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Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

2490 videos

Category None

Dear Bitchute Viewer,

I created this channel to have a place to post video clips I collected over the years. I thought it would be cool
to have a page where others could find something to laugh at or temporarily distract them from all
the DRAMA that surrounds us all everywhere.

I have no political or social agenda to promote here, Bitchute has thousands of those channels already.
I occasionally make a title with a twist on something from "the news" as a parody or a source of humor.
Most often I use a common phrase or saying to describe a clip, when it might show just the opposite.
It becomes difficult to create unique and original titles for 300 cat videos.

If you find something here distasteful or offensive I can assure you that was not my intention. I don't know the mind set of every person on this web site.

To those who are subscribers,
I'd like to say Thank You for being a part of this effort and the funny or insightful comments you add