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You would think he'd be a little more lively after declaring himself President-Elect.

President Trump has described CNN’s Don Lemon as the “dumbest man on television” - and this week Lemon went out of his way to prove Trump right.
Reactions on both sides might trend towards "in-your-face" flippancy. A COFFEE TABLE BOOK? But there are very deep human questions here. Questions that often get overlooked... was the week the liberal media focused their efforts on derailing judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote for the Supreme Court…
Jerry Brown and collectivist mandates. The two seem to go hand in hand. Suck it up, Californians. You have a meddler in your midst.
Remember the days when Orwell’s “1984” and Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” were more dystopian speculative fiction than they were instruction manuals or sarcastic spoofs of nascent socio-political trends?

In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression we marked the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, so leave it to the liberals on Morning Joe to use its anniversary to slam the actions of the current president.

Observe the Obama power to whitewash all previous history, to Orwellize it, and make it what he says it is, and then, THEN, Time Travelers, we will see that Time Travel itself is unnecessary. For he who controls the past, controls the present and future.
It's the end of the Trump presidency as we know it....according to MSNBC. Enjoy Mika's moment and other liberal lunacy.
When President Trump said that he was going to withhold the funds, the fat-cats in the blimp-like State Department got all whiney and so did their big-government pals in the Senate.
A new legal case has hit the news that sheds light on a host of very important civil liberties issues – especially the right to keep and bear arms – and calls into question a pair of oft-accepted assumptions about the US legal system.
In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression. Liberal cable news outlets have drawn their own conclusions after former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations – cheerleading that it will lead to “impeachment.”
In this week's Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression, MSNBC spent an evening pondering the depths of Trump’s possible dislike of dogs and actually connected Trump’s tweet to the Holocaust.
The proclamation is called “40 Days of Celebration Of Life, Love and Family” so it’s no surprise that the ACLU and the Freedom From Religion Foundation have issued letters calling for it's recision.

Mayor "Bolshevik Bill" de Blasio is too busy pushing planks from the Communist Manifesto to bother reading economics or to allow the ride sharing market to cater to demand.

Lebron James just built a new school for underprivileged kids in Ohio. And now, you’re not allowed to say crap about him or you’re a racist – especially if you point out that it isn’t true.

The headline tells quite an absurd tale. But, oh, there is so much more…


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

19 videos

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