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I think God might have stopped me from doing something very stupid and dangerous.

Islam has a problem if the Bible is corrupted.

I could be wrong, but, it SOUNDS like the terrorists are saying "Allahueggbert!!" to me.

After taking LSD, a Muslim meets Allah. This is from my novel "Allah's New Black Rock", also known as "The Black Rock Redemption", a science fiction novel that used the Koran and hadith as inspiration. If you want to see the complete conclusion, go to those titles above in Amazon. It's in ebook form.

A Muslim goes off into the desert to test a bomb he made and ends up meeting Allah after taking LSD.

A Muslim goes to the Black Rock Desert to test a bomb he made, gets trapped in mud, and, seeing no hope, tries LSD, creating an Alice In Wonderland effect all based on the Koran and hadith, meeting Allah as described by Muhammad in sahih (sound) hadith.

A Muslim goes out into the Black Rock Desert, gets trapped in mud, feels he is going to die and takes LSD since he feels he has nothing to lose. In the process, an Alice In Wonderland situation comes about for him, but, it's all based on the Koran and hadith that he's very familiar with.

If you want to help out the world's best expositor of Islam (showing Islam's weaknesses and other fallacies), watch this video.

From a novel I wrote called "Allah's New Black Rock" or "The Black Rock Redemption". It's a novel that exposes Islam as a Muslim terrorist goes off into the Black Rock Desert to test a bomb he made and finds that Allah wants him to be the NEW "Seal of The Prophets".

Having a growing hairy mole on his back was a sign that Muhammad was the "Seal of the Prophets" (the last prophet). Thus, if you have the same thing, start lying and saying you were squeezed to near death every time you said to an angel you are too stupid to read, and, you might be able to reform Islam.

There is a test to see if you really believe in what Muhammad says about being protected all day from both magic and poison.


Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

11 videos

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