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The following verse is written about those who have taken the serpent's poison. As they continue to alter their God-given DNA, they will grow weaker and weaker physically, and their minds will betray them. FiveG will play a large part in this degradation and I fear many will succumb to the serpent's venom pulsing through their veins and arteries.

The following verse features the lord of the air, the one who has been given power over our world, but only for short time. The greatest trick the devil ever played on mankind is convincing them that he doesn't exist. The only way to be set free from this existence is to trust in and accept our Lord Jesus Christ. Please heed my warning and the let the light of God rip the scales from your eyes, for time is of the essence.

This is my original poem written about the alien deception to come. These so called aliens will play a role in the end and they will help deceive mankind. The governments around the world are complicit with these beings, and many secrets have been hidden away.


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

3 videos

Category Arts & Literature

I am a humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are clearly living in the Last Days. I resigned and lost my twenty-year career as an English teacher in New York State because I wouldn't bend the knee to the jab. Despite this setback, I've had time to reflect and compose some verse/poems that relate both to the here-and-now and the future. If you haven't come to the Lord, Jesus Christ I urge you to do so before time runs out. He is the only way through all of this. Please understand I have no desire to share these verses, except for the fact I would like to warn as many souls of the atrocities to come as possible before it's truly too late.