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The Queen seems well please with Trudeau's Tyrannical Dictatorship
Aired Perth Australia Tuesday 8th March 2022
And she's the head of Anglican Church

If you can believe anything the MSM reports?

This video spawned out of questions to "government" in Australia seeking validation of their rightful authority. Uncovered was a parallel system of government, simply a corporation masquerading as government.

Please also see highly recommended video: The Occult Art of Law

Introduction into how we are all registered by our birth certificate, as a legal company owned by the Crown, then all our future labor traded as bonds.

Also please see: What the FUQ? Frequently Unanswered Questions of the "Australian Government"

Use the following as reference after watching The Occult Art of Law - by Alan of Salisbury
Legalise translated to English:

• Registration (Cars, Software, Children, To Vote) = in legal terms you are giving away whatever you are registering to whoever you are registering it with! You buy a piece of software, it doesn’t work until you register it – which means that you are giving it away. It doesn’t work without their magic secret code. What they will do is grant you a licence, and a licence comes with terms and conditions of use. If you are in breach of that licence there are consequences. And the licence may have terms and conditions in how the words that form the licence are defined or translated.
• Application: 17th C translation – you are a beggar and it is presumed that you know what you are giving up in order to get what you are begging for!
• Submit: means you bend to another’s will. So if you “Submit an Application to Register” – what you have done is given up all your rights voluntarily! There is a law against slavery, but there is no law against voluntarily slavery. We have been deceived, an immaculate deception.
• Birth Certificate- the mother is the “informant; The certificate is a bond.
• Application
• Bond – is an abbreviated word which comes from bondage.
• Crown Corporation – it has the Crown Corporation Logo on it: legally you have been given into bondage to the Crown Corporation.
• “Warning: A Certificate Is Not Proof of Identity. – but it is the document from which many other “proofs of id” are derived. If it is not proof of identity then what is it legally?

Documents' transhumanism and how they do it with triple-strand DNA made from silicon and coated in Black Gold nanoparticles. Also highlights movies, adverts and music seducing those asleep into desiring this blasphemous satanic technology.

Listing facts surrounding the associations of key players who control the Covid Hoax narrative within Australia
sourced via
Note: gets really interesting about 5:30 mins into the video

It's what we are truly up against. 'NOW IS THE TIME' TO ACT...Simply DO NOT COMPLY now before it's too bloody late.
If you comply to wearing a mask you are in a way giving the Beast it's power.
If you allow a small section of the community to be required to show a vaccine passport, then incrementally it will come to you too. So stand in solitary for all mankind NOW
Shared from

CIA whistle-blower Dr Robert Duncan regrets developing "Voice of God" technology, describing it as a cataclysmic revolutionary event.
There is no end to the level of deception from the devil advocates. The thing I do know to be true are the virtues that make us human, these virtues result in the expression of love. This alone should be enough for a person who has a mind able to reason to accept there must be a Creator, for this wonderful world could only exist if by design. Our God is of love
List of 25 Virtues:

This video from 'The Economist' shows how all the big tech giants; DARPA, Elon Musk etc are racing full pace to connect man with Hydra to AI

Also in the following video see how Hydra from just one cell can replicate i.e live forever:

Hydra supposedly found in Covid vaccines: this PBS video demonstrates half of Hydra's cells are actually stem cells. Imagine just one cell is all that is needed to continue replicating i.e. forever.
I have the feeling the presenter's smug demeanor suggests she is addressing this to the useless eaters.

Also in the following video produced by 'The Economist' shows how 6bn was given for research to make Hydra connect to AI, scary stuff indead

Australian Royal commission into the institutional treatment of children; SENATOR Bill Heffernan revealed 28 suspected pedophiles from the highest levels of government, including a former prime minister, judiciary from the Supreme Courts and also implicating the Family Law Courts.
Either Jeffery Epstein has been busy blackmailing these public figures or they belong to the many secret (or not so secret) societies drunk on adrenalchrome

To fully appreciate this documentary it helps knowing the Military Industrial Complex has researched weaponizing the weather since the Vietnam war and can be responsible for some of the bizarre weather seen on the idiot-box today: see
Aired 8 March 2007 in the UK, 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' is ever so relevant today. Many world experts agree; global warming is a very profitable hoax and is another mechanism to brainwash, enslave and control us.

This informative video gives an overview of what is currently happening in the world in less than 1 hour.
Two investment companies: Vanguard and Blackrock own pretty much anything and everything there is to own.

Cancer: the biggest scam, this documentary starts by examining the beginning of modern medicine with large sums of money from John D Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and J P Morgan. Several examples are given of successful cancer cures and the extraordinary lengths the AMA (American Medical Association) went to shut them down. It is little wonder we now see today doctors literally murdering Covid patients with ridiculous treatments.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms, this film shows why it is absolutely necessary.
What happens when self defense is against the law. What happens when the protectors become the predators. 170.000.000 lives murdered by their own Governments in the 20th century


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

14 videos

Category News & Politics

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12

“The simple step of a courage's individual is not to take part in the lie.
One word of truth outweighs the world”
-Aleksandr I. Solzhentsyn