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There is a legislative process. Governors can’t mandate anything. Orders and recommendations are not laws.

Governor Newsom's comments come from his Jul 27, 2020 COVID update.

#California #MaskMandate #FaceCoverings

Biden cartoon by Sven Stoffels:

California Senator Richard Pan (D) interviews Alameda County interim health officer, Dr. Erica Pan, on testing, contact tracing, and isolating those infected with COVID-19.

Dr. Erica Pan:

"...the ongoing interesting balance for public health is individual sort of liberties vs protection of the public health and so this pandemic is certainly testing that at all levels, how much individuals are willing to give up their own liberties, or not, for the good of the public health, and our authority to do so and our enforcement of others, which is one of the challenges as far as case and contact investigation and isolation and quarantine."

“So, uhh, you know, as you just said, an effective isolation would be if someone who's really kind of on their own, umm, and not living with other people that they're having contact with...."

"But I think as far as what we need, again, to more effectively contain this pandemic is to make sure that, umm, you know, as you just asked that if there’s someone in a crowded household where they can’t have their own bedroom and bathroom, that we really should be trying to house and isolate them safely.”

“...jurisdictions across the state and the country are really working on getting places to put people that can’t isolate safely.”

"We also issue, umm, you know, early on, as far trying to contain, we issued legal isolation orders that have a lot of details on all of the things they need to be doing, umm, to make sure they’re staying away from others, and again, has, uh, health officer authority that could be enforced by law enforcement..."

"And then because the numbers start to become big, we then issue what we call blanket isolation and quarantine orders just to make sure people realize they were under that authority that they needed to stay isolated. Umm, and so that's another layer as well, but, certainly housing and making sure people can be safe."

"Another big effort of us and others is, uhhh, obviously people can't shelter at hom..

Former Marine Cordie Lee Williams DC had some words with Gavin Newsom's California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers decked out in riot gear after they forcibly stole the people's Right to peacefully protest and petition their government for redress of grievances at the California State Capitol Park in Sacramento, May 1, 2020.

According to the actions of the CHP under the authority of Governor Gavin Newsom, the Constitution is no longer valid or recognized as the law of the land. According to them, as demonstrated and well documented, on this day, as soon as you leave the ***public*** sidewalk and step foot within the ***public*** park, God-given Rights protected by the Constitution cease to exist.


From Cordie Lee Williams DC on Facebook May 2, 2020 at 1:21 PM:
"So you don’t have to wait!!! Here it is at the beginning. I apologize for some of the explicit language. I’m a Christian but my USMC came out after seeing so many of my friends violated and abused. Love you guys. Stay SAFE and STAND UP!!! The Tyranny is everywhere!! Think about all the men that died on so many hills and in so many jungles, and sand boxes around the world. We have an obligation to preserve FREEDOM!!!"

Joshua Coleman's Livestream:

Andy Wakefield was interviewed recently on Jan 26, 2020 to discuss his new upcoming film, "1986-THE ACT" on the Autism One.Org Talk Radio show with Candyce Estave.

Candyce asks Wakefield about his meeting with Donald Trump that occurred on Aug 11, 2016 before the election in Kissimmee Florida.

For the source of this video and full interview:

To jump to the segment about the meeting (9:14 in):

For more comments from Trump on autism visit here:
Trump Questions the Increasing Rate of Autism

To learn more about Andy Wakefield's upcoming film follow his new podcast here:
And here:
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#Trump #Wakefield #Autism

State and local heath departments are being coerced by the federal government to conduct mass vaccination drills in every state.

"Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement is a critical source of funding for state, local, and territorial public health departments."

See Map:

Follow: #MVops

Video source - Sept. 2009 - KMBC 9

Jeffrey Epstein was not Bill Gates’s only connection to convicted sex offenders involving minor children. Gates had an engineer working out of his home in Seattle who was busted with over 6000 images of child pornography in which some images included the rape of children. This POS was never jailed for this until after he was convicted nearly a year later and just like Gates’s buddy Epstein, the sicko was only given a very short sentence — 90 days in jail with 2 years probation.

The search of the sicko's apartment was done on March 20, 2014. The charges were filed at a later date. Reported in this video on Dec 31, 2014 it says: "Jones has not been jailed, but he is ordered to stay away from all children." NOT JAILED!? He didn’t do any time until he was sentenced. WTF?!?? TIMELINE OF EVENTS

May 2006 - Jeffery Epstein charged with multiple counts of unlawful sex acts with a minor.

June 2008 - Epstein sentenced 18 months but was assigned to a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade where he was able to hire his own security and allowed to leave for work, up to 12 hours a day, six days a week.

March 2013 - Bill Gates flew on convicted sex offender Epstein's plane.
March 2014 - Bill Gates' employee working at their mansion in Seattle is busted for sending 6000 images of child porn on Gmail, some images included rape.
Note: Gates didn’t become friends with Epstein until after he was convicted. Also, it has still not been confirmed whether the sicko is still working for Bill Gates or not.

#BillGates #Epstein #CrimeAgainstChildren

Video Source: KIRO7

Catherine Condinho, a vaccine-free student athlete and now hero and voice for naturally healthy children, addresses the Toronto Board of Health Hearing / Strategy to Address Vaccine Hesitancy on September 23, 2019.

Ethan Lindenberger, you can’t touch this.

Who’s Ethan Lindenberger?

#SB276 Attorney Leigh Dundas of Advocates For Physicians' Rights gives speech outside Sacramento County Jail just after one of the last three moms and gentleman were released on Monday 9/9/2019 at 10:15 PM. Hundreds of families occupied the State Capitol resulting in the arrest of at least 5 people. The breastfeeding moms were held the longest of all the women arrested at the protest. Video shows the breastfeeding moms exiting the county jail right after Dundas's speech.

The first of the three moms walked out of the county jail at 10:02 PM. The last protester a gentleman walked out of the county jail at 10:54 PM. Another mom was released earlier in the day and was back at the capitol before the protest ended with a speech by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. She was charged with 6 misdemeanors.

#Sacramento #Protest

For more information visit:

Did she really just say that? Confusing, huh? Be sure to thank her anyway! Tell her we don’t want politicians deciding what to do with our bodies either!

#SB277 #SB276 #mybodymychoice
Video Attribution:

Unraveling the Mystery of Autism; Talking With the CDC Director Julie Gerberding; Stories of Children with Autism; Aging with Autism
Aired March 29, 2008 - 8:30 ET

Full interview here thanks to Ginger Taylor (please subscribe while you're there):

#Autism #JulieGerberding #CDC

Who in their right mind would allow their children to be around let alone be touched by this man? #CreepyPan #SB277

Creepy music by myuu:


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

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