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An absurd and destructive ideology has to create new terms to make its nonsense copatible to mainstream media and politics.

Link Chinese philosophy of warfare to the LGBT-movement and recognize the basic simularities.

Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft,
die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft.

Über viele Jahre hinweg haben gerissene Milliardäre unter Duldung der deutschen Politik den Steuerzahler um einen unbekannten Betrag in mehrstelliger Milliardenhöhe betrogen. Ein Bauernopfer steht nun vor Gericht.

Former chancellor Merkel got pickpocketed in a supermarket this week.

Untalented entertainer compares children to rats in the times of the plague.

German taxpayers contribute hundreds of millions of Euro to make the Samsun strike of the jewish regime more likely. What they get in return? Absolutely nothing!

Turkish politican becomes new minister in Germany despite his fraud with bonus miles in the past.

Vermutlich hat dies mit ihrer Ankündigung einer "feministischen Außenpolitik" zu tun.

Still unveiled documents of the Nuremberg trial.

Geboren in Hamburg als Sohn eines britischen Besatzungssoldaten erklärt er die Altersbestimmung von illegalen Migranten als "ethisch nicht vertretbar". Jetzt stimmt er für Impfpflicht auch für Kinder. Sein medizinisches Credo: Omikron sei so gefährlich wie Ebola!

Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.

Game theory and the selfdelusion of the"Refugees Welcome" ideology.

Unpublished text by Chaddanta

Text by Chaddanta

Unpublished text by Chaddant

Unpublished text by Chaddanta.

Yet unpublished text by Chaddanta

Still not published text by Chaddanta about the fact that cultures tend to accelerate when they perish.

A comment about the collaborators from Afganistan imported to Europe and the US in these days.

Short look on a college dropout and looser who lead a demonstration chanting "Germany, you crummy piece of shit!"

German text by Chaddanta

Dialog of a naiv citizen and a clown explaining the concept of political correctness.

German text of an still unpublished dystopia.

Unpublished German text by Chaddanta.


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

53 videos

Category None

I love the writings of Chaddanta and my topics are illegal mass immigration, migrant criminality, Jewish narcissism and its consequences for Western societies. Some extracts of the books "The Entrusted", "The Narcissus Fresco" and parts of still unpublished manuscripts are presented in English and German language.