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Salgadinho Fake!
Eu comprei este salgadinho querendo só comer uns raiozinhos de milho, porém dentro do pacote só havia baciazinhas de milho!
(Fake snacks!
I bought this snack just wanting to eat a few corn rays, but inside the package there were only little bowls of corn!)

Filhote de vagalume, mostrando sua inteligência de inseto esperto e ágil diante de um ser humano que o colocou numa corda!
(Baby firefly, showing his intelligence as a clever and agile insect in front of a human being who put him on a rope!)

Salmon-colored sky seen above the Dariozinho Project Stadium, in Carmolândia - Tocantins

Talvez vocês sempre tenham visto um vagalume avoando por aí e piscando sua luz verde, mas nunca viu a sua larva! Filhote de vagalume (Larva)
(Maybe you've always seen a firefly flying around and flashing its green light, but you've never seen its larva! Baby firefly (Larva))

Larva de vagalume, este animalzinho (inseto), tem uma inteligência inegável que vejo, que os cientistas não conhecem!
(Firefly larvae, this little animal (insect), has an undeniable intelligence that I see, that scientists don't know about!)

Dancing fly, running its paws on its ass!


Created 5 months, 3 weeks ago.

438 videos

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