Ordo Vril

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Ordo Vril

Magus Tyrsolos


After reflecting, i think there is an error in the explanation.

As in the video said, the moon is only a plasma reflection of the earth. The moon in this case is not the negative pole, like in the video explained. Its the black sun.

The magnetic coil is the Black Sun itself, thus creating the electromagnetic fields of the earth. Sun (positive, electric), Black Sun (negative, magnetic.). Think of it as a Bar Magnet, but with contradictory moving poles. Sun above +, Black Sun below -.

Humans also have a negative and positive Pole. Humans also have an electromagnetic field, like all plants, animals, crystals

Thanks to "Phiroc" for posting this Video.

Never Forget.


Ég bað þau um að hleypa mér
Að hleypa mér aftur heim
Ég bað þau að sleppa mér
Sólin brennir á mér bakið
En mér er sama

Ég bað þau um að hleypa mér
Að hleypa mér aftur heim
Þurrt gras er óþægilegt
Ég geymi þyrna
Þurrt gras er óþægilegt rúm
Ég geymi þyrna
Þurrt gras er óþægilegt rúm
Ég geymi þyrna

Hrafnarnir éta af bakinu á mér
En ég bað bara um að fá að fara heim

Ég bað þau um að hleypa mér
Að hleypa mér aftur heim
Ég bað þau að sleppa mér
Sólin brennir á mér bakið
En mér er sama

Ég bað þau um að hleypa mér
Að hleypa mér aftur heim
Þurrt gras er óþægilegt
Ég geymi þyrna
Þurrt gras er óþægilegt rúm
Ég geymi þyrna
Þurrt gras er óþægilegt rúm
Ég geymi þyrna

Þau sögðu að ég gæti farið núna
Þau sögðu að ég gæti farið núna

Núna er ég loftið
Núna moka ég jörðina
Núna get ég flogið
Núna er ég loftið
Og ég er trjábörkurinn
Og ég er ræturnar
Og ég er mykja
Og nú er ég kominn heim

English Translation:

I asked them to let me go back home
I asked them to let me go
The sun burns my back
I don't care

I asked them to let me go back home
dry grass is an inconvenient ground
I keep thorns
Dry grass is an uncomfortable bed
I keep the thorns
Dry grass is an uncomfortable bed
I keep thorns

The ravens are feasting on my back
but I only asked to let me go back home

I asked them to let me go back home
I asked them to let me go
The sun burns my back
I don't care

I asked them to let me go back home
dry grass is an inconvenient ground
I keep thorns
Dry grass is an uncomfortable bed
I keep the thorns
Dry grass is an uncomfortable bed
I keep thorns

They told me I can now
They told me I can now

Now I'm air
now I dig the earth
now I can fly
now I'm air

And I am the cortex
and I am the roots
and I am manure

and now I'm at home
We're glad and grateful we had the chance to shoot the beautiful wood sculptures realized by Enrico Menegatti.

And thanks to Katrín for the help with Icelandic :)

You can find our music on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/65cWd...
Bandcamp: https://atergolupi.bandcamp.com/
And others (Tidal, Apple Music, Amazon music, etc...)

You can find us also on:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/atergolupi_/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ATergoLupiPr...

So far now
I can hide
Void calling
From inside

My fate is not in my name
My fate is not in my illness
My fate is not in my time

Bloom under stone
Fallen blackbird
You'll sing louder
I will learn to

For a thousand years and
For a thousand miles
For the only voice
That calls for my time

Fade under

A Tergo Lupi, Italia

If you share the Narrative that its ok to kill whites beacause Putin takes out the "üvil Kabal" and the "Naaaziiiis", you are an absolute idiot and a white Race Traitor.

BTW : My channel is censored in Russia, but not in USA and Ukraine.
What does this tell you?


Thanks to MartinezPerspective

Marxism : Real Life
National Socialism : Video

National Socialism vs Marxism:

plz subscribe

While they kill your children and your family members with lethal injection, the production of Vaccines destroy the entire environment where the production facilities are.

After taking action, they want you to forget, what they have done to you, your children and mother earth.
And they do that by a WW3 War, if necessary. They dont give a shit about you and your family.

These times will enter into the darkest times of earth ever known.


✠Division Germania – Jugend in Bewegung✠
Wir sind die, die Ihr verdammt.
Wir sind nicht euer Resultat.
Nicht wie Eure Missgeburten.
Wir sind Deutsche mit Rückgrat.
Wir sind die Vorboten des Sturms auf Eure Bannwartpolitik.
Wir sind der Schandfleck, sind das Bittere in Eurer süßen Republik.

Wir sind die, die Ihr nie wolltet.
Wir sind die, die Deutschland braucht.
Wie oft schon totgesagt, doch immer wieder aufgetaucht
Eure erbärmlichen Versuche uns zu stoppen ham’ versagt.
Wer Wind sät erntet Sturm, hat man Euch das denn nie gesagt?

Jugend in Bewegung in heißer Gegenwehr.
Steh fest und schlag die Trommel, wir werden immer mehr.
Wo Schatten wächst, da ist auch Licht und dieses darf nie fehlen,
Land im Sturm, ein Volk, ein Reich – ein Ruf durch tausend Kehlen.

Eure verlogenen Parolen hängen uns zum Halse raus.
Eure zensurgeilen Behörden fordern uns erneut heraus.
Politisch korrekt, nein das waren wir sicher nie.
Die Wahrheit hochzuhalten ist und bleibt die Strategie.

Euer Untergang wird kommen und wir lauern schon darauf.
Wir wollen alles und sonst nichts und eher geben wir nicht auf.
Eure Tage werden kürzer und das ist Euch selber klar.

Ist das Ende erst gekommen, wird Euer schlimmster Alptraum wahr.

Jugend ohne Reue – Jugend ohne Schuld
und feilscht Ihr auch aufs Neue, wir haben viel Geduld.
Das wir besser sind als Ihr, ja das sehen wir jeden Tag,
wir sehen Euch in den Abgrund fallen, direkt in Euer kaltes Grab.

Eure Halben sollt Ihr halten, Euer Schlangenblut ist uns gleich.
Unser Auftrag ist uns heilig, unsere Treue gilt dem Reich.
Es gibt nur eine Order, unseren Vätern tun wir’s gleich.
Unsere Losung lautet Freiheit, wir sind das Deutsche Reich.

In unseren Adern fließt es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.
In unseren Herzen schlägt es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.
In unseren Seelen brennt es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.
In unserem Geiste wächst es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.

In unseren Adern fließt es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.
In unseren Herzen schlägt es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.
In unseren Seelen brennt es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.
In unserem Geiste wächst es weiter – Wir sind das Deutsche Reich.

Hail to our strong Pagan Brothers all around the world

If we dont start to understand who is the real enemy,
we will loose all whats sacred for us.

Start to inform the NPCs worldwide. Share the videos,
understand, that National Socialism is the cure.

Continue your work on awakening your beloved ones.
Its the only way how we can defeat them.

You cannot win alone! Unite with others.


Hitler - one of the good guys:

Died form an Heart Attack at an Anti Corona Protest in Germany.

Its said, they kicked him from the band last year due to his "Conspiray Theories" and his fight to the Corona Measures and Mandatory Vaccines.

We will not forget what they have done to you and we will let them pay.

Thank you for staying true until the end and for your Music in the Best Game of the World.
Rest in Peace.

Song : Villeman og Magnhild (Live 2002)

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Happy New Year to all

The media tells the lie
The doctors and police execute the lie
The judges protect the lie

Who controls the global finance system? Who controls the media? Who controls the narrative?


Created 6 years, 5 months ago.

186 videos

Category Music