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Second year in a row I won't be seeing my 82-year old mother, courtesy of #theNAC's lies, the TRUSTED's lie. This Global Criminal Cartel, Right here, abusin' the elderly, mentally retarded and anyone else they deem to be 'lesser'. Usin' GOD's Words to do it. OH, and the Electric Company, Scheister Schneider Style. #ElectTRICK 'Be Not Deceived'
CLINTON CARTEL FUNDERS sans #theFLOCK's knowledge & consent
Comin' into members homes. Guess what? Their sheep's clothin' just fell right the fuck off.

'Apostle' Thomas Schmidt from https://nac-usa.org/
strait outta NY. Great Neck Style. #PreacherPrivilege Style. Actively lying to the elderly and mentally retarded. Lying about what? All of it. #CLINTONcartel funding, Schneider Electric's August Acquisition of ProLeit AG Supply Chainers, for Food, Meds, Energy. The New Apostolic Church is a NORTH AMERICAN ENERGY POWER BROKER. #soundGODLY? These experienced controllers, harmers extraordinaire, NGO style, this evil is ending. And one of these little boys who's known my elderly mother for 50 plus years, is gonna tell her the truth. Under their own volition, or under compelling circumstance, makes no difference to God.

Global Criminal Syndicate right here:
Family dismemberment specialists, via lies.
Can you even believe that DOD contractor employee and 'Evangelist' or "Shepherd" Michael Freund (strait outta Northern Virginia #hotspot) said that Jean-Luc Schneider (Chief-Apostle of the New Apostolic Church International - aka MOB BoysInBlack) is not the SAME jeannyS that has more than a prevailing interest in Schneider Electric! Right here: https://www.se.com/us/en/
WHY does this organization, this 'church', these 'men of their own gods', have North American Power Energy Broker status? Randy Bauer, CT, it's their #COO.

k stefan heinzelmann, #germanIMPORT from #theNAC right here: https://nac-usa.org/ #chicagoSTYLE #clintonCARTELfunder #forgotTOtellTHEflock #weRhereTOremindKstefanHEINZELMANNandSOisTHElaw #XchangeXcommunicate the same only different? #HMMM

FuxNws #theFOLLOWup


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

13 videos

Category None

XTRA XTRA read ALL about IT
Lifelong 'TRUSTED' betrayersINchief - Right here: https://apostlegate.org/ and right here GLOBALstyle https://nak.org/en #naziSTYLE
RogueRectors, SinisterMinisters, takin' little girls to Court to #shutHERup and #shutHERdown
They told Rosa Parks to 'Stand Up' and they told Erin Cook to 'Stand Down' and then proceeded to STEAL her mentally retarded sister from her, all under the guise of 'EDC is CRAZY'. That ain't what the papers say, BOYS. And trust and believe, this #aintNOwhitePAPER