Petre Nimicitul

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Petre Nimicitul

Petre Nimicitul


Dacul gave you sons of victory throughout history, and it is precisely the reason he is being invaded with the trash you had been supplied with by the very sons of the defeat... seek translation, best regards prietene.

Tatăl morții către fiii săi... Aplică matale mascat LGBT - Ține omul ocupat cu transgender în grădinițe - Vaccinează cu serul morții - Aplică un program finaciar crunt pe credite - Vinde și transferă toate resursele - Inundă pământul dacului de care mă tem - Ascultă și cenzurează - Introdu sex în școli și modelează societatea în vederea acceptării oricărei forme sexuale - Schimbă toată istoria - Să nu uite de holocaust și de antisemiți - Emigranții să fie propulsați financiar deasupra băștinașului - Fetele să fie încurajate și plătite pentru servicii și cu alte neamuri - Normalizează avorturile pentru ca să-l ucid din interior - Împreunează femeile lor cu alte rase - Adu-mi copiii lor jertfă pentru neînchinare – Rasiștii să fie numiți - Polițiști să fie localizați departe de casă pentru a rupe comunitatea – Salariile participanților să fie bine plătite, ai nevoie de ei să-ți implementeze - Pariază pe un alt Iisus și să-l plătești bine, la fel şi pe mahomedan – Forța armată să treacă la forțele noastre – Cosmosul și universul să știe de ei – Să ridici secuimea peste ei – Ţigăncile să fie plătite pe copil – Minoritățile să decidă – Publică zilnic mii de materiale pe toate platformele, pentru ca să crească dezinteresul – Grăbește-te să bagi africani în forţele de ordine – Ofiţerii NATO şi toţi militarii noștri să fie uşuraţi de fetele lor pe vreme de pace şi cu voia democratică a bibanului - Sporește atacurile teroriste în vedera implementării legii tale marțiale - Mă bazez pe tine pentru ca să dăinuiesc - Îngrădește nebunul pentru ca să mă întăresc... ș.a.m.d. Grigore

Step Up Chiorule

Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow. Isaiah 50:11

The marked men are marching for the primary self signatories, to their own prescription forced upon us... Their converted brethren, known as builders, hold you and I captives with our neighbors and their indifference. Clearly a sign of weakness, and a desperate attempt to lead astray by example, hoping to cover for the short time, left in her management... Adding all other angles of the reality taking place, we get the recipe of her bet... In my understanding, Altuia is equal cu Mahomed... therefore her captives, being used as frontal assault, shielding the legitimate sons of iniquity as anti Shemites, ridding dry land as mentioned... (white in appearance, like tătarul din est, labeled Caucazian) ... This is the best time to stand upright and counteract... open your mouth and practice jacketry and bulletry, hold trust and patience above knowledge, you will grow to stand better for the trials ahead, bother less with fiisteinacht and mamonazel if you will, sincerely.

OCHI CĂTRE OCHI – GURĂ CĂTRE GURĂ... Zipp up your jacket, fear not prietene, tătarul will flee, just like his father...

Vlad had been betrayed first from the inside and then from the outside, he was arrested and held as a prisoner by the Austro-Hungarian Catholic courts of the time, the anti Christians of the day. Vlad spent 12 years in their courts as prisoner, and he was used in plain view when Mehmet envoy will show up for negotiations. Thus, Vlad was more valuable alive than dead, and his suffering ensured the survival of Europe. When he was released, he had the same hara-kiri in his blood, seized power in the state and ruled for two months, after which all the courts fearing him, conspire to kill him, including Mehmet, the Boyars, and the Catholics. Vlad married in their court and had two boys, was glad to suffer for justice and end up as a martyr for The Most High... matters the anti sons of Shem, will not print Thraciane !...

Also, I cannot load here or access my own materials without a VPN... if you want more similar content, I suggest getting the telegram desktop to access contents on the channel or group there... Thank you for viewing and may you be considered, sincerely.

Drăculea, my ass prietene. Vlad Țepeș was tutored by the two most powerful kings of the time... His story never mentions what kept us going since Genessis.... (Daniel 8:12)

Salut prietene, as you know I have no views in Europe, but I found a few good reasons to publish this video and raise the awareness in your area. Romania had no share in any colony. No Africans were present or hurt since genesis in my land. No African spilled his blood here for the greater good of the people. No African ever confronted Tătarii and their invading hordes. No African here, spent years in dungeons for taking on the culprits. No African ever freed Thracian slaves. Africans build nothing here just like their pushers... No African stood against the butcher’s coup in 1989. Africans are now part taking with Mohamed and all the refugees and immigrants, as invading hoards that will seek victory... It is a high “sixting” matter directed by her, playing them as forward foot soldiers to weaken the local rightful resident, unaware of the agenda and the coming onslaught... And since she’s at it, I can tell you with certainty to bet on her enemy. Please understand, I also fight censorship and rely mostly on the viewer’s discreet help, to spread the awareness, thank you for viewing. (If you would like to see the second part, please search for it on the net)

Double or nothing, Traciane ...

Salut prietene, as you know the truther community is shrinking and recently I’ve been contacted to join a network of content creators ... also, others request that I open the comments. I know why and how I had been targeted and will not give them the chance to spew under my videos. (Due to their vicious attacks, personally, and above all, the mining of the content ...) I do entertain the network idea, where you could engage with other subscribers from other channels you may find there and so on .... I leave here the link to the channel in question, where you could better understand the concept, they try to promote. This video has been made ad hoc. Personally, I might not fit the the ideal content provider, since I do publish very rarely and maintain a minimal presence on site ... You may know other channels that may benefit from it... The last clip is the local anti-shemite at work, introduced here to highlight the urgency of such matters... very sincerely.

Salut prietene, knowing your roots and accepting the truth, will strengthen you. ’ ... after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. ...” Immigration was introduced heavily after 1946, mostly under euphoria of the day, and a lack of anyone to stand against it, anymore ... Also, consider Alexander, introducing the Greek language to his subjects, and later the transfer from Aramaic. It has been no other transfer. Please consider sharing this video, so other unaware Thracians may find it useful. I hope this helps you, sincerely.

Salut prietene, it is futile for me to publish on this site since I’m targeted for my “seed’s hate” and have been experiencing censoring from them tătari, which you may regard as Caucasian, as the approved convenience teaches. I leave here for you a few words of clarity - Tracul nu este Caucazian, and for the most of my people’s history, we have been at war across the ages with renegade pagan eastern tribes that practice phallic worshipping. Cruel and evil across the board, they manage through wars to steal our women and children and encourage others to do it and thus my people were pillaged by proxies. I cannot lay “his story” that I know in a few words, nor do I need to hand them more maintenance “bulletry”, but I can encourage you to understand that this war has everything to do with the hidden history of two kingdoms such as Dacia and Khazaria as well..! The first, teaching morals and faith, Dacians were not afraid of death for they believed in eternity, in spirit in the Heavens. Dacians practice soul cleansing through feast, and cut their vineyards to sanctify and be blessed with power to defend their land from the invading hoards (today’s democratic invasion under tătar rule). Romans mostly fled from us but, for a short period, entered our land in a narrow pathway towards the mountains that constituted not even 14% of our territory and tribute had to be paid by the Romans for peace purposes. I got to hear later that we are Latins and, since then, I got to know that Italians speak my language badly. Their poets speak of this ancient truth. The other kingdom is teaching anatema omului, which is riding the flesh in the wicked spirits to rule them. (In my understanding the dispatch to Caucaz had been a necessity to sneak and undermine the very ones promised preservation, why else keep those truths hidden?) I hope this helps you, and please understand Caucazianul Tătar is not a son of Sem, speaks no Aramaic, but Yiddish, like that creolity convert known as Colin Powell). Therefore, you giving glory outside of your skin to the True Semite is not racist. The south of the Mediterranean across the ages had works, deeds, prophecies and prophets and yet betrayal ... it is for this reason the Gentile was promised preservation along with endurance under the rule of the other Jesus that fronts for their deity, which they call g.o.d., practicing godism. Also, please understand that the legionaries you may have heard of from the age of the Iron Guard (see Tactical 11) were first călugări (monks). Those were civilians from all walks of life, sanctifying themselves and joining the Captain... Codreanu was a saint and a martyr for The Most High as well as a mentor in the fight against evil in his time. Thracians versus Caucasians is as real as the words you read... Thank you for viewing and may you be considered.

Genesis 3:7 “... leaves ...” - Cezar este ilegal, prietene. - “...frunze...” Matei 21:19
Please understand me well, prietene. I’m of old native white stock, in my own land, at the source, invaded as per Caesar fronting for her. I’ve been illegal in a foreign land, mostly in adversity with the law, and yet I’m free. I recently had this thought where a higher groomed local would ask me, “How can you have beef with the invaders if you come under the same auspices as they do?” Therefore, these days I’m that much more thankful for being home... please, remember these words: “Power is not found in knowledge, but in trust”
Legea libertății sexuale se petrece acum în Parlamentul României. Astfel, copiii nostri devin purtați de împotrivire în casele lor... În vest nu mai trebuie consimțământ de la părinte, pleacă băiat la școală și vine fetiță, cu tub și acte în regulă... Nemții sînt minoritari pe pământul lor și Africanul cu Mahomedanul se plânge că neamțul, alb de acum, e rasist, fiind în majoritate în Parlament, etc. Rămâne ca bibanii să-și ardă mamele pe video, pentru a le arăta și colegilor lor din ministerul educației, cum să-și ardă copiii lor. La fel, Mahomedanul să instaleze și la noi case de toleranță pentru fiicele și fiii Cre(ș)tinului, precum în Polonia, Olanda, Germania, unde aceștia sînt furați și traficați de bebeluși între ei. Pedofilia este o formă de dragoste și statul, după cum vezi, are planuri pentru ei; la fel și zoofilia își face loc... Ițik zice că este frate cu Mahomedanul și împreună împarte cu el, după legea lor, fetele de la trei ani în sus ale albului. Tu când auzi de copil dispărut, fie băiat sau fată... eu îți zic, trupurile nu se aruncă, ci se vând când nu mai pot fi folosite pe bucăți și pe organe (industrie de miliarde în trafic). Tu, însă, ține minte cuvintele acestea: „Puterea nu este în cunoștințe, ci în încredere”.

She rules the shadows .... Romania is not Africa and Mahomed is not welcomed here chiorule

Countless millions suffer the same fate under the democratic hand of the printed currency of the kike ... ”... se vor vinde unii pe altii ... shall betray one another...” (Matei 24:10) - The Captain lives Americane and all of your guns do not suffice to get to His neck

Lasă în comments ... caută Criminalul din Umbră pe bitchute ... Pub. circa 2015 ... Să trăiești !

They hate YOU my Lord

Fact checked Americane ... Kaufland e pentru tine bibane
( Deuteronomul 9:10 ) ... finger ... ! ... deget ... ( John 8:6 )

A short musical memo dear gentile ... below is the link mentioned in the video to which I come to understand that I would be shortening you for not leaving it. I am a servant and no amount of shortages will change that, may the Lord find you and consider you, very sincerely.
(The comments had been discussed at large pe tubul morții and a link for such purposes had been left in the about page section, thank you for understanding)

" ... dung upon the ground ... ! .... gunoiul pe fața pãmântului ...." ( Ieremia 25:33 )
Censured videos in Europe on this channel are posted on the about page address ....
Podcast I mentioned and if you want to get it translated, use the contact to my daughter below
( ) .... ( )

"...în alte limbi și prin buzele altora,..."... ! ..."....other tongues and other lips...."
( 1 Corinthians 14:21 )
Censured videos in Europe on this channel are posted on the about page address ....

Alb, negru, prietene ... ! ... Binecuvantare sau Blestem .....:))
Censured videos in Europe on this channel are posted on the about page address ....

Cãuta-vei și nu vei gãsi pe cei ce te urãsc pe tine și ca o nimica vor fi cei ce vor sã se lupte cu tine. Isaiah 41:12

Like I said, self mockery is a form of defense .... and that is not a rabbi ( Jude 1:18 ...mockers ... ) ( John 16:2 ... killeth ... )

Proverbs 21:31  The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

72 videos

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