spread of Christianity to happen once more.

Preparing for the worst case scenario...that's something a lot of us are thinking about at the moment (April 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic). What is the secret to happiness and contentment during this time, and how will we be able to look on the bright side in the future, when Christian persecution will be on the cards for any of us who chooses to obey Jesus? This video will help you to think about the positives, by practicing the positive power of negative thinking.

Quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence are issues that will affect the lives of everyone on the planet as it starts being used in conjunction with a mark of the beast system.

With Quantum computers and AI, scientists and governments can do incredible computations which had not been possible before. More significantly, they can process all the biometric data of everyone on the planet and keep track of all transactions.

Although this technology promises a lot of advantages for the scientific community, we are aware that all power corrupts, especially in the hands of corrupt human beings. Quantum computers are an important piece of the puzzle in understanding how the Mark of the Beast prophecy, written 2000 years ago can be implemented within our lifetime.

1. The Scary Future of America! (2019-2020) by JASON A
Fair Use

2. Muslims go crazy at Canadian Preacher by Jason Burns
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently responded to a question on Reddit about the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic, and how businesses are going to function while continuing to practice social distancing. Bill's response sparked discussion amongst anti-vaccine proponents, as well as those of us who are keenly watching world developments in relation to Bible prophecy and the end times, specifically with regard to the Mark of the Beast. This channel has produced other videos explaining how RFID and biometric identification technology could be used to implement this mark, and how it will have serious consequences both in this life, and the next. Please watch this video to learn more about what Bill Gates has to say with regard to his plan, called ID 2020.

'Inclusivism And Exclusivism: Is It Possible To Be Both?' explores the terms inclusivism and exclusivism in relation to religion. The labels we give people can differ from person to person and organisation to organisation, and it can lead to polarisation and confusion in religious circles. Peoples' views on who is right with God and who is in God's Kingdom usually fall short. And it questions whether there is anyone preaching faith in Jesus and his teachings today. Is your faith in Jesus? Or is your faith in your own denomination's formula for salvation? If it is the latter, isn't it time to truly hunger and thirst after righteousness by following the doctrine of Christ?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing now allow for a new world order that could give literal fulfillment to the Mark of the Beast prophecy in Revelation 13.

There are many Artificial Intelligence YouTube videos showing the dangers artificial intelligence gone wrong, but scientists and governments continue on their march towards the artificial intelligence singularity which could give rise to a direct fulfillment of the "image of the Beast" prophecy described in Revelation 13 which will implement the Mark of the Beast and persecute those who oppose it.

Why shouldn't we just die to escape the Great Tribulation? Watch this five minute video, and find out!

This is the second video in a global crisis 2020 series on climate change, and how it relates to Bible prophecy. The China control system that has successfully managed to silence, torture, and even execute people, is now being introduced to other countries, at the same time that world developments in the areas of economics and technology are providing exactly what is needed to make this system of control even more powerful. This video will give you the present world picture, and detail what to expect from 2020.

Among the many Mark of the Beast movies and 666 films made, one Mark of the Beast documentary stands out as a MUST WATCH...

The Mark of the Beast (666), cashless society, RFID human micro-chipping agenda is arguably the greatest challenge of the 21st Century. Sadly, most of the church world is either woefully unprepared for it, or even promoting it. Featuring footage and interviews from all around the world, this prophetic movie, produced nearly a decade ago, is getting more and more relevant as time passes. Take a look at where the world is fast heading and the lengths some people have gone to exit the Matrix, through moneyless living and other forms of practical and spiritual prepping. Find out the only way to beat the system and ensure your eternal destiny!

Among the many Mark of the Beast movies and 666 films made, one Mark of the Beast documentary stands out as a MUST WATCH...

The Mark of the Beast (666), cashless society, RFID human micro-chipping agenda is arguably the greatest challenge of the 21st Century. Sadly, most of the church world is either woefully unprepared for it, or even promoting it. Featuring footage and interviews from all around the world, this prophetic movie, produced nearly a decade ago, is getting more and more relevant as time passes. Take a look at where the world is fast heading and the lengths some people have gone to exit the Matrix, through moneyless living and other forms of practical and spiritual prepping. Find out the only way to beat the system and ensure your eternal destiny!

Will We Be Killed if We Don't Take The Mark of the Beast? Is it possible to survive the Great Tribulation without taking the Mark of the Beast? This video explores the two different groups of End Time believers mentioned in the Book of Revelation, one which appears to have God's supernatural protection (the 144,000) and another group described as "a great multitude without number". This latter group is association with the Great Tribulation but it appears to be referring to all the people who are executed for their faith during that time. This video explores some of the traits of both groups and suggests that what we do right now may determine which group we will belong to. Are you willing to die for your faith?

As Christians we are instructed to be subject to governing authorities, but we are also taught to obey God, not man (Romans 13:1, Acts 5:29). How do we reconcile this apparent contradiction?

Church goers are taught to be in submission to government authorities and to obey the law of the land. Christians breaking the law is unthinkable for many church going people today. However, what happens when the governing authorities require one to disobey God? Such seems to be the case in totalitarian regimes such as Russia and China.

True followers of Christ will become increasingly marginalized as the system heads towards a one world government, controlled by a universal monetary and identification system (the Mark of the Beast). This video give practical information on learning how to obey God above man, without falling into needless rebellion against authority.

The Mark of the Beast according to all Seventh Day Adventists is doing anything holy on Sundays rather than having anything to do with what the prophecy from The Book of Revelation really says, which is that the Mark of the Beast is for buying and selling. With the reality of an RFID human implantable microchip being marketed and sold in the thousands today, members of the SDA church are being forced to choose between holding onto their central doctrine or changing to conform to the truth. Although many SDA's are now saying that they would object to taking an RFID chip, this video explores the likelihood that they will conform if they choose to hold on to their perverted Sunday Law doctrine, while refusing to consider that microchip implants for buying and selling are the actual Mark of the Beast. How about you? Will you take the Mark of the Beast?


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

26 videos

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