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LINKS below!

Since Paul's 2019 stroke Paul's memory (and vision) are badly affected but we can all learn from and benefit from his ideas, and working projects like the Philadelphia Orchard Project, or people-to-people healthcare with the Ithaca Health Alliance.

Narrow leftists will hate "What, no single payer healthcare here?" and some Bitchute trolls will hear Paul was involved with Green Party, tune out, FALSELY assume 101 things he's not for -- reality: different urban and "lefty" people/groups have VERY different views (For exmaple, fact: The Black Caucus of the Green Party had one of the strongest Anti-lockdown, Anti-mandate statements anywhere: (or )"Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are among the most vile, unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory and outright criminal policies ever enforced upon the population" said these Greens, and said more)

This video, channel, and archive is for neither narrow group that shuts its ears, eyes, and mind to new win-win ideas and coalitions.

Then there's those of us who come from a sane, , practical, but values-based approch that values mutual respect, keeping our principles while at the same time being pragmatic about finding actual working examples andprojects that help better people's lives and give them control, autonomy, while meeting our needs..

..learn about activist Paul Glover's projects.

1) How Elites Resist Change: ( ) "Whenever grassroots activists challenge destructive governmental/corporate action, they face a sequence of resistance which generally goes like this:[...]"

2) End corporate-governmental monopoly rule with WISE (Whole Ithaca Stock Exchange) "...GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: gradually taking over certain govt functions on a nonprofit direct democratic basis; volunteers earning community equity replace taxes collected by force.." -- [...] "Everybody wants more money so they can enjoy life, send kids to college and retire well. To achieve these, over 40% of American households have invested in stocks and bonds.
But Wall Street is risky and even destructive. ..let the big boys shoot craps with their billions-- we can bring our pensions and savings home to rebuild America, starting in [our local town/city]

3) Philadelphia Orchard Project -- ( ) "POP works with community-based groups and volunteers to plan and plant orchard filled with useful and edible plants in formerly vacant lots.."

4a) ( )

4b) ( )

5) ( )

6) ( ) Hometown Money: How to Enrich Your Community with Local Currency, 100pp. "The founder of Ithaca HOURS explains step-by-step how to start up and maintain a local currency system. Since 1991, $110,000 of Ithaca HOURS, worth $10 each, have been issued and used by thousands of residents, including 500 businesses and over 100 community organizations, adding millions of dollars of trading to Ithaca's Grassroots Local Product. " Not Corporatism/Gov't duopoly but "Mutual Enterprise". What's that? Read it! ( )


Non-troll, sincere inquiries, welcome at:
[email protected]


Hat tip: Steve Grumbine's channel, original:

4:35 Why I agree to be the Governor nominee for the Greens
7:37 How do you build policy for a state like PA?
[...]38:38 Eliminate all Unfunded Federal Mandates


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

1 video

Category None