Last Movie Outpost

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Last Movie Outpost

Last Movie Outpost


Catching up on the latest news and reviews! Who will come to the stream?

Hillbilly Elegy is a good movie that's being ravaged by critics. How can you review a movie so poorly while audiences give it a good score? How can you review Cuties so positively while audiences are revulsed?

The answer is critics have betrayed their vocation in favor of their weird political cult. Their credibility is shot. I review Hillbilly Elegy and then look at the bizarre divide between regular people and the critics.

Finally, a new Overlooked! This time we take a quick look at 2010: The Year We Make Contact and review why you should give it a second look.

2010 was not the masterpiece 2001 was but upon further review, this was a solid movie and deseves a second look.


Drunken Yoda has another review for the Overlooked: The Paper (1994). Ron Howard's 1994 film is a great movie on the newspaper industry. The Paper is a very overlooked movie in Howard's resume but you should give it another look.

The weird wild story of Flash Gordon, a great movie and a terrible movie all at the same time! For the 40th Anniversary of this movie, let's take a look at what it took to bring it to the screen. This documentary behind the scenes story of this 1980 masterpiece is weird, funny, and had to be told to be believed.

Excerpts used from Life After Flash documentary, here's their website:


See my interview with Life After Flash director Lisa Downs!

Two Towers Book vs Movie - How does the movie fair against the book? Fuloydo and Drunken Yoda continue their discussion. Which was better, the book? Or the Movie?

Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy gets another look, this time The Two Towers. Enjoy our in depth discussion.
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Why Characterization Matters: A comparison of Star Trek vs. Star Wars. I bet you didn't know how alike these trilogies are! It's the characters and how we react to them that matter. And why we hate what today's filmmakers are doing to them!

Star Trek trilogy is made of of Star Trek II-IV while the Star Wars Trilogy is the Original.


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This is it! You decided and voted! The only election that matters this year! The top 30 movies!

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What was Life After Flash Gordon for Sam Jones? Lisa Downs, sits down with Yoda to tell us all about her experience creating Life After Flash, as well as some sneak peeks on her upcoming projects! And if you haven't see my documentary on Flash Gordon, by god go now!

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Two Towers Book vs Movie - How does the movie fair against the book? Fuloydo and Drunken Yoda continue their discussion. Which was better, the book? Or the Movie?

Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy gets another look, this time The Two Towers. Enjoy our in depth discussion.
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Drunken Yoda brings in a guest, Fuloydo to discuss the Lord of The Rings movies and how it differs Vs the book. Are the changes good, bad or indifferent? Fuloydo knows the books inside and out to tell us where the movies went wrong!

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Here's a movie that isn't as well remembered as it should be. This analysis of Punch Drunk Love is a little different than the making-of history I usually do. I go into the themes and symbolism behind this wonderful little romance. Adam Sandler makes his debut in his first film that isn't a Happy Madison garbage fire.

Paul Thomas Anderson crafts Punch Drunk Love into something special and Sandler and Watson make this a joy to watch.

Entertain the Elk:

Ben and Yoda have an in-depth discussion on collecting original comic art. Why Ben likes it and how there is some unscrupulous dealers and auctioneers out there.

We show you some of his collection and let you know what to watch out for.

Welcome to the Last Movie Outpost's YouTube channel!

Another Overlooked movie, Popeye from 1980! This weird movie is a favorite of mine but I understand while it's not as well loved by most. Maybe this review will change your mind or at least give it a try!

Popeye is a weird movie by Robert Altman and stars Robin Williams and Shelly Duvall. I love it and here's why.

Welcome to a new series here on Last Movie Outpost: The Overlooked. Today's movie: Firefox. A pretty darn good cold war yarn about the stealing of a Soviet jet fighter.

Firefox was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood. The Overlooked is a new series about those movies that no one remembers but are solid nonetheless.

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Come one, come all to the great comedy movie debate! What is funny anyway? We'll discuss the great comedies of the past and current!

Open Forum! Post your questions and I'll answer them live!


I love a good practical effect. Here's one that is very clever and very subtle.

We at the last movie outpost attempt to fix The Last Jedi. Did we succeed?

We drink and gab about what's going on in entertainment! Nothing crazy, just stir crazy!

Drunken Yoda finally gets off his duff to make a video! He's actually making a big video on The Last Jedi but until that sucker is done, here's something to tie you over!

The Harley Quinn movie just came out and apparently the Birds of Prey are in it! It's true! Sort of.

Was the movie good? Here's our review!


I'm sure you've seen the reviews and quite honestly my take isn't all the much different to the movie itself. Now that's it's all done, I thought I'd react to much of the reactions to this movie and how we got here.

So what did Drunken Yoda think of Dr. Sleep? The forty year sequel to the Shining? Watch and find out!


Yes I love this show. Why can't the rest of the Disneyfied Star Wars Universe be like this?


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

30 videos

Category Entertainment

We are the Bitchute channel for Last Movie Outpost is comprised of movie buffs with our own spin on entertainment these days. If you're interested in joining a group of guys trying to make this a go, [email protected] and we'll talk! We're always looking for contributors and video makers. Hope you enjoy our content!