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Man defends his home from an intruder and would be kidnapper, only to have brave agents of the state show up and murder him.

Nosy neighbor calls cops on woman because her front door was open, cop executes woman for having a gun in her house.

Cop shoots a homeowner for for believing he has a right to bear arms.

Stupid reasoning from atheists.

Ben Howe wrote something stupid for the Washington Post, I respond. I also touch on John Piper's political stupidity as well.

I read and interact with David Breitenbock's article on the Federalist regarding the death of Star Wars and its cultural implications.

Vulgar, stupid, and downright moronic signs and the Vancouver Climate Strike, if they don't take themselves seriously why should we?

MSNBC gatekeepers cut off Trump in mid speech to "fact check" him

Man kicks a person in a government issued costume, man receives 99 years in prison

The doomsday cult that poses as "science" has a long track record of failed predictions.

After John Bolton was fired by Trump, Shapiro laments the lose of bellicosity around the White House.

A brief exploration as to why men hate modern church.

President Trump fires National Security Advisor John Bolton, sticking to his commitment to be an agent of peace.


Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

14 videos

Category None

General musings on philosophy, theology, politics, and farming from a rowdy Christian libertarian.