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Roughcut for Speed Racer parody dub. Soundmix is still incomplete.

Seriously, who edited the Unseen Tapes? How did this even get aired? Did they arrest the editor afterwards as well?

This is the ONLY honest and independent review of Sea of Thieves on the entire internet. Underrated game? Overrated game? Watch this video to get an expert's perspective. You will never guess what happens at the end of this video unless you are some kind of clairvoyant. Which technically doesn't constitute you making a guess, but rather you'd be using psychic abilities to foresee a future event accurately. Also, Acid Trip39 can take a hike.


A review for a brand new game that just came out. I bet Undead Labs is working on a sequel for this one.

Jeff Strain on Twitter

Song contest entry by: Zabujard

Click Critics is the only web show on the internet in which two experts honestly and independently talk about the hottest video games and help consumers decide which games to get.

In this episode, Jazmik and Nathan discuss Closed Nightmare, the hottest horror game of this week.

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Settle in for a professional perspective on Ubisoft's latest open-world bonanza of blasts!

Darrell Long Twitter

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The In Memoriam for this episode is dedicated to the late TotalBiscuit.

A professional web show in which two experts on video games cast their sharp eyes on the hottest releases.

In this informative video two experts discuss the video game Vampyr by Dontnod Entertainment.

Check out vampyr-game.com

Nicolas Simon on Twitter


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

8 videos

Category Gaming