The Nous

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The Nous



The partial story of how burning, cutting, and poisoning has been accepted by the masses as "medicine". H I S - S T O R Y is written by the victors as the adage goes, thankfully to all that good in this world, it is being rewritten currently by seekers of truth and peace and no longer the Rockefeller Syndicate.

"I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans".
Eustice Mullins
Murder By Injection written in 1988

Eustice Mullins lived in the basement of the Library of Congress to ascertain the information contained in this most prescient book, in other words, he used "their" own records to inform humanity.

May he now rest in peace.

Discussion in 2014 on the Abhorrency that are vaccines

If we are going to run, might we all run to discover the Causes, not the systematic obfuscation of the "Cures"...
"Ignorance is the root and stem of all Evil ~Plato

Ig Nor Ance = to ignore

Our discussion with Mr. Jay Weidner on 7/1/2016. A renowned Film Maker, Author, and Esoteric Scholar. Jay has been featured with The History Channel as an associate producer for the series on Nostradamus, along with being a regular guest on George Noory's Coast to Coast Am. He is held in extremely high regard by some of the most intelligent people alive today for his ongoing and unique work.

Jay Weidner is now the Senior Developer of Content for Gaia and is widely known for his documentaries and analysis of the Genius that is Stanley Kubrick.

Recorded live in the summertime of 2016. Tonight we discuss everything from Gnosticism and the Holy science, to the Light Body and Human Nutrition.

Video was banned from you tube, you know the freedom of speech platform, Dr. Edward Group and Kyle Jessop in 2015.

Part one of our Innerview with Sofia Smallstorm on May 1 2018. Sofia is in part, a preeminent researcher whom is one of the most well informed individuals on this possibly flat earth today.

In case one feels these laudatory words are an embellishment or for designed effect, I will encourage them to discover for themselves the profound insight she possesses which she has been presenting through her lectures and written material for several decades now.

Sofia translates from the Greek and many other vernaculars to Wisdom, and is where the terms sophisticated and sophist are also derived.

Sofia Smallstorm certainly exemplifies these qualities and her messages are crucial for the possible healing of Mother Earth.

~What we do in this life echoes throughout eternity.
Marcus Aurelius


Jesop radio Innerviews, and all video content is copyrighted intellectual property. No portion, in whole or part may be reproduced or uploaded without the expressed written consent of Jessop Radio.

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We feel during these tumultuous times it is crucial to disseminate alternative information, in so that we as a collective are able to ascertain some semblance of truth on consequential matters not properly covered in the mainstream media.

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Created 10 months, 4 weeks ago.

6 videos

Category None

Syncretic, benevolent by any definition entity, relentlessly endeavoring simply for unbridled truth and the vivifying knowledge therein, so as to assist massively, all other peaceful beings with the primary purpose ascribed to the whole of humanity ~Obtaining Wisdom.